View Full Version : Information on Internet and my websites.

Wiktor Kuc
08-13-2006, 12:06 PM
Hi all,

I have been approach by some of the members about my website – www.wkFineTools.com (http://www.wkfinetools.com/) with request to keep this forum informed about new articles that appear there.

I consulted with a few moderators and others who I know and consensus was that I should do that for the benefit of the members. The articles you see there are written by some members of this forum (Derek Cohen, Steve Knight, Mark Singers and others). I welcome new articles submission and will be happy to post more.

My interest is in posting this information is driven by what I see in the field – a lot of average people with great expertise and knowledge, great experience and passion for their woodworking. And great story tellers!

I welcome you all!


Joe Blankshain
08-13-2006, 8:51 PM
Thanks Wiktor, I am sure you have found some folks with "alot to say" and not unwilling to share...or express thier opinions.

Wiktor Kuc
08-16-2006, 11:15 AM
I have posted some new material recently submited to www.wkFineTools.com (http://www.wkFineTools.com):

Heat Tempering a Driver (http://www.wkfinetools.com/MUTools/cTools/heatTemper/heatTemp.asp) by Scott Grandstaff

Pit Saw Mill in Nepal (http://www.wkfinetools.com/MUTools/uTools/bobWall/pitSaw/pitSawMill1.asp) by Robert Wallace

Exposed Wedged Through Tenon (http://www.wkfinetools.com/MUTools/uTools/ms/throughTenon/througTenon.asp) by Mark Singer


Attached image is from Pit Saw Mill article.

Jerry Olexa
08-16-2006, 11:21 AM
Thank you for a great and informative website!!! Keep it up

Wiktor Kuc
08-16-2006, 1:02 PM
Jerry and All,

This site would not be possible without people like you, and guys from the Old Tools Mailing List. The content is generated by people like you and I am just a conduit to put this information to wider audience.