View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments...

Dennis Peacock
08-07-2006, 8:44 AM
WHEW!!!!! It was another hot one around these parts for sure. We sure do need some rain, and BAD!!!!!!

Spent a little time in the shop on Saturday working on the filter scrub box for my neighbor. Shut everything down due to the heat and my need for larger A/C units for my shop. 20,0000 BTU just isn't enough cooling when it's this hot.:(

Oh well, enough about the heat. I did replace 2 bad ballasts in 2 of my shop lights. It's not cheap replacing ballasts and bulgs in my 8' florescent lights. One of these days I'll get all my lights working at one time.:rolleyes:

Sunday was church and lay around on the couch with the LOLM and spend the afternoon with the family as Sunday's are usually our "family time" days.

It's back to work today and I've got to get back in the shop and keep working on the computer desk. Ya'll are probably getting tired of hearing my talking about the computer desk. I've taken on more than I could "chew" on this project as this project is a LOT of FIRSTS for me and is taking me way longer than I ever imagined.:( :rolleyes:

So, here's hoping that all of you had a good weekend and for sure hoping that your weekend was "cooler" than mine as far as outside temps are concerned.

So what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Ken Fitzgerald
08-07-2006, 8:53 AM
A little yard work.....babysit Riley.......ruined some walnut!

Back to work today.

Matt Meiser
08-07-2006, 9:22 AM
Not too much woodworking. I cut some plywood panels for our new lab at work and sprayed them. Tonight I'm going to cut them to final size and do any necessary touch up (forgot the sheet with the exact measurements at the office Friday) Mowed the lawn on Saturday and installed some recessed tie down rings I bought at Northern Tool while in Minneapolis on my trailer. Spent about 3 hours playing on our new toy which was delivered late Friday evening.

Bob Childress
08-07-2006, 9:41 AM
Boy, it was hot here too. Too hot to work in the shop all day. But did manage to get the ply panels cut to size for the rest of the kitchen countertops. Only messed up one panel, so not too bad. (Measure twice, cut once strikes again!) Took the countertop off over the dishwasher to install additonal support for the new countertops. Did you know that if you remove the countertop over the dishwasher and then open the door and pull out the shelves, it will tip over?!:eek: A 2x4 brace as a temp cure.

I am getting myself worked up to the point of taking out the D/W, sink, cooktop, etc. either today or tomorrow. Then it will have to be non-stop until everything is reinstalled.:(

We need some rain! All around us, but not on us.

Don Baer
08-07-2006, 10:39 AM
Worked on trying to clean up sons garage so I can set up shop, it's full of stuff from their and our move to AZ, I rearranged the storage unit then haulled off 2 loads and filled up that storage unit. Now I can't take any more stuff over ntil the moving van has a chance to load up the bigger storage unit Then I'll be able to get the rest of the stuff out of the garage and set up shop. Went to the orange borg after church with LOML and she let me pick up an early BD present. The picture for the picture police is in this thread.


Mark Pruitt
08-07-2006, 10:47 AM
Survived the birthday party Friday night, after eating steak @ Outback and about a ton of chocolate cake and chocolate ice cream, with friends and co-workers. What a great bunch of people!:)

Installed a Herc-u-lift mobile base on a tool stand, set up my Wolverine jig and slow speed grinder, sharpened all my spindle turning chisels and had some fun at the lathe.

Also watched a couple of DVDs. One was Bill Grumbine's first Bowl Turning DVD which was excellent. Sales on it have been good and when you watch it you understand why. Can't wait to see the second one!!! (Bill, that's a subtle hint in case you stumble across this post!):D The other DVD I watched was one by Del Stubbs on bowls, published by Taunton. It was interesting to watch both DVDs as each comes from a different "angle" and offers unique contributions. I highly recommend both to anyone like me who is getting started on the lathe.

As always, Monday came way too soon.:rolleyes:

Tyler Howell
08-07-2006, 11:59 AM
Very productive weekend.
On the final push to finish up my (indoor) remuttling projects.
I promised Thanks Giving at my house this year:eek:.
Gotta keep moving.

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
08-07-2006, 12:12 PM
We had the summer dancing festival here in our neighbourhood this weekend, which means a ton MORE work for me.

We sell beer on tap in the park, as well as food and other things, for the kids etc.

it is a lot of fun, but a lot of work too.

We sold 310 liters of beer, that is 82 US gallons, 655 pints or 874 cans of beer :D

It was HOT and HUMMID here, so that helps with beer sales...

We set up on Friday, do the party on Sat & Sun, and then take it all down on Monday.

There is a pic of my daughter Mizuki dressed in her summer kimono, called a Yukata, the only pic I took, as I was just way too busy!

