View Full Version : What a day

David Klug
10-04-2003, 10:41 PM
Today SAW (Sacramento Area Woodworkers) had their biannual shop tour. We had four shops on the tour and of course at each place there were coffee and goodies. It was great to get together with the guys and swap ideas, look at what others are doing. Everybody had their shops spit and polished and the really looked great.

As you might expect some of the shops were nice and roomy and some were very small. The smallest shop had the largest machine in it. Unfortunately I didn't get to visit with the owner because it was lunch time and he was the cook. The shop was around 16'x12' or 13' and in it he had a machine called a Hammer. I don't know whether that is what they called it or whether it was made by Hammer. One of the guys that knew a little about it said it had 5 motors in it. One of them operated the table saw, one the shaper, one the joiner/planer and I don't know what the other two operated. I'm going to set up an appointment with the member and see just what all that it will do.

All in all it was a great day and a lot of fun. I got to promote SAW a little so maybe some of them will join us.


Rick Potter
10-05-2003, 2:25 AM
Hammer machines are made in Austria, and the Western US headquarters is in............SACRAMENTO!!!

Hammer machines are the little brother of Felder machines. I am sure you can find the showroom. Bring bags of money.

Rick Potter :D