View Full Version : Corn cob blanks

George Conklin
08-13-2006, 2:51 PM
Hey, fellas.

Just noticed that Rockler is now selling corn cob blanks.


I always thought that they were cool, but the process to make them was faily arduous.

Terry Quiram
08-13-2006, 8:06 PM
HOLY COW!!! I have a fortune in cobs right now in my shop. Saturate with CA and take your time, you don't need a 7$ stabalized cob. Anyone want to buy some?


Chris Barton
08-13-2006, 9:01 PM
Hmmm, when I was spending time on my grandparent's farm as a youth we used corn cobs for other purposes. I don't think I could make a pen out of one...

Corey Hallagan
08-13-2006, 9:11 PM
[quote=Chris Barton]Hmmm, when I was spending time on my grandparent's farm as a youth we used corn cobs for other purposes. I don't think I could make a pen out of one...[/quote

:eek: :D :eek: :D :D

Bruce Shiverdecker
08-13-2006, 9:15 PM
I agree with Terry, BIG TIME! If you don't have any, wait till they start harvesting and go down the outside row and you'll get more than you want.

You can do many pens with just one bottle of CA.

Chris, it's a piece of cake, if you get a cob whose center (Mushy) area is a little less than 1/4" in Diameter. A lot of turners in the Peoria Area make them.


Mike Vickery
08-13-2006, 9:59 PM
If you want a better price for stabelized cobs.
I have never bought their cobs but have gotten stabelized wood blanks from them and was happy.

Leigh Costello
08-13-2006, 11:54 PM
I have gotten cobs from River Ridge Products. They turn very well. I have never used my own cobs. But how would I apply the CA? And how would I color them?

And, yes, this is my first post on this forum. I am a laser bug too, as well as engraver - sand or hand.

Dick Strauss
08-14-2006, 1:11 AM
I rough turned a cob the other day for fun. I came to the conclusion that you could add your stabilizer/filler (epoxy/CA) after you rough turn them.

In the future I'll probably follow these steps:
1. drill
2. add tube
3. rough turn
4. dye
5. let dry
6. apply stabilizer
7. finish turning/sanding

This would save a lot of CA and make turning it down to size go much faster. It would also ensure better penetration of the stabilizer and dye. Then you do a quick finish turn and sand. I never drilled the center out for the brass pen tube so I don't know how this messes up my plans...it's late!

Take care,

George Conklin
08-14-2006, 10:21 AM
If you want a better price for stabelized cobs.
I have never bought their cobs but have gotten stabelized wood blanks from them and was happy.

Thanks for the linky, Mike.

I didn't know anybody was producing these. I thought it was a home made process.

Stephen Hibbs
08-14-2006, 12:51 PM
I bought a bunch of these cobs (just the cobs, no stabilizing or tubes) pretty cheap off ebay, but had trouble drilling them as they tended to fly apart as I drilled. Would high speeds be better, and does anyone have any hints? Does stabilizing consist of pouring lots of thin CA onto the cob?