I need a vacation....:p

glenn bradley
08-07-2006, 1:39 PM
I went into clean-up mode. See OT forum: http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=40763

Chip Olson
08-07-2006, 1:42 PM
Last weekend (which I forgot to post about) I completed the cabinet bodies and cut the stock for the drawers, and started setting up the dovetail jig. This weekend I got all the dovetail joints cut: 3 drawers, 4 pull-outs for a total of 28 joints. Started with the bottom pull-outs so I'd have hopefully made most of my mistakes by the time I got to the ones people will actually look at, and mostly succeeded.

Also broke in my new grill Friday night with a Giant Slab O'Beef. Saturday night we went to visit some friends for dinner and ended up having more Giant Slab O'Beef. Think I'm good on my iron and protein for the next month or so. :-)

Don Baer
08-07-2006, 1:47 PM
I did replace 2 bad ballasts in 2 of my shop lights. It's not cheap replacing ballasts and bulgs in my 8' florescent lights. One of these days I'll get all my lights working at one time.:rolleyes:

I used to have the 8' florescent light in my shop I got tired of the high cost of bulbs. I found it was cheaper in the long run to replace the 8 footers with 2 4 footers. I wont have the 8 footer in my new shop.

John Timberlake
08-07-2006, 2:17 PM
Not as hot and humid as it has been. We also need rain even though people within 30 miles are cleaning up from floods - localized thunderstorms.

I spend Sat morning at the turning club meeting picking up a few pointers about spindle turning. Mowed the grass - took 2-1/2 hours. Went to Cirque du Soleil. Sunday went to church, saw my son who is moving to Virginia Beach in a week, and half turned two half dry bowls. Put them in paper bags and will get back to them in a month or six.

Aaron Beaver
08-07-2006, 2:39 PM
Put up 3 Hy-Loft storage systems in my garage. Then moved a bunch of stuff stored in the basement to those new storage racks.

Byron Trantham
08-07-2006, 3:00 PM
Spent way too many hours in the heat trimming bushes!:mad: Also worked on my project from H...! Looks like I may get it finished by the end of the week. I will post some pics then.

David Duke
08-07-2006, 3:02 PM
Saturday morning was spent chasing dowm material for my next project, after that LOML and I went and picked up a new clothes dryer, the old one had a bad coil on the gas solenoid and we've been waiting for three weeks for a replacement so we broke down and bought the new dryer......guess what was in the mail box when we got home.

Saturday evening we attended my 30th high school reunion, had a great time visiting with everyone and swapping lies about how bad we were back then. Sunday we met up with a couple of my best friends from HS (we had all drifted apart) and had a real nice visit.

Gredo Goldenstein
08-07-2006, 4:49 PM
Weekend finally not crazy hot! Where is the rain??? Took the small door off the garage because it was scraping on the floor. Found out the bottom panel of the door was coming apart. Reglued, rescrewed and repainted the door and rehung. Works like a dream now. Sunday helped the Mrs in the kitchen. She's repainting cabinets until I get new ones built. We are still working out the layout of the new ones.

David Wilson
08-07-2006, 4:54 PM
Finally got in some padeling on Sunday. Did about 2 miles and I can really feel it in my sholders today.http://www.sawmillcreek.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=44241&stc=1&d=1154983689

Fred Voorhees
08-07-2006, 5:23 PM
Headed down to Cape May, NJ for an overnighter on Saturday. Mission? To hang the cafe doors that my Mom wanted built for between a back room and her living room. I have had these doors built for a couple of weeks and was waiting to get down there to hang them. Simple project with left over birch beadboard ply glued back to back and inserted into a groove inside the perimeter framework which was held together with mortice and tenon joinery. Primed and painted surfaces turned out great.

Didn't plan on doing any fishing, but my brother talked me into doing a little surf fishing Saturday night and I'm glad we did. Brought in a couple of croakers and a ray or two, but most of all, it was some more quality time with my brother one on one. That is him silhouetted against the sunset with a whale watching boat coming in for the day.

Jim Becker
08-07-2006, 5:25 PM
Not much done this weekend. Mowed the lawn. Put up a cabinet in the bathroom to keep more "girly stuff" in. Hung some "princess nets" over the girls' beds. Started working on some landscaping/beds along the new driveway...used the backhoe to remove turf with less physical labor. I didn't get as much done on the latter as I wanted before having to chase an airplane...life is that way these days.

Ken Salisbury
08-07-2006, 5:57 PM
One picture is surely worth a 1000 words.

Click to enlarge

Kelly C. Hanna
08-07-2006, 8:01 PM
My weekend started on Tuesday of last week.

Bought a lathe...got a used HF model for $200 including 8 tools.

Finished 7 signs for our new retail store in Canton [open 4 days a month at First Monday Trade Days].

Got the shop ready to open with a new front door, new paint everywhere and the shop arranged with Jana's artwork and a few odds and ends.

Worked four days [T/F/S/S] at First Monday, selling nothing [bad weekend and the worst crowds of the year]...but had a blast meeting all the vendors and getting into the swing of things.

Result? I am Tired!!!