View Full Version : Technique advice needed

Jim Stoppleworth
08-19-2006, 3:17 AM
It was discussed in the recent "Attaboys" thread how these forums do not lend themselves to technique issues very well. I'm feebly going to try and change that with my technique as a test.
I'm a dominant left hander. Using roughing out bowls as an example I stand on the other side of the lathe to hog out the inside. Other things I do must be backwards.
I want to teach myself to do at least some things right handed with the lathe. Right now with work, obligations etc. I can't take a class, nor am I in a position to join a club.
Can anyone point me to a book?, videos?
....Suggest practice exercises to train my right hand?


Tom Hintz
08-19-2006, 3:36 AM
Though I am right handed, I made a point of teaching myself to use my turning tools in both hands because it is just more comfortable, and occasionally safer, to switch sides with the tool.
I just went slow when going lefty and paid close attention to the presentaion of the cutting edge and bevel. It felt "different" at first but before long, I got the hang of it.
I'm not aware of any instructional mataerials specifically for lefties, though it does sound like a good idea. My brother is left-handed so I have a second-hand sense for the problems you encounter.

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
08-19-2006, 3:38 AM
Just do it.........swoosh........

Really, I do some stuff lefthanded, and it was hard at first, but I just kept at it, now I am almost as good lefty as righty.

For DVDs on Bowl turning, I cannot recommend Mr. Bill Grumbines DVDs enough.


Claude Arragon
08-19-2006, 10:19 AM
Lucky you to be left-handed, for most of the turnings closet o the chuck you do not have problems.
Now… what could I say but the fact that I teach all new turners to turn with both hands.
You are already quite used to turn with your left-handed capability, therefore there might be a simple solution if your lathe allows you to do so: rather than going on the other side of the lathe, which, by the way, is quite efficient, you might use “reverse turning” provided you have secured your chuck as, with reverse turning, it will unscrew itself quite rapidly.
Should your lathe has only one side of rotation the best thing is to train quite intensively with your right hand holding the gouge.

Jim Stoppleworth
08-20-2006, 7:48 AM

Lathe has only one direction of rotation, no capability of reversing.

For the left handers out there, how many of you have taught yourself to turn righthanded? how many have taught yourself techniques for just your left hand?


Jim Stoppleworth
08-20-2006, 7:52 AM
Just do it.........swoosh........

For DVDs on Bowl turning, I cannot recommend Mr. Bill Grumbines DVDs enough.


Have both of Bill's DVD's. when I first got them I'd try stuff righthanded and get so frustrated I switched to my left. I really want to learn righthanded methods so I'll go back to them and start over.


Andy Hoyt
08-20-2006, 8:16 AM
Rinse, lather, and repeat Jim.

again and again and again and.....