View Full Version : Grrrr.....as in I was gonna make a wallnut pepper grinder....

Ken Fitzgerald
08-06-2006, 11:15 PM
Well.........I thought I had it all planned out. Spent the last couple days working it over in my mind......Reading Rowley and Gross.......Break out the wood and tools and do it!.....Right! Once I got the walnut roughed to a cylinder, I measured twice...marked and cut the two pieces.....Some how I must have mis-measured or improperly marked it. Parted the two pieces......The top was too short by 1/8".......No problem...The salt shaker doesn't have to be the same height.......X2.......As I was squaring up the next top.....I turned a divot in the end....too short......The next one I turned....got it the right length....Drilled the body......Made a friction chuck....Put the body on it.....Finished the drilling....Finished turned...sanded........Looking good.....Split the thing getting it off the friction chuck! I might have recovered it but I took it out of the chuck and bounced it across the shop!


On another subject......The new Trend respirator works like a charm! It also helps keep sweat off my forehead and glasses!

Corey Hallagan
08-06-2006, 11:19 PM
Ken, sorry you had a problem. I bet you had it layed out right but parted it on the wrong side of the mark. That trend sounds good, I wear glasses myself and neeed a respirator and a shield. Better luck next time Ken!


Scott Donley
08-06-2006, 11:34 PM
Ain't turning FUN :D Sorry to hear of your problems, but look at the bright side, you got in a lot of extra practice, and the next one should be a piece of cake !

Bernie Weishapl
08-06-2006, 11:39 PM
Sorry to hear about your problem Ken. I tried to turn a second NE today and launched it and lost the bark on half of it. :mad: It sure is fun ain't it.:eek:

Ken Fitzgerald
08-06-2006, 11:54 PM
Bernie.....sorry to hear about your NE!.......Did you re-turn the tenon on the bottom?

Corey......Though it was supposed to get near 100 here today, my shop is so well insulated it only got up to about 86 in there. Normally the sweat on my forehead would end up on my glasses and I'd be stopping regulary...even if I'm wearing a sweatband...and cleaning my glasses. I was in there all day with the Trend on....the movement of air by my face was enough that my face didn't sweat with it on...and thus didn't need to clean the glasses.

Forrest Price
08-07-2006, 12:40 AM
Ahh geez Ken, that is certainly lousy! Must have been something in the air here today! LOML turned a gorgeous walnut bowl today, and wanted to shave just a "tiny" bit more off the inside bottom...you all know where this is going:(.....yup...now she's decided to see what plugging a bowl bottom can be like.

Not a good day for woodturning in Lewiston!

Tom Sherman
08-07-2006, 4:00 PM
Ken, Bernie, Forrest, I'll add my latest fupaw to the list I turned a small box out of cedar this past Wednsday and was cleaning up the bottom when the darn thing split in half on the jam chuck. Boy that makes you want to say bad words.

Keith Burns
08-07-2006, 4:37 PM
Ken, too bad about the shakers but at least you found out how good the Trend was. On the open segmented HF I recently posted I had a problem. Had all 210 pieces glued up and was just starting to turn it when, guess what, it came apart. Broke at the bottom 2 rings. So that piece is 3/4" shorter and 32 pieces shy of where it started out. Ain't turning fun !!:)

Mike Vickery
08-07-2006, 4:40 PM
I feal for you I have tried to make pepper mills twice now and have nothing to show for it yet. For some reason I have alot of problems with them. The frustrateing thing is it takes so long to drill the hole using the forstner bit. If I could drill quicker I would not mind so much.

By the way not meaning to highjack this but does anyone have a quick way to make the hole. I am drilling at low speed on the lathe with a forstner for a 10 inch mechanism and am constantly having to let the bit cool down.

Christopher K. Hartley
08-08-2006, 8:05 AM
Well.........I thought I had it all planned out. Spent the last couple days working it over in my mind......Reading Rowley and Gross.......Break out the wood and tools and do it!.....Right! Once I got the walnut roughed to a cylinder, I measured twice...marked and cut the two pieces.....Some how I must have mis-measured or improperly marked it. Parted the two pieces......The top was too short by 1/8".......No problem...The salt shaker doesn't have to be the same height.......X2.......As I was squaring up the next top.....I turned a divot in the end....too short......The next one I turned....got it the right length....Drilled the body......Made a friction chuck....Put the body on it.....Finished the drilling....Finished turned...sanded........Looking good.....Split the thing getting it off the friction chuck! I might have recovered it but I took it out of the chuck and bounced it across the shop!

GRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Must have been a nightmare.:eek: Without pics it really didn't happen. Ken, be careful what you eat before you go to bed next time.:D :( ;)