View Full Version : Danish Oil & Lacuer

Mike Hill
08-22-2006, 5:51 PM
I am finishing a walnut bread box for one of my Daughters for Xmas. Basically I plan on using Watco Danish Oil, 2 coats (natural), following with Behlen's Lacquer Sealer and the spraying gloss lacquer. I'll finish it with 000 and 0000 steel wool or leave it glossy depending on the look.

What I am after is a finish with the natural beauty of the Walnut and grain pattern there, but no grain holes or roughness.

Is the Danish Oil compatible with the sealer, or is there another way to do it?

Steve Schoene
08-22-2006, 6:18 PM
Watco is an oil/varnish mix that will "pop" the grain, and darken the walnut quite nicely. BLO will work as well. One light coat of either will do all that is needed in that respect.

The pores in walnut will take a bit more filling than your schedule is likely to achieve. While some do like to "sand in" the Watco to create a slurry to fill pores I haven't been impressed by that method. I think a commercial pore filler, such as Behlen's Por-O-Pac works more consistently. You can tint the pore filler to enhance the walnut color. If you put wash coat of shellac (or thinned lacquer) on over the Watco, you can use the pore filler without excessive darkening of the overall wood tone.

Then after waiting for the pore filler to become well cured--I like several days or a week--your lacquer top coat should work quite well. I don't think you need the sanding sealer, but one coat won't do damage.

Howard Acheson
08-22-2006, 11:02 PM
Let me warn you to not use any oil or oil based finish on the inside of the box. Oil based finishes off-gas almost forever and it will permeate the bread inside the box. Use only shellac or a waterborne finish. Personally for something like you are making I would probably avoid an oil finish on the outside too.

Mike Hill
08-24-2006, 12:57 PM
Thanks to both of you. Based on what you have said, I am sure this project will turn out fine.