View Full Version : OK...I gave up and ordered it.....

Terry Hatfield
10-02-2003, 10:17 PM
Well....Katie's scroll saw should be here tomorrow. Darn you Terry Quiram. :D Her birthday was last week, so I kinda killed two birds with one stone so to speak. :D

Not knowing if she would really take to it or not, I really could not justify the cost of the Dewalt, so I opted for the SS350 Delta($199 on Amazon). Hopefully it will serve the purpose. I'll be whipping up a stand for it ASAP and getting Katie launched on her scrolling way. I'm sure I will just be clamping it to an existing bench by Saturday so she can give it a try. I recieved a couple of scroll saw pattern books today I ordered for her from Amazon. I'll report and post some pics when she gets some pieces done.

Now if I can just get Katie to need/want a 17" bandsaw. ;)


Steve Clardy
10-02-2003, 10:32 PM
ol buddy. Thought you had evaped or died from the arkie plague till I emailed you and you said you were still alive.
Hey, I though Katie said at the barbecue that She wanted a scroll saw AND a 17" bandsaw? Wasn't that what you other guys heard when you were at Terry's? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Terry Hatfield
10-02-2003, 10:39 PM

It's football season you know!!!!! Everything stops for football around here.

Katie also made the volleyball team at her school. They play every Monday and Tuesday night. That makes Dad a bit busy this time of year. Work has been nuts also and I am fighting my usual Fall allergies. That all adds up to not seeing much of me. I'll try and do better. :D :D

BTW...Now that you mention it...perhaps Katie did say she was needing a 17" bandsaw. Hmmmmm.... :D

Alive and kicking...barely,


David Rose
10-02-2003, 11:02 PM
Terry, you big wimp! I can't believe you caved to a little thing like Katie. A cute little... daughter type person... well, you can forget that one. I gots me one of those too. :D

Glad to see you back. Take care of yourself.


Terry Hatfield
10-02-2003, 11:09 PM
Terry, you big wimp! I can't believe you caved to a little thing like Katie. A cute little... daughter type person... well, you can forget that one. I gots me one of those too. :D

Glad to see you back. Take care of yourself.



She's really pushy....and persistent. Where did she get that from???? Oh ya, must be from Cheryl. :eek:



David Rose
10-02-2003, 11:19 PM
Yeah, right! It was inherited for sure. :rolleyes:

...and I want to sell you all the trees down 62 highway for $10 a board foot... :D

By the way, if things work out for us to get in on those trees, the highway department plans to start around the first of January.



She's really pushy....and persistent. Where did she get that from???? Oh ya, must be from Cheryl. :eek:



Terry Hatfield
10-02-2003, 11:22 PM

Sounds good to me....the January part, not the $10/bd.ft. :D

Let me know when we need to get going. I really don't want those big 'ole trees to go to waste.


Ace Karner
10-02-2003, 11:27 PM
I swear I heard Cheryl say something like "what tool don't you already have?" when I was at the bbq. :) Now we know it's a 17 inch bandsaw.

David Rose
10-02-2003, 11:31 PM
Yeah, I'm not even sure who to contact. It may be just the guys doing the cutting when they start. The highway department is really keeping all the land owners in the dark about everything. I'm finding out what little I know from the utility contractors who are starting to work.

Congrats on the new saw, Katie! My bandsaw will only resaw to 11 or 12 inches. If you can get your Dad to buy me a bigger one for Christmas I can cut you some wider pieces. ;) In the mean time, if yours won't go to 11 or 12, I'll gladly resaw you some thin pieces to play with.


Terry Hatfield
10-03-2003, 12:23 AM
I swear I heard Cheryl say something like "what tool don't you already have?" when I was at the bbq. :) Now we know it's a 17 inch bandsaw.


Exactly!!!!!!! :D I need one like another hole in the head, but I still want one.


Terry Hatfield
10-03-2003, 12:25 AM

I can resaw what she needs for now...oh wait....no I can't!! That's why I need the 17" bandsaw. :D

Keep me posted on the trees.


