View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments...

Dennis Peacock
08-14-2006, 8:56 AM
Good Morning Everyone.

I hope all of you had a nice weekend. We finally got a little rain here but we really need a LOT more rain. The temps this weekend weren't too bad and at least they were under 100 degrees.

This weekend I made some drawer handles for a chest that a couple at church bought at a yard sale. The chest is for their new baby is that is supposed to be born sometime this week.

I worked some on the computer desk some more and got the stretchers made and the dovetail joinery cut for the legs so at least now, the leg assembly will stand on it's own. Now it's just final sanding, apply some oil, and then start the sequence of applying sanding sealer and lacquer to the legs and they will be done. Next comes what I call the easy part. The desktop, this will be plywood that is edge banded with solid wood, 2 keyboard trays, and five 2" holes for cables to exit the desktop. The finish on the top will be a black lacquer finish and rubbed out with RottenStone and a felt pad. I Really need to get this thing done so I can get this kitchen table started and finished so I can get the pressure off of me to work in the shop because I have to after an already overly full day at my day job. I enjoy working in the shop, but I also need a little "down time".

Well, I'm oncall for the day job as of this morning and I'm also acting team leader since our previous team leader left for a new position. I'm not cut out to be a team leader as I hate sitting in meetings for almost an entire day every day. Most meetings I've attended are basically useless and don't accomplish a single thing. What a waist of time. Oh well.

So what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Jim Becker
08-14-2006, 9:00 AM
On both Saturday and Sunday, I worked on some landscaping at the "head end" of the new driveway...and of course, I employed a big orange power tool as much as possible to move countless buckets of soil and really big chunks of limestone. The backhoe bucket also was wonderful for stripping of turf...much better than the "manual method"... ;) Sunday, we also took Alesya and a friend to a local indoor amusement place as her 7th birthday is Tuesday.

Ron Robinson
08-14-2006, 9:08 AM
It was actually cool enough here in east central Ohio to get some shop time this weekend. I made a couple of those wine bottle holders that hold one bottle and look like they're ready to fall over. I also put two ceiling fans in the house. The house was built in 1929 so you can imagine how much fun that was with original knob and tube wiring and ceiling boxes.


Randy Long
08-14-2006, 9:13 AM
I stained and top coated a nite stand.
Bought wood for me current project, I'm calling it Tree Shelves.
Glued up and roughted out the trunk.
Installed the drawers in my aquarium stand.
refinished half the basement floor.

actualy I feel that I didn't get much done.

Bob Childress
08-14-2006, 9:47 AM
Well, LOML and I got the counters installed in the kitchen. Double ply, then Ditra, then porcelain tile. Somehow managed to get the cutouts for the sink and cooktop right the first time.:rolleyes: If plumber come this PM as planned, we can finally quit using paper plates and plastic forks!:)

Mark Pruitt
08-14-2006, 9:48 AM
Broke in my new Wolverine jig, had a problem with it, posted questions in the Turner Forum, got some excellent help, ground a few gouges, read a woodturning book, cut some tenons for final assembly of my base for my workbench, needed a long 1/2" bit so went to the borg, got distracted and spent way too much time there and walked out with more than I went there for, eventually got back to work, enjoyed a nice dinner on the deck with LOML, went back downstairs, turned a small bowl and it was lights out.

Where did the time go?:p


Eddie Watkins
08-14-2006, 10:23 AM
I spent Saturday finishing some small items and cleaning a house we are remodeling and trying to sell. Sunday I worked on cabinet doors for the house. They were basic doors cut out of plywood and routered a little. It was still shoptime.:D That's my third remodel this summer and it appears we have a buyer. I'm sure glad I installed an air conditioner in the shop last year, we are still over a 100 and as much as I have worked in the shop this summer it would have been bad with the heat we've had.


Ken Fitzgerald
08-14-2006, 10:34 AM
Saturday.....I botched one goblet stem and had a piece of wood botch me on the 2nd attempt.

Sunday......drove to Spokane...220 miles round trip.....bought some cherry and some tigerwood. Made a 3rd goblet stem. Got it finish turned LATE last night. Have it still on the lathe frictioning in some shellac. Will post pictures after it's successfully finished.........

Maurice Metzger
08-14-2006, 10:38 AM
Dennis, meetings are a waste of time? Never!

Flattened two table tops, one large, one small, with hand planes. Used a low angle plane across the grain, followed by a jointer with the grain. The small one turned out well, I rushed things a little on the large one and got some tearout.


Joe Mioux
08-14-2006, 10:44 AM
As ussual, I worked most of the weekend. On Saturday, I finally pulled the trigger and bought a new MM16. Saturday night had friends over for a cook-out. Great wine was consumed. Friends taking down an old 160 year old barn. So lots of old oak is coming my way and hence the need for new BS.


Don Baer
08-14-2006, 11:09 AM
Friday was my grandaughters 2nd Birthday so we had relatives over and had a party for her. Grandma bought her more toys so Grampa was busy putt'n em together.

Spent Saturday and sun day getting the Temp shop setup and am now back in business..

Her's a thread on the temp shop if anyone cares.


Hank Knight
08-14-2006, 12:13 PM
I finished the finish on my daughter's easel. I put a sealer coat of shellac on last week and 6 coats of wipe-on poly this weekend, the last of which was a coat of satin to kill some of the shine. It looks really good. I'll let it cure a couple of days before final assembly. My kid's coming home this week form D.C. I'll post pics of the artist with the easel later.

Have a great week.


Ken Salisbury
08-14-2006, 12:19 PM
After scorching 100° days for most of July, Saturday was a cloudy 90° day so my SIL and I went fishing in the new bass boat. We got into some nice catfish. Caught 14 pretty good ones and 6 thrown backs.


Glenn Clabo
08-14-2006, 12:35 PM
Okay Coach...so you go fishing in a bass boat and catch catfish? If you go fishing in a sail boat...do you catch Evinrudes?

Sorry tough Monday here...

Ken Salisbury
08-14-2006, 1:34 PM
Okay Coach...so you go fishing in a bass boat and catch catfish? If you go fishing in a sail boat...do you catch Evinrudes?

Sorry tough Monday here...


Better than going bass fishing in "cat" boat. Bass are pretty dormant around here because of the extreme heat. Gotta catch what's available.

Matt Meiser
08-14-2006, 6:21 PM
No shop time since we went camping with my wife's brothers and my MIL. Need to spend a couple evenings whipping the yard back into shape, then I hope to do a few turning projects and maybe get started on a bookshelf for my daughter next weekend.

Al Willits
08-14-2006, 6:51 PM
Had a pretty good weekend, Sat got the jointer set up (minus the .003 shim I need, but found them today) went out golfing with the wife, stopped at a nice restrant afterwards, finished the shelf/cabinet I'm gonna put my tennioning jig and saw blades on and cleaned the garage a bit more, then watched a movie with the wife.

Sunday I cleaned a bit more and after two cups of coffee attacked the new planer, setting the blades didn't quite go as planned and I took a break and cleaned the BBQ and put ribs on, wife and I sat in the garage grilling and watching it storm.

All in all, not to bad a weekend...

Al who wonders why you'd want to actually catch catfish...another southern thing I bet...:D :D :D

ps....actually like eating them, its catching them I can't deal with....:D