View Full Version : Miter Saw Table Dust Collection

Don Abele
10-05-2003, 8:30 PM
Started making my new miter saw table this weekend, pretty much completed with the exception of finishing up the drawers and working out the dust collection.

After sealing up the bottom of my saw I tested the down-draft method. Unfortunately, it really didn't work very well at grabbing most of the dust that shot out the back. Though it did reduce it some.

In the past I've used a hood secured behind the saw and got excellent results with that. But that takes up a lot of room behind the saw and I was hoping to keep the saw as far back as possible.

So what do you all use that works? Hood, downdraft, combination, other...your experience is appreciated.

Also, how many of you really use a fence to the right? I don't think I've ever used mine (on previous table) and don't plan on installing one right now. I always leave the long end to the left so can't see why I'd need a fence to the right - so why do you have one?

Be well,


Mike Evertsen
10-05-2003, 8:39 PM
I thought it was because of being left handed that it didn't make sense to me that my miter saw came with a scale on the right side,I always cut on the left side of the blade so I can see the line,,,,when build the new saw table I will put the scale and the stop blocks on the left,,,,

Jim Becker
10-05-2003, 9:17 PM
Doc, do you have both the downdraft and blade guard pickups working simultaniously? The downdraft doesn't eliminate the need for the blade guard pickup. Both working should get "most" of the chips, but it's nearly impossible to get "all" of the stuff from a miter saw.

Todd Burch
10-05-2003, 9:23 PM
You must never cut mitered mouldings - I cut on both sides of mine all the time. ALL the time.

For a scale, however, only on the left would suit me fine.

Don Abele
10-05-2003, 10:29 PM
Jim, I did try using them both and must admit I didn't see a great improvement over just using the rear hood. Though I figure I'll probably leave it that way, since it's already there :)

Todd, I've cut a lot of moldings, including thousands of feet of crown, but can't recall using the other side (it was about 8 years ago so I may be mistaken). With the handle on the right it's hard to put anything on that side anyway. Am I missing something?

Thanks again, be well...


Jim Becker
10-05-2003, 11:18 PM
Jim, I did try using them both and must admit I didn't see a great improvement over just using the rear hood. Though I figure I'll probably leave it that way, since it's already there.

Don't forget the basic premise of dust collection...moving air. You need to insure that there is enough air flow through the base of the saw for it to be even mildly effective. I found I needed to replace the insert on my CMS with a shop-made one that has a bunch of holes in it...this also made for a zero-clearance slot for less tearout. (The holes for air flow are parallel to the blade slot)