View Full Version : Best (and least expensive) badges add-on for CorelDraw?

Brad Bice
08-15-2006, 11:38 AM
Does anyone have any suggestions for a good badges program for CorelDraw 12? We need something that will read from text files (comma separated), serialize numbers, and that we can edit the space between the badges.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Mike Null
08-15-2006, 1:25 PM
I believe there are two or three options, none of which are likely to be perfect.

1. Print merge is build into Corel. It will do what you want to a point. That is you can import the names and serial number the items. You first make a badge pattern in Corel which has size, fonts, numbers etc. then you can import, as I recall a test tab delimited file or a csv file. The disadvantage is in editting.

2. There are macros available which will do part of what you want. One of the is new and on the Graphics Unleashed web site.

3. You can PM me for a couple of other options.

Rodne Gold
08-15-2006, 1:41 PM
It's free and it works well - cheapest of em all- All Thanks to Carl. It wont do all you want tho.
Signlab has a very good badges routine , which will do all you want but Signlab is expensive.

Shaddy Dedmore
08-15-2006, 2:45 PM
It's too bad you want it for 12, because I am working on something that will do just that, but I made it on an X3 machine. I'm still debugging it for 12 (there are a bunch of differences in VBA between X3 and 12).

With real life inserting itself in my day, i'm having trouble spending the time to dedicate to it. It looks like it's still going to be a couple more weeks. (I'll be out of town again soon).

I made a macro for me that does different functions... It will duplicate an object a certain amount of times with space between that you enter (but stop when it fills the page). You can fill repeating text into the text boxes (such as a Title or "Hello, my name is". then other text boxes can be variable, and import from your text file, excel or access. one text box can be a serial number (you can choose what number to start on, and choose the format like, 001 or 00001 or just 1). I do this using the Name feature of the corel objects, I call the repeating text box tTitle (I used the lower case t in front to tell me it was a text box). then tSerial and up to 4 variable text boxes for importing up to 4 columns of data at one time
tVariable1... tVariable4.

There are more features, but like I said, i made it for me, so others might not be interested. I had to stop adding "features" or it will never be done, and it will be too complicated. I'm having a hard enough time staying ahead of it. I'm going to have to write a tutorial as it is. Next time I think i'll develop it on 12 to save me heartache. ;)

But I'll be sure and post when it's done.
