View Full Version : Spalted Birch NE

Barry Stratton
08-06-2006, 3:03 AM
I am thrilled with this bowl, even though it has obvious flaws.

My dad has carted a piece of birch around for 20 or more years. He kept it because it looked like a "rose" when viewed on end. It always looked punky and rotten in the middle to me, but, that respect your elders thing always kept me from saying anything but "uh-huh".

Anyway, he gave it to me a few weeks ago and asked if I could make anything out of it. I said I'd try and this is the result. Can't wait to see the look on his face when I hand this to him and say "this is what I found in that birch log you gave me."

Also, I definitely needs to look up the epoxy manhatten recipe for the other half!!! The middle is like turning stale styrofoam....



Dennis Peacock
08-06-2006, 7:17 AM
Nice piece there Barry. What amazes me? The bark is still stuck tight after all those years. Very well done sir. :cool: :D

Ernie Nyvall
08-06-2006, 8:27 AM
Yep, I believe he will be very surprised. Nice one Barry.

Andy Hoyt
08-06-2006, 9:14 AM
Took me a minute to realize why the form looked so familiar - it's a Jonesport hull!

Well done, Barry.

Bernie Weishapl
08-06-2006, 9:39 AM
That a beauty Barry. You did a nice job on it. Dad is going to be pleasantly surprised.

Keith Burns
08-06-2006, 10:04 AM
Well done Barry, nice NE. :) :)

Ken Fitzgerald
08-06-2006, 10:07 AM
Nicely done Barry! Your Dad will be pleasantly surpised! So....how long have you been turning stale styrofoam?:confused: :eek: :D

Corey Hallagan
08-06-2006, 10:24 AM
That's cool Barry! Way to go I am sure your dad will love it!

Dick Parr
08-06-2006, 11:23 AM
Great job Barry, your father is going to love it.

Henry C. Gernhardt, III
08-06-2006, 1:59 PM
Lookin' good, Barry. That wood really talks!

Tom Sherman
08-06-2006, 5:45 PM
Nothing short of Outstanding Barry. You did a great job there

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
08-06-2006, 7:41 PM
Looks great!

I think you have a "See I told you so" coming from dear old Dad :D

Barry Stratton
08-06-2006, 9:31 PM
Thanks gang! Just roughed out #2 and it looks WAY better already. If it will just hold together during hollowing.........

And I hear you Stu, those old dawgs usually have something like that in reserve......

Curt Fuller
08-06-2006, 10:13 PM
That's a really nice bowl Barry. I'm probably just a nostalgic old bugger but anytime I can get a piece of wood that has some sort of family tie or historic background it makes it even better.