View Full Version : The gift that keeps on giving.............

Ken Fitzgerald
08-16-2006, 10:40 AM
Folks.........I don't think you'll ever understand totally what effect you had on my family when you gifted me with the Bomb!

In the last two weeks, the LOML has encouraged me to spend over $1000 in turning accessories. The Trend Airshield was the most expensive thing I've gotten. But then....I now have everything I need to turn pens, bottlestoppers and salt and pepper grinders.

I'm supposed to pickup the engraved glass goblet today for my latest project. I took the stem over to show my neighbors last night and the guy's wife followed me home. She's claiming that tigerwood is now her favorite wood. My neighbors insisted that it was only fair that I make similar things for my two other kids and their spouses. I listened as my wife told her that it was almost magic. You take a piece of wood that looks bland on the outside and turn it ...and expose the beauty that is hidden within. This was especially true in the piece of box elder given to me by Forrest Price.

SWMBO was shopping and found these Christmas craft flowers. She brought some home......put a few in a weed pot that might have been my first turning project after the bonker.......She said.....You turn these pretty quick don't you?.......Could you make ....say a dozen of these for Christmas presents at school?.........My first commissioned turning..........

I don't find myself vegetating in front of the television much these days. Instead I'm reading and figuring out how to make my next project.


Scott Donley
08-16-2006, 10:46 AM
Hows the SHOP coming along :)

Bruce Shiverdecker
08-16-2006, 10:50 AM
ALL I can say Ken is.................. AIN'T IT GREAT!


Ken Fitzgerald
08-16-2006, 10:56 AM
Hows the SHOP coming along :)

I'll get to it someday...........:o :D

Scott Donley
08-16-2006, 11:21 AM
I'll get to it someday...........:o :DJust had to laugh at your post, thinking of ALL the things I have put off doing since I started turning ;)

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
08-16-2006, 11:36 AM
Yep, I got to agree with you on this Ken, I've held off buying a bunch more stuff I've wanted, I had to get some things on the "Honey to do list" done before I ended up sleeping in the Dungeon :rolleyes:

I sent some of my Keyaki pens to Canada for presents for my parents, now I have to make some for my sister, brother, sister in law, and other relatives, yep, sure is great! :D

Oh yeah, the other day, I checked, and we do still have a TV, I was not sure, as I have not watched it in a few months...... :)

Bernie Weishapl
08-16-2006, 5:46 PM
Ken what a great post. I had the same thing happen. I made the LOML that cherry and walnut collared HF. She said it sure would be nice if the were just a bit bigger and she could have Christmas done. I said can't do it with my little multi-tipped sorby because it only goes to 6" deep. I said I needed a good chuck and some hollowing tools. So she said then you had better do something about that. So now I have the okie dokie to get a Vimarc chuck and some jaws for it, hollowing tools, Lacers skews, and a video or two. Yep Ken life is great. I am not sure we still have a TV.:p

Cecil Arnold
08-16-2006, 6:34 PM
Ken, great post. I just wonder how much longer it will be before Bernie starts talking mayo or mustard?

Bernie Weishapl
08-16-2006, 6:41 PM
Hey Cecil when the SWMBO lets loose of a check for tools I'm not going to press it to hard just yet but have been eyeballing them.:p

Andy Hoyt
08-16-2006, 7:00 PM
Cecil - I'm here to tell ya. Both of these guys shoot me about seven or eight emails every day about the mayo thing. I'm beginning to think I need an unlisted address!:D

George Conklin
08-16-2006, 7:49 PM
I'm not sure I quite unerstand, Ken. You're happy that you spend $$$ since you've been bombed? Or you're not happy you spend $$$ since you've been bombed?

So far,,, my guess is you probably have a couple G's into accessories since the abbysseration. You have steadily been aquiring more and more spinny stuff. This is all while turning on the Jet Mini. Another guess,,, a full size lathe is going to be in your future . There's another 2 to 6K!

I think you should probably hate us;)

Henry C. Gernhardt, III
08-16-2006, 7:51 PM
Ken, I must say, I'm heartened and encouraged to hear you have such a supportive and appreciative spouse. That's a great story to hear.

Oh, and good luck with the weed pots!

Chris Barton
08-16-2006, 8:27 PM
Folks.........I don't think you'll ever understand totally what effect you had on my family when you gifted me with the Bomb!

In the last two weeks, the LOML has encouraged me to spend over $1000 in turning accessories.

Whatever you got dude, tell me you have more...:D

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
08-17-2006, 12:59 AM
Good to hear the ride is fun Ken.

I don't understand where you guys spend all this cash.

Everyone says that the lathe is the cheapest part, well to date, the lathe is still the most expensive part of my turning by a long, long way.

I guess I make a lot of my own stuff, and I just use fewer tools...?

Cheers! :D