View Full Version : Day 1 Turnings.....

Corey Hallagan
08-10-2006, 3:19 PM
Well here are the day one (yesterday) pics for you all. 4 pens in total. All pens were finished with Enduro and TSW.

First one is a walnut comfort pen set.. this is the second set of these I have sold. Titanium Gold finish.

The second is a spalted maple cigar with black enamel. This piece of wood came from Scott Donley ( thanks Scott!). The photos don't show the spalting much for some reason. they have some cool markings.


And lastly my first modified slimline. These are fun and I like the looks of them. If you have some slimline kits that you are bored with this is a great way to mix them up a bit. This is a mystery south american wood that I got from Chris Barton. It turns, polishes and finishes nicely. Thanks Chris!! Barry, this is one of the items a gave you a couple pen blanks of and a larger square. You will like it.


I was up at 4:30 this morning as I couldn't sleep. My family was enroute from the inlaws house to Chicago this morning. I was a little worried about their safety when I first heard the terrorist goings on... however it hasn't effect the U.S. flights much and they arrived fine. I couldn't sleep so I was in the shop by 5:00 turning :) More photos tomorrow :D

Thanks all!

Travis White
08-10-2006, 3:24 PM
Very nice work! The cigar is my favorite. You have a very good finish.

Bernie Weishapl
08-10-2006, 3:28 PM
Corey you have did a fantastic job on the pens. The finish looks great. Can you e-mail me on how you modify the slimlines? Great job buddy. Keep making them chips.

Michael Cody
08-10-2006, 3:31 PM
Cory - which enduro product are you using.. I've been using a modified CA/BLO finish then micromesh & tsw but am looking for something easier. Deft works nice too but I am always looking for something better.

Keith Burns
08-10-2006, 3:34 PM
Corey, great job on all of them. I am normally not a big fan of the slimlines but your "modified" one is a real knockout !!:) :) We will be waiting for tommorrows installment.

Corey Hallagan
08-10-2006, 3:39 PM
Thanks guys! I will just put it here Bernie for anyone else who wants to do these. They are simple to do. Basically what I do is eliminate the center band in the kit, however, the top blank I make the length of the tube plus I add the length of the center band to it. Just measure the top of a slimline you have done from where the wood starts ( not the clip to the botto side of the center band and make that the size of the top blank. When you insert the tube. make the tube flush on the top where the clip goes in as you normally would. The other end will not have the tube flush, it will sit back about 1/4 or so. Does not have to be exact or anything. When turning them use your slimline bushings and turn the clip end almost down to where you would normally. I like it better a little larger so the clip doesn't flair out to much. The nib end turn like a normal slimline. the opposite end of the lower barrell I turn fatter than a normal slimline. Do it the way you want. Then you taper in down to the nib in the last 3/4 inch or so. On the cap barrell, you want to turn the bottom end to be about an 1/8 of an inch larger then the top of the lower barrel. See my photos. I then taper the top 1 inch or so almost down to the cap bushing. You can do it all the way but I like it a little thicker there so the clip doesn't stick out oddly. I also drop a dab of superglue in the clip end tube just prior to pressing on the clip. It keeps them from moving which slimlines seem to do. Anyway, fairly easy to do! Hope this helps.

Corey Hallagan
08-10-2006, 3:45 PM
Michael, I am not sure which one it is. I buy it from Ernie at Bear Tooth Woods in bottles ready to apply. I basically follow the instructions on his website for it.
It does have a slight learning curve to it and it is a safe to use finish unlike the lacquers and doesn't hurt your eyes like CA. You can get a nice shiney finish but in my opinion from what I have seen, it doesn't have the depth of a real nice CA finish but it is a nice glossy finish that will last. Hope this helps.


Chris Barton
08-10-2006, 3:47 PM
Those look great Corey! Can you post a picture of your modified slimline from the clip end so we can get a better perspective?

Don Baer
08-10-2006, 3:50 PM
Those almost make me want to try my hand at some pens...:D

I can't waite to see your bowl.

Corey Hallagan
08-10-2006, 5:05 PM
Thanks Don, you should try one, they are fun to do. Bowl??? Me not a bowl turner :)

Chris, here are a couple quick photos, hopefully they will show what you want to see.




thanks guys!

Bernie Weishapl
08-10-2006, 5:53 PM
Thanks Corey. I appreciate it.

Bob Noles
08-10-2006, 6:39 PM

I'm late checking in today and just now saw your post. WOW.... that is some superb workmanship and beautiful finish.

Great job all around and thanks for posting the details on the process. I've got to get the lathe spinning again soon now that a lot of the other projects are finished and when I do I may have to give your way a shot..... looks too good not to try :)

Barry Stratton
08-10-2006, 9:23 PM
Beautiful Corey!!!! That rosewood is nice as is the modified slim design. The comforts definitely look pbest without the rubber thingie. And cigars are becoming my favorite.

THANKS for the how to as well. gonna have to try that on an antler pen one of these days.

Oh, and a BOWL is what your kids eat FRUIT LOOPS, COCOA PUFFS, LUCKY CHARMS, or HONEY NUT CHEERIO'S out of.........

Bill O'Conner
08-10-2006, 10:44 PM

you must still be eating the ice cream out of the container maybe you should try a bowl


Scott Donley
08-11-2006, 10:39 AM
Fantastic looking pens Corey :cool: I might have to take your idea for the slimline for a SPIN myself :D Enjoy the rest of your weekend !