View Full Version : The new shop

Joe Blankshain
08-06-2006, 3:11 PM
After much anticipation and pestering from the Photo Patrol, here are some pics of the new shop in South Carolina. Hope you enjoy and thanks for all the great advice given on this forum.






Joe Blankshain
08-06-2006, 3:12 PM




Joe Blankshain
08-06-2006, 3:14 PM



Brett Baldwin
08-06-2006, 3:28 PM
You must be the envy of all your guy friends. Despite all that space you don't seem to have any trouble filling it with toyls. As we used to say when somebody came along with some new, cool thing "Can I be your friend?":D

Jim O'Dell
08-06-2006, 3:30 PM
WOW!! Nice space! I love the ceiling height...makes me a little jealous. :D I'm sure I will only be the first, or so, to say this, but I think the first thing I would have done is spilled a little white paint. ;) It looks big with dark walls. I can only imagine how big it would look with some light reflecting around.
Enjoy your space, and setting everything up just right. It will be fun! Jim.

Bob Childress
08-06-2006, 4:15 PM

You have way too much stuff in there. As I am only three hours from you, I'll gladly drive my pickup down and relieve you of some of that mess. Oh, and I'll get rid of some of that wood for you, too. :D :D :D ;)

Way cool shop! Hope you've got an alarm in there.:)

Steve Clardy
08-06-2006, 6:02 PM
Hmmm. I spy a stash of planes in there!
Nise shop!

Per Swenson
08-06-2006, 7:38 PM
I'm with Mr. Clardy on this, though I see two different forms of planes.

Da plane boss! Da Plane!

Hey Joe, any chance you have real flight?

(Its a R/C sim)


Corey Hallagan
08-06-2006, 8:11 PM
Nice shop Joe!! Wish I had room like that!


Joe Blankshain
08-06-2006, 8:31 PM
Thanks for all the kind words. It has taken me months to get it organized as the "real job" has kept me busy. Per, the R/C flying has been minimal, but the shop is on a street that is perfect for take offs and landings. Bob, the alarm system is too good, I have set it off myself and law enforcement responce time is sub 30 seconds. Also, have streaming 24 video from 8 cameras. Jim, I think a paint job is in the near future. Brett, all the Creekers are considered friends and come down anytime. The fridge is full of cold libations. Thanks to all again.

Marty Walsh
08-06-2006, 8:49 PM
Wow Joe,

That's a great space, and a nice assortment of tools. Although, it appears that you need a BIGGER space already! :D What are the dimensions?

Enjoy the new shop...
- Marty -