View Full Version : Fwiw

harry strasil
08-23-2006, 10:22 PM
Some people may be offended by my long winded, occasional attempts to set the record straight as I know it about the terminology and tools from the old days or our history. I if offend you just tell me to shut up and I will disappear into the woodwork so to speak like a good little termite. LOL


Jr. Strasil

Jim Becker
08-23-2006, 10:26 PM
Huh??? This "only occasionally Neander" woodworker is thoroughly enjoying your posts and learning a lot from them. PLEASE continue!

Don Baer
08-23-2006, 10:30 PM
I was using my jack plane to flaten some panels today and enjoying the quite in the shop. Please fell free to set me streight anytime you feel the need.

Still waiting for the next chapter in the apprentice.


Ian Gillis
08-23-2006, 10:32 PM
Junior, don't even think about shutting up. I am constantly learning from your posts. You just taught me that felloes and rims are 2 different things. Where else am I going to learn this stuff ??


Mark Singer
08-23-2006, 10:36 PM
Keep it up...I enjoy learning and your stuff is A+!

Martin Shupe
08-23-2006, 11:14 PM
Keep posting, Harry. Our elders are respected for their knowledge around here, and we appreciate your willingness to share.

Thanks for posting, and please keep it up.

harry strasil
08-23-2006, 11:47 PM
Elder, LMAO, just because my beard and hair are gray, my feet are flat, my back is bad, I need glasses and my hearing is gone. But the senior citizen discount is nice. LOL

Larry Gelder
08-24-2006, 5:13 AM
Didn't realize that Avatar was your picture. I thought it was Yosemite Sam.;)

Tony Falotico
08-24-2006, 5:59 AM
Harry, I both enjoy and respect your posts..... keep it up. Tony

Vaughn McMillan
08-24-2006, 6:03 AM
I'm so "occasionally neander" that I sometimes look for the power switch on a screwdriver, but I enjoy and learn a lot from your posts, Jr.

Keep 'em coming.

- Vaughn

harry strasil
08-24-2006, 9:03 AM
I was under the impression screwdrivers were powered by Ham, Eggs, Pancakes, Chocolate Cake and Ice Cream.

Mark Rios
08-24-2006, 9:59 AM
Did I miss something? When did this come up as an issue? If someone has a problem with Harry they can just suck swamp water AFAIC. :D Who else are we gonna get Harry's kind of knowledge, wit, humor, and neander history from.

We should all be paying Harry's health insurance or something to ensure that he stays around here to provide all that he does for us. ;) ;) ;)

Hope you're feeling better Harry, you're not going anywhere.

harry strasil
08-24-2006, 10:01 AM
didn't come up, I just felt guilty about my long winded posts.

Mark Rios
08-24-2006, 10:03 AM
didn't come up, I just felt guilty about my long winded posts.
What you call long winded we (well, me anyway) call not long enough. :D :D :D

Frank Fusco
08-24-2006, 10:06 AM
didn't come up, I just felt guilty about my long winded posts.

Catch a breath and keep talkin' . I gave up most of my neanderthal tools several years ago but still enjoy the notion of 'people power'. Much of what you do is inspiring. Like the scrap wood lathe. Incredible.

Dan Racette
08-24-2006, 10:20 AM
Keep them coming Harry.

As a youngster, I got a lot of information about woodworking and your posts are clearing up a lot for me about things that I didn't understand at the time. I sincerely appreciate your wisdom. This is the stuff that doesn't get published and in our modern electronic world, this wisdom sharing is what keeps us all working wood! You have made the idea light in my head glow brightly more than once! I think you inspire the inventor in all of us.


Zahid Naqvi
08-24-2006, 10:24 AM
Some people may be offended by my long winded, occasional attempts to set the record straight as I know it about the terminology and tools from the old days or our history. I if offend you just tell me to shut up and I will disappear into the woodwork so to speak like a good little termite. LOL

JR, why would you think that. Everyone on SMC is appreciative of the effort you are putting in, on the contrary we are thanful that you choose to spend your time with us and share your knowledge.

Tim Leo
08-24-2006, 10:41 AM
didn't come up, I just felt guilty about my long winded posts.

as my mother used to say, "You can stop feeling guilty about that right now, and get back to work."

Keep up the commentary, we enjoy it. If we don't think we will like it, we don't open it...just that simple.

Don Orr
08-24-2006, 10:52 AM
Harry, don't ever stop regaling us with your knowledge, skill, and humor. I know we are all our own worst critics, but go easy on yourself. Heck, I just started spending time over here and you are the reason I keep coming back! I'm really getting into "cordless" tools these days and look forward to learning from you.
I also can't wait to see the next installment of the "Apprentice":D .

Keep it comin',

Charles McKinley
08-24-2006, 4:29 PM
Harry please keep sharing your knowledge with us. People that are bother by long responses have two options: 1 Skim what is written. 2 Go to the next post.

So when are you opening a school or at least teaching a class at on of the schools that are already in exisistence?

I think a book is an excellent idea. Where do I get on the list?

harry strasil
08-24-2006, 4:45 PM
I have a small pocket sized book I am self publishing on Basic Blacksmithing tools and it has been an ongoing task since 2003 and is finally at the printer.

I know someone mentioned a book on neander woodworking, and that might be in the future some time. Even thought of a name for it The Neanders guide to using old tools. LOL

I know how nervous I get doing blacksmithing demoes in front of a group of blacksmiths and even in the winter, I have to wear a sweatband and wring it out frequently. When I demo for the public most of them have no idea how to use WW hand tools and just ask questions so I am more at ease. I don't think I would be able to give classes to real neanders.

Writing a book I have found out is not a simple thing.

Dave Ray
08-27-2006, 9:32 PM
Please keep writing and posting Harry, we are all learning from you.

Jim Dunn
08-27-2006, 10:57 PM
Harry, the few times I review the Neander forum I always look for your posts. I like knowledge of all types, and your is both informative and useful.

Clinton Findlay
08-28-2006, 12:01 AM
Feel free to give in to the "long-winded" urge, as you put it.
I enjoy seeing a North American take on the tools, and I consider that knowing the history of the tools to be a part of using the tools.

I'll be dissappointed if you stop passing on your knowledge, and consider it a loss if you start employing brevity.
After all, we can all skip your posts if we don't find them to be of value.:D