Dennis Peacock
10-03-2003, 2:35 AM
I was wondering how LONG you would hold out on getting "Katie" that new scroll saw..!!! :)

Now you are saying that "Katie" needs a new 17" bandsaw because she needs to resaw some stuff for scroll saw work......Geeezzzzz!!!!! You are really in a pinch trying to keep "Katie" in new tools... ;)

I guess before long you will be saying that "Katie" needs a OneWay Lathe to turn "her" pens and atomizers on. <grin>

Congrats on the new saw. Oh and....don't be a stranger out here on the web. I guess I'm gonna hafta get back to calling you at least once a week to see if you are still alive or if you are trying to get enough money together to buy "Katie" another tool or sumpin' like dat...... hehehehehehehehehe..............

Ken Salisbury
10-03-2003, 7:25 AM
It sure took ya long enough to part with that moldy money you have buried in the back yard.

By the way I have a few new tools to bring to the next BBQ for Katie to try out. Ya better be putting some more money in that buried coffee can.

Have fun with your new toy Katie - and "Happy Birthday"

Steve Roxberg
10-03-2003, 8:13 AM
Terry, I bought the same saw for my daughter. I built the stand that Wood Magazine designed. It was in a magazine of shop plans that was on the news stand not long ago.

The stand has been great, look into that plan, or I'll post a picture if you would like.

Bud Duffy
10-03-2003, 2:17 PM
Terry i think katie will love that saw i bought two of them at the local lowes they were having a closeout on them for $110.00.One i gave my bro for his bday the other i have used the snot out of its not a HAWK but for the use i have for it ,its great.I sanded the top and put minwax on it to slick it up so the wood would turn easier, other than that GREAT saw.

Pete Lamberty
10-03-2003, 2:34 PM
Hi Terry, Besides getting Katie some scroll saw pattern books, get her started on marquetry also. The possibilities are endless. Pete

Howard Barlow
10-03-2003, 6:16 PM
Terry, I respect a person who has the ability to work at a scroll saw. I bought a Shopsmith scroll saw 10 years ago, cut a couple of cuts and haven't touched it since.

When Lowes closed out the DW 733 last year, I bought one. I put it together, made a couple of cuts, and remembered why I never touched the SS again. Patience. PATIENCE, I TELL YA! I have nooooooone! I sold it a week later. Good riddance.

I like the Tim Taylor approach. Power! Speed! Cut it and be done with it.

Good thing for some I'm not a brain surgeon. Scalpel? I don't think so! Get me my 044.

I admire patient people. Good for Katie!

Terry Quiram
10-04-2003, 8:16 AM
Hi Terry

I have been out of town on a business trip and just now got around to reading your post. YOUR WELCOME :D :D :D . Don’t be a piker with that bandsaw. I would recommend the Laguna 18" resaw master.

Your friendly advisor

David Rose
10-04-2003, 8:37 PM
Yeah, Katie. The one I want your Dad to get me is the Laguna 18" resaw master. :D I wasn't kidding, Terry, I have a riser in this 14" Delta. I can't remember if your green machine has a riser. No sweat to cut a few board feet if you have something too wide. I still have to get the shop back together after the termites. Well, I'm still waiting for the wall repair. :mad: 'Bout to have terrible withdrawal syndrome from no work in the shop. It been around a month. :( I NEED to get the model done for the daughter's wedding arbor!! Then on to the real thing. Try stacking your tools in the middle of a garage... ALL of them!

Surely wish someone around here gave me the excuse to buy tools. Do my dogs qualify? A new bandsaw would cut larger portions. Terry, you've got it made. All you've got to do is make the money. :rolleyes:


Terry Hatfield
10-06-2003, 8:56 AM
Thanks Everyone,

Sorry to be so slow on the response. I was sick as a dog all weekend again, so no scroll sawing to report. I did get it mounted on a stand that met Katie's approval. Maybe next weekend.
