View Full Version : Russian olive

Rob Bourgeois
08-11-2006, 3:23 PM
Anyone have any experience with this wood. A friend brought me back a big hunk from his dads place in Idaho.

Just wondering if I got nice turning wood or something to be wary of. I am going to turn it either way....:D

Forrest Price
08-11-2006, 3:25 PM
Turn baby turn!!

Here's a look at a piece I did a while ago:

Rob Bourgeois
08-11-2006, 3:26 PM
thank you....blanking it out today,,maybe get to it next week.
Blasted flat work.

Dario Octaviano
08-11-2006, 3:31 PM
I've yet to see an olivewood that I don't like.

One of the most beautify olive burl I've seen is actually Russian Olivewood so I say, it is worth turning.

Jim Becker
08-11-2006, 7:18 PM
I've turned some Russian Olive which I got from a friend near Denver...it's a "weed" tree around there. Turned nicely, although it's not the most stable wood. Very open grain. But lovely when oiled and finished.

Gary DeWitt
08-11-2006, 7:34 PM
How about Long Beach California olive? A friend downed an old tree last fall, and I've turned several items from it. Smells like Italian food when turned green. Grain was a bit wavy, so somewhat difficult on a spindle turning, had to fill some tearout that seemed to happen no matter how sharp or well presented the tool was. Otherwise a great experience, love the way the wood looks. Kinda like zebra wood.
I've seen a guy on Ebay who sells olive wood blanks, from a California olive orchard, if you're looking for a more local, less expensive source.

Vaughn McMillan
08-11-2006, 7:55 PM
I've got a Russian Olive burl pen blank that's slated to be one of my next pens. The blank looks real promising, but I'll know more once I've turned it. I've also got some Burbank olive tree trimmings I got last year near my office, but unfortunately it had started to check pretty badly by the time I acquired it and got it home. What little I turned of it does look nice. I've got a couple Burbank olive bowls drying now, and if they can survive the cracking, they should look nice when done.

- Vaughn

Andy Hoyt
08-11-2006, 8:15 PM
And I've got some Stop & Shop Olive. Nice olive green sapwood and the heartwood is a vivid red. Kinda mushy though.:cool:

Rob Bourgeois
08-11-2006, 9:36 PM
And I've got some Stop & Shop Olive. Nice olive green sapwood and the heartwood is a vivid red. Kinda mushy though.:cool:

Your supposed to stablize those with epoxy. Some people us non-denatured alcohol to stablize them...before drinking the alcohol.

Curt Fuller
08-12-2006, 1:46 PM
Your supposed to stablize those with epoxy. Some people us non-denatured alcohol to stablize them...before drinking the alcohol.

A little Greygoose and vermouth will do a pretty good job of stabilizing those Stop & Shop olives. Just stay clear of the lathe until the aftershock wears off.