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Don Baer
08-19-2006, 12:24 AM
Don't know what happened to Karl so I'll start it for him.

I'm gonna start on a deck for LOML. It'll be a biggen made strickley from stick no shhet goods LOML said so it should be interesting. Here's a thread showing what I'm gitting myself in for.


so whats your weekend plans.

Brad Schmid
08-19-2006, 1:11 AM
Well, won't be doing anything woodworking related this weekend:( I just arrived in Dubai about 3 hrs ago and will be here til next Friday. When we landed at 5am this morning, it was still dark but 98 deg. I guess it will be 115 to 120 deg this afternoon. Hmmmm, Texas isn't lookin too bad about now;) I think I'll go find the local Harley dealer today and get a t-shirt and kill some time:D

Oh, btw, my Air France flight out of Houston (Boeing 777) yesterday blew the right side engine on takeoff. That was a little exciting. We flew around Houston on 1 engine for about 40 minutes dumping fuel then landed back in Houston. After the firetrucks hosed down the engine they let us off the plane and then we got the pleasure of getting back in line for rebooking on other flights. Oh the joy...

Have fun in your shops folks!

Karl Laustrup
08-19-2006, 7:43 AM
Thanks Don. My mind was in other places Friday.

It was a pretty hectic day yesterday. Had to pick up and do some cleaning of the house before I went over to the re-hab place to pick up my mom and occupational therapist for a walk through of our home.

Mom had knee replacement on July 17th and is ready to come home now after a little more than a month of therapy. OP had to check out the house to make sure mom could get around with a walker. We tried to tell her that I designed the house for handicap access. She believes now. Only thing she suggested was taking up a throw rug in the living room.

That was taken care of and now we go to pick up mom this morning so she can begin the rest of her recovery at home.

The rest of the weekend? Maybe some golf tomorrow. The PGA championship. MIS race Sunday. And for WW'ing start to dismantle the dining room chairs for refinishing.

Thanks again Don.


Jim Becker
08-19-2006, 9:55 AM
'Rents are here, but I hope to get some more of the "new driveway landscaping" done this weekend. But we also have a "beer-b-que" to attend this afternoon, so who knows how much I'll get done...I doubt I'll get in the shop...again.

Ron Robinson
08-19-2006, 10:09 AM
One year ago I put a bottle of good silver Tequila in a 1 liter charred oak barrel. Tonight it comes out a reposado.

The place I've bought lumber for years has gone out of business so until I find a new one my shop time will consist of small projects I can make from scraps.

Have a good weekend everyone.

Ron Robinson

Fred Voorhees
08-19-2006, 12:53 PM
Not exactly sure what the heck will be up this weekend. First off, I am choosing not to attend my weekly dirt track racing as I want to put the money aside to help pay for next weekends possible trip North to the Syracuse,NY area to visit two other dirt tracks up that way that myself and another racing buddy rarely get to visit.

Last night (Fri) wifey and I drove out to the Pottstown,PA area to pick up a load of stuff from our sons apartment so that he doesn't have to pay to move as much stuff to his new and larger apartment this coming week. He treated us to dinner at a nice steakhouse and by the time I got home, there was only enough time to watch an hour of Jerry Springer that I had taped from the afternoon. I know, I know - but sitting around with this bum right wrist has found me getting hooked on Springer, and those various "judge" shows. Can you imagine anything more pathetic:eek:?

Today, (Sat) I have a small research project to do in relation to a certain NJ paved track driver that someone has asked me to perform. We will be unpacking the stuff out of SWMBO's pickup from last nights excursion and maybe, maybe, cleaning up some of the hosta beds. Again, wifey will be doing most of the work, as much as her back will allow. I've got two small cutting board/sink hole covers for our camper that are in the process of being made. Their cut out and sanded and just need some final "primping" before having a finish applied. May get to some of that today.

Sunday it will be the usual suspects coming over for the days NASCAR Nextel cup race at the Michigan International Raceway.

Bob Childress
08-19-2006, 3:29 PM
Well heck, my weekend's already started now, but I got the new range hood installed this morning and just finished with the grout on the kitchen counters. :)

Bad news is, the old dishwasher sprung a leak before we could get it out and I have to pull up about 50 sq ft of flooring. :mad: Would love to get back in the shop and build someting now that the kitchen is almost done.

John Shuk
08-19-2006, 5:48 PM
One year ago I put a bottle of good silver Tequila in a 1 liter charred oak barrel. Tonight it comes out a reposado.

The place I've bought lumber for years has gone out of business so until I find a new one my shop time will consist of small projects I can make from scraps.

Have a good weekend everyone.

Ron Robinson
I had a couple too many fine silver tequilas a couple weekends ago. I didn't get sick or hungover. I just don't remember eating the 3 pieces of my wife's blueberry pie that night. It doesn't go over too well the next day when you say "I can't beleive you made that pie to bring and we never got around to eating it.":o
We are headed to Pa. for a couple of days at the indoor water park there. Lots of fun and tired children at night.

John Kain
08-19-2006, 6:15 PM
The wife is away, so the kids and I are going to play all weekend. Nothing like a weekend just to mess around with the kids.

Of course, after their bedtime, I'll be in the garage setting up the sharpener;)

Ben Grunow
08-19-2006, 8:45 PM
Fri night I bought 22 pre hung doors for my house and carried them up to the 2nd floor. This morning installed 8 and stopped so son and wife could have nap at 1pm. Went out to shop to make interior trim from MDF that I primed on thurs night. Ripped 7 sheets into 3 1/2" strips and routed bead on about half of the strips (my Dust Gorilla has not arrived yet, unfotunately). Clean up, drink beer and eat pizza and play with junior until 8 then onto the Creek. Tomorrow finish routing and door hanging and start trimming. Looking forward to the end of this project.

Dennis Peacock
08-19-2006, 8:49 PM
Howdy Don,

My plan for this weekend is to just survive. I'm oncall and I had 60 hours logged by 11AM on Wednesday. I get to go off call at 8AM Monday.

Andy Hoyt
08-19-2006, 9:03 PM
As I'm self employed and have no employees, I've been on call non stop (thus far this year) since 12:01 AM on 1/1/06.

I took a few days off in June, but I can't recall why.:D

Al Willits
08-20-2006, 11:13 AM
Don't feel bad Karl about the medical people wanting to actually come out and see, its not personal.
Went though the same thing when I was in therapy, gal says they are better trained to know what is needed....also a bit of liablity, also they send you home and you hurt yourself, doesn't look good... :)

Sat was garage/shop day and started on my wall cabinet, gave up on basswood and went the Menards and got some B/C plywood.
I picked up 4 gallons of white paint when the local hardware store went out of business, so I'll sand and paint the cabinet, thinking about using basswood on the doors though...

This morning we're off to the local driving range and will go though a couple of buckets of balls with the wife, bite to eat, then back at the cabinets....sure is nice having the right tools for woodworking...:)

Al....who with the help of this forum, is not only broke....but happy. :D :D