View Full Version : Spalted Turnings

Dale Overman
08-11-2006, 9:29 PM
A while back some people were asking about spalted pieces. I've been turning quite a bit of spalted wood lately so here's some shots of my work. Most of it is maple.

The larger pieces are about 10" x 10" to give you a reference on size.

Corey Hallagan
08-11-2006, 9:44 PM
Wow! Nice stuff. Great looking pieces. I really like that large lidded box.


Bernie Weishapl
08-11-2006, 10:47 PM
Wow that is some great turning Dale. I really like the form and finish on the lidded box. Bowls look great. Nice job.

Dick Parr
08-11-2006, 11:18 PM
Vary nice Dale, I love spalted wood to turn.;)

Barry Stratton
08-12-2006, 2:06 AM
WOW! That;s quite the collection of beautiful turnings! The bowls really stand out to me, but they are all great!

Are you related to that birthday boy Overman that like to poke things with sticks?

Dennis Peacock
08-12-2006, 11:20 AM

Welcome to SMC and you got some nice turnings there. Keep the pics coming.:D

Keith Burns
08-12-2006, 12:17 PM
Great stuff Dale. Nice job with some great wood. Keep them coming:) :)

Dale Overman
08-12-2006, 1:48 PM
Thanks for the comments. Yeah Barry, he's my little boy. I taught him everything he knows.

Glenn Hodges
08-12-2006, 1:51 PM
I do like that spalted wood after you have had you talent with it.

Mark Cothren
08-12-2006, 2:39 PM
Nice work, Dale! I especially like the lidded one in the middle picture!

Terry Quiram
08-12-2006, 7:03 PM
I love the looks of a really good spalted bowl. Well done.

Larry Crim
08-12-2006, 9:12 PM
Dale all are awesome but that lidded box and the curved sided bowl in the first pic are something special.