View Full Version : Aquarium Rack - Mind Blowing

Randy Long
08-06-2006, 8:15 PM
Here is one for you. People were saying that I under built the last aquarium stand. Well check this one out! 3 15 Gallon tank for a total of ~450 pounds.

John Shuk
08-06-2006, 8:27 PM
That is tempting fate.

Brent Smith
08-06-2006, 9:37 PM
I would have to say that it's more than tempting fate. Looks like the perfect way to wash the floor! I hope you have that on a Perfectly level floor Randy. I'm not trying to be a smart a** here, I make my living in the aquarium trade and a fair bit of side income on custom aquarium stands. Your design may be estetically pleasing to you, but it's not mechanically stable. While having the ends of the aquariums supported is the most important structural point, your stabilisers at the bottom don't leave much safety room. Even a slight bump or shake could send the whole thing down. It appears that the base of the top aquarium is about 40" off the floor, makes for a pretty top heavy set up. If you have a large dog or young children, I'd make sure to keep them well away from it.

Bruce Page
08-06-2006, 11:57 PM
I guess you guys have never been in the backroom of a fish store. Most of them look just like this.

Marty Walsh
08-07-2006, 12:16 AM

It looks like you put some thought into this stand. You've done a nice job dado'ing the tank supports into the uprights, and the uprights into the legs.

It's hard to tell from the pictures...is that 8/4 pine? How stable does it appear to be with all that weight up high?

I guess you guys have never been in the backroom of a fish store. Most of them look just like this.


The aquarium wholesalers I used to deal with had tank supports that "looked" like that, but were made of thick angle iron welded together, not wood.

- Marty -

Brent Smith
08-07-2006, 5:18 AM
Hi Bruce,

I am the back room of a fish store, I own a pet store. Any set ups that I've come across that look anything like that are either bolted to a wall or have extended "feet" , both will add stability.

Randy Long
08-07-2006, 6:17 AM
Yes, I know where you are comming from Brent. THis is on a concrete floor so it is nice and level. I don't have childern and don't have visitors of the little ones. If it was in any other situation I would have another member across the top and have it bolted to the wall.

It is made from a 2" x 8" I cleened up.

Brent Smith
08-07-2006, 6:52 AM
Hi Randy,

If I could make one suggestion....if you haven't already, fill the bottom tank. At least it will add a bit of stability with more weight on the bottom.

Chris Barton
08-07-2006, 7:31 AM
Hmmm, very interesting! I have had aquariums for nearly all my life and have never seen a stand like this. I like Brent would be concerned that the center of gravity would be very high on this piece. Looks like if I were cleaning the top one that it wouldn't take much to get it moving. Also, while you have the ends supported, the long axis of the aquariums have no support and thus the front and back are probably under considerable load, kind of like a long shelf with the very end supported and the majority of the load in the center. On the otherhand, I am not in the aquarium business and have only broken them at an amature level.;)