View Full Version : History Stick

Wes Bischel
08-16-2006, 12:36 AM
I’ve been trying to get back into the shop and get a few things done. I saw a project in the last Woodcraft magazine called a “History Stick”. It’s made to mark your child’s height on it instead of on the door jamb. (so the record doesn’t disappear if you paint or move)
I thought it was a neat idea, and my little man is growing so fast, I figured it was time to make one.
I resawed a piece of curly soft maple I had and went to town. The scrolling is mediocre, and the carving could be better (much) but it was fun to try new things. Anyhow, I figure with a little practice, I may get good enough to make a few Christmas presents for family.


PS: It’s Woodcraft vol. 2/no. 12 Project 52

Peter Pedisich
08-16-2006, 7:35 AM
Thanks Wes!

You gave me something to do this Sunday!!!;)

Take care,


Steve Strickler
08-16-2006, 8:12 AM
My little feller needs one of these. Thanks for the idea. I will have to try to move the early markings from the door-jamb over to it! :)

Jim Becker
08-16-2006, 9:15 AM
Hey, kewel project/idea!!! I may have to pick out a board and make a couple of those, too!!

Martin Lutz
08-16-2006, 10:15 AM
Now you've done it! Added another project with a certain sense of urgency:) . My son is 15 months and growing fast, thanks for the idea.

Wes Bischel
08-16-2006, 10:21 AM
I have to say I've been pleasantly surprised at some of the articles in Woodcraft. Not rocket science, but "Gee, I wish I had thought of that!" kinda projects. The author is Ken Kupsche. His inspiration came from a familiar dilemma - he had to paint the trim.:D


Keel McDonald
08-16-2006, 12:22 PM
Nice idea, Wes. I was just thinking the other day about marking the height of my 19 month old little boy on a doorway, but couldn't decide which one. Now I don't have to choose. Thanks

Peter Mc Mahon
08-16-2006, 4:03 PM
Thank you Wes. I have a child due in 8 weeks and I don't have enough to do already! Nice project. Peter

Chris Padilla
08-16-2006, 4:14 PM
Excellent...my boss just had his first kid yersterday (boy, 7 lb, 8 oz, 19") and this would make the next promotion go very smooth.... :)

I just had some thoughts. What does the article suggest about a marking height--i.e. you would need some reference to the floor if the growing stick needed to be moved. I was thinking a contrasting wood might make a nice reference locator...even wedge shaped to a point if you wanted to be really precise.

How do they mark the stick? It looks like there is room for a date but I guess that would have to be hand-written?

Finally, how long do they recommend to make the stick? Most kids are probably around the 2' height when they are walking comfortably. Figure 6' max for an adult/teenage (genetics withstanding of course). So, maybe 4' long?

Wes Bischel
08-16-2006, 5:48 PM
I made mine only 2' long - Sam is already 41". I figure by the time he is taller than that, he won't be interested in having his height marked.:rolleyes: On the height, I wrote a note on the back how high the bottom of the stick was mounted.
As for marking the stick, we're just going with the old ruler on the head and a pencil line - oh, and a date as mentioned.


Jim Benante
08-16-2006, 6:43 PM
Wes- Really nice! So do you leave it unfinished? What will you use to make the growth marks?

Thanks for sharing.

Wes Bischel
08-16-2006, 8:31 PM
I used dewaxed shellac and rubbed it out with a 3M pad. We just use pencil or a pen to mark the height and date.
