View Full Version : The Box From ??

Scott Donley
08-24-2006, 6:42 PM
The box from,well you know, I lost the top, not once, but twice, at 1000 rpm. I would not make a good juggler other than for entertainment purposes J First time I fixed the dents, second time I left them, I was running out of top to fix L Got to use my new Sorby (used) side edge scraper and feel in love, the inside of the box has never looked this good. The wood is doeno wood, my last piece a shame “cause I really liked it. Finish is Minwax wipe on poly, 4 inches tall and 3 ¾ wide. You’re welcome to critique, as I have REALLY thick skin J

Henry C. Gernhardt, III
08-25-2006, 3:01 AM
I can see why you like that dunno wood, Scott---it is very pretty. I like the overall form you've decided on. If I may, the only improvement I would make is to smooth out the curve transitions in the lid.

Corey Hallagan
08-25-2006, 8:35 AM
Nice one Scott, I like my sqare end box scraper as well. If you have a diamond hone to sharpen it, it will make all the difference in how it cuts. The box is great, beatuiful wood and the shape is nice.


Mark Cothren
08-25-2006, 9:33 AM
No critique to offer, Scott. But that is some very interesting and nice-looking wood. That's also a nice box. From the picture the inside of the box does look very cleanly cut. Good goin'!

George Conklin
08-25-2006, 10:01 AM
No critique to offer, Scott. But that is some very interesting and nice-looking wood. That's also a nice box. From the picture the inside of the box does look very cleanly cut. Good goin'!


Rick Doyle
08-25-2006, 10:02 AM
Ditto - nice job!

Bernie Weishapl
08-25-2006, 10:46 AM
Nice job on the dunno wood Scott. Has some interesting features about it. Nice job.

John Miliunas
08-25-2006, 11:54 AM
OK, so where does a guy get some more of that "dunno wood"??? :confused: That's beautiful, Scott. :) I agree with Henry that, maybe a little smoother transition on the lid would take it to the next level but, that's a great looking piece in its own right. Keep it up! :) :cool:

Scott Donley
08-26-2006, 12:31 PM
Thanks for the input guys. Every turning may not be a work of art, but it is an experiance :)

Henry C. Gernhardt, III
08-26-2006, 1:34 PM
Scott, don't sell yourself short. Your turning is a work of art, even if there are critiques. Art is not necissarily about perfection. Art simply is. What one person sees as art, another may not. It is my opinion that every turning that comes off our lathes is, in its own right, a work of art.

Mark Pruitt
08-26-2006, 3:28 PM
Scott, I sure wish you knew the species you have there, 'cause it's just stunningly beautiful. You ask for critiques, well, who am I to critique your work, having never turned a single box myself--only bowls thus far and few of them at that--but the one thing I would suggest just from an asthetical standpoint is a much smaller foot. Maybe just a gentle swerve to the outside as you approach the bottom. But hey--that's just my thinking, and I wouldn't let that detract from the beauty of what you have created. Way to go!