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View Full Version : Galooed up multiple mitres in minutes with no clamps! w/pics

David Eisan
08-12-2006, 10:10 PM
Hello everyone,

I am working on the last item to finish in my parents kitchen, the kick plate. Yes I am still working on their kitchen, but really, the kick plate is the last item...

There are four separate kick plates and some with funny angles. I had thought about butt joints with biscuits, or nails or pocket screws. But I really wanted proper mitres with biscuits, the only problem is, how to clamp?

Here is a pic of the four boards for one of the kick plates, just a dry fit with biscuits,


The only problem is, how do I clamp it?

I decided on Mitre Bond for clamps. I applied glue to most of the joint, the slot and the biscuit. To clamp the joint I put a drop of Mitre Bond crazy glue at the top and bottom of one side and activator to the top and bottom of the other side.


I pushed the joint together and held it for 10-15 seconds, viola!

The Mitre Bond will act as a clamp while the PVA glue and the biscuit cure. If you are wondering how strong the Mitre Bond joint is, I picked up the entire four piece glueup minutes after gluing the last board and everything was solid. It will be totally solid tomorrow once the PVA and biscuits have cured.


I know this sounds totally like an Ad for Mitre Bond and if I were a first time poster you might think it was. I have been around here for a while so everyone should know this is the first time I have so blatantly plugged a product. This stuff works and I don't know how else I would have made the kick plate.


Normal disclosure clause, I have no interest in the product other than seeing it help others in similar situations.



Every Neighbourhood has one, in mine I'm him!

Bruce Page
08-12-2006, 10:19 PM
David, where did you get it? I could see instances where that would be very handy to have around.

Lori Kleinberg
08-13-2006, 12:57 PM
Interesting.:cool: I too have come across situations where I could not clamp. My results have been less than satisfactory. I will definitely keep this product in mind.

Frank Hagan
08-13-2006, 1:41 PM
David, is it just a gel type CA adhesive? Have you tried others? I haven't used any of the industrial ones, but have used "Superglue" in the shop for a couple of things along those lines. What I don't have is an accellerant, and I understand you can get them from hobby shops that sell model making supplies.

Per Swenson
08-13-2006, 7:51 PM
I love the stuff,saves us a lot of money.

This is the brand we use, by the case.

It is not cheap, 8oz with accelerator runs 'bout $70.



John Lucas
08-13-2006, 8:26 PM
I used to use it for jigs and other "non-permanent things." Use it more and more. It really holdds. With the accelrator, you have abut 11 seconds...so you had better have ever thing ready.

Tim Solley
08-14-2006, 2:08 PM
What's the difference between the MitreBond and using any old CA glue and accelerant? I use CA glue and a spray accelerant for turning and it sounds like the same thing. I can put the stresses of turning on a project within minutes of applying the glue. And it doesn't cost anywhere near $70, that's for sure!

Just curious.
