View Full Version : To go with...'Attaboys and critiques' Thread

Joe Tonich
08-16-2006, 1:03 PM
Well........my take on this is.....I don't post much, and if criticism isn't asked for, I definitely won't post if I see anything. Attaboys on things you don't think deserve an attaboy is like giving a child an 'A' so he/she feels good about themselves, but doesn't help them at all. The real world is not an 'Attaboy' world....and I think the forum should reflect that.....maybe in an 'add on' Critique forum. There, anyone who posts should expect and receive honest critiques/advice on their work.

So......should someone ask to have a Critique forum started if possible??

Lee DeRaud
08-16-2006, 1:59 PM
I'd say 'no'.

But there is an easy builtin alternative: the 'Rate Thread' menu item. Just make it a convention that for threads that are primarily "here's my newest work", use the thread rating as a "graded attaboy".

Raymond Overman
08-16-2006, 2:53 PM
I'd say 'no'.

But there is an easy builtin alternative: the 'Rate Thread' menu item. Just make it a convention that for threads that are primarily "here's my newest work", use the thread rating as a "graded attaboy".

Well, that is the first time I've seen that. I like the idea and will give Lee an excellent rating for bringing it up.

Cecil Arnold
08-16-2006, 3:34 PM
What Raymond said.

Stephen Hibbs
08-16-2006, 5:00 PM
I vote we just go on a basis where critique is only given if asked for, or if someone asks a question in reference to doubts they may have about their own design choice, then we give them honest answers. Starting a new forum section is inefficient.

Ben Werner
08-16-2006, 5:21 PM
is there a way of making a sub-forum, a "Critique Please" section within "turner's forum" ? I think that would be the best way.... if not possible then just make the title: "Critique Please: (title of piece)"

Vaughn McMillan
08-16-2006, 5:36 PM
I tend to agree with the idea that another forum isn't necessary. I think folks should say in their posts if they want comments or critiques, but if they do, they should be willing to accept the criticism along with the praise. Ben's suggestion of adding "Critique Please" to the thread title might just be the ticket, too.

- Vaughn

Andy Hoyt
08-16-2006, 5:38 PM
I voted no.

A famous guy from up north once said, "We're all in this together" and so is or collective work. We should strive to ask an for honest assessment when we really do want it and not when we don't. The post originator has a burden of responsiblity in this regard, right where it should be. I don't much like the Rate Thread notion either. That could spell trouble due to its anonymous nature and potential abuse.

Henry C. Gernhardt, III
08-16-2006, 7:37 PM
Joe, I'm also going to have to chime in and say no to this one. I feel that Lee's idea of using the thread rating is a good one. Also, I think Andy and Vaughn have the right of it---the poster of the work should be ready for any critiques they ask for. On the other side of things, however, I would also say that any critiques should be made fairly and positively---they should offer not only opinion but solution. Other critiques I've seen where the critiquer uses an image editing program to show what they mean are a good part of what I mean by this.

Chris Barton
08-16-2006, 8:50 PM
I have mixed emotions about this. I have found in my own case that I learn little from the Attaboy, no matter how well intended it is. However, not everyone is looking to learn when they post. This is like your wife asking if you think a certain outfit makes her look fat. She's your wife and will never look fat or unattractive to you in whatever (OK, so I am a romantic) but, you never really know the truth either.

David Duke
08-16-2006, 9:31 PM
I see no need for another forum, I know when I post a project that I am seeking honest opinions on both design and craftsmanship. When it comes to critiqueing others work is they don't ask for opinions if I don't really care for the design I will just not reply, If they do ask for opinions I will try and give my honest reaction to the piece in a positive way (98% of the work shown here make it easy to give positive feedback) while realizing that most photos make it hard to present the piece as it really is.

What I really enjoy about the Creek is the wealth of knowlege and craftsmanship; whats the use of having this available if we don't take advantage of it by giving/receiving honest critiques as long as long as it is sincere and constructive?

Stephen Hibbs
08-17-2006, 1:46 AM
Perhaps someone should make a poll with relation to what our chosen decision and protocol is on critiques ie- state in post, state in title, only attaboys, etc; and then make a stickie that all new people can refer to and know what they're getting into. The issue of people being mean or unfair in any way is nonexistent I believe, as my experience here is that everyone is extrememly nice, and the only issue here is people being too nice.

Ben Werner
08-17-2006, 8:41 AM
Perhaps someone should make a poll with relation to what our chosen decision and protocol is on critiques ie- state in post, state in title, only attaboys, etc; and then make a stickie that all new people can refer to and know what they're getting into. The issue of people being mean or unfair in any way is nonexistent I believe, as my experience here is that everyone is extrememly nice, and the only issue here is people being too nice.
Good Idea. How do you make a stickie thread? I'll set up the new poll shortly

Ben Werner
08-17-2006, 8:45 AM
we will actually need one thread for each poll/question so i'll set up multiple threads, Wait do we have more then one question? Just where in the post will it say if we want critique right?

Ed Scolforo
08-17-2006, 12:35 PM
I vote we just go on a basis where critique is only given if asked for, or if someone asks a question in reference to doubts they may have about their own design choice, then we give them honest answers. Starting a new forum section is inefficient.

I'm with Stephen on this point.

Dennis Peacock
08-17-2006, 12:39 PM
I agree.....if one is asked for, then give one. If not...admire the artists creation. :D

Michael Stafford
08-17-2006, 1:05 PM
No critique forum!!!!

thomas prevost
08-17-2006, 3:09 PM
The number of turners on this forum who have enough experience and eye to do honest critquing can probably counted on one hand. They most likely would only do so with the piece in their hand to feel and see the shape and texture from all different angles. The rest are opinions.