View Full Version : Marcou® M12

Wiktor Kuc
08-15-2006, 3:27 PM
I finished work on website for Philip Marcou where he is demonstrating his new plane - Marcou® M12.

It is a dedicated miter plane. Bed angle of 12 degrees accommodating a bevel up 2" blade. There is a novel treatment of the rear end and blade whilst the front is infilled with Rhodesian Teak. A screw in knob facilitates use of the plane on its side. Length is approximately 290 mm.


I believe it will be completed and available in a few days.

Jim Becker
08-15-2006, 5:24 PM
Very nice work...both on the web site...and on Philip's plane! Beautiful stuff!

Doug Shepard
08-15-2006, 5:53 PM
Ditto what Jim said. This is probably a case of If you have to ask, you probably can't afford it, but I didn't see any prices on the website. Just curious as I dont yet have a miter plane.

Wiktor Kuc
08-15-2006, 6:29 PM
I will get Philip to answer price questions. There is an email address on his website. I am not sure if I can post email address here.

In any case, I forgot to include a picture if his plane here - so I am correcting it now.

Just a few line of info -

You are probably seen review by Derek Cohen on one of his planes. Philip contacted me in January, introducing him self and his work. I believe this was his first exposure to USA - on www.wkFineTools.com (http://www.wkfinetools.com/) . Then Derek's review came and now his website. The panes look really good - can't say how they feel, since I had never had one in my hand. It is all electronic worlds for me...

I will ask Philip to join this conversation is separate email and maybe he can say some more about his work. In any case, I will be updating his website in some intervals and let you know what’s coming down the pike... I know he is working on few new models...


Steve Evans
08-15-2006, 7:27 PM

I just emailed Philip earlier today, curious about the price on the plane. It really is a beautiful piece of work. I didn't realize that the info had just gone up


David Marcus Brown
08-16-2006, 9:54 AM
Wow, what a gorgeous plane. I like the enhancements beyond the "typical" miter plane -- if you can call any miter plane typical. I'd love to have one but I'm afraid to know how much one might cost.


Steve Evans
08-16-2006, 10:43 AM
I got an email back from Philip this morning and it appears that the final price is going to be $1226US delivered to your door. It's actually $1995NZ so the final price would depend on the exchange rate at the time.
It really is a wonderful looking plane. HHmmmm.....


Wiktor Kuc
08-16-2006, 11:06 AM
Last night I was on UK Workshop Forum and among other comments about Marcou planes, David Charlesworth said this: "If I needed another plane, I would get a Marcou immediately! They appear to be the bargain of the century."

I would think that the best way would be to talk directly to Philip and find out all details.

Now, there is another model in works that I know of: M20A - Miter, 20 degrees, adjustable mouth. It is in early stages and I don’t even have a picture of anything for that plane. I will let you know as soon as possible what is going on.

I love his choice of wood very much. On his website there is a story on making a knob and at the end there is a picture of the knob before hi put some finish on and after. Take a look at that… Amazing!

Here is the link to that article:


I uploaded some samples of handles in different wood.

Mark Singer
08-16-2006, 11:41 AM
It is a beauty! If I didn't have my LN #9 I would really consider it...considering the quality...it is a great price!