View Full Version : It's 9 AM, what have you got done?

Jeff Horton
08-05-2006, 10:28 AM
So far this morning I have removed approx. 75 bd ft of sawmill run oak that must be at least 50 years old from the attic of the old Post Office/General store on the corner of my property. I guess it was just flooring for the attic space so they could store things there. Hauled it to the shop and unloaded it. It only 3/4's but it is will plane out to some beautiful wood. Just on the thin side. But it was free... well sort of. I did pay for it when I bought this land I guess. :rolleyes:

I have removed about the same amount of PT pine and other woods I don't use from the shop to the trailer. Hauled and unloaded them into the barn.

Cleaned out my wood rack of some junk and rearranged it some. It's now ready to load the Walnut I picked up yesterday and Oak from this morning.

I have been for a swim to cool off after handling all that wood. Set up the sprinklers for the plants. I thought I would beat the heat and I guess I did but it is already 82 here. Of course it headed into the upper 90's AGAIN!

Now with dry clothes on I am ready to head to the shop, fire up the AC and start some wood working projects. What have you got done this morning?

Brian Hale
08-05-2006, 10:53 AM
I finished my coffee...... :rolleyes:

Brian :)

Don Baer
08-05-2006, 10:56 AM
It's 7:50 AM here in AZ and I am just finishing my morning coffee. It already 89 degrees and I have to load a bunch of boxes and move them to my storage place so im going to be sweating and drinking a lot of water.

Jim O'Dell
08-05-2006, 10:59 AM
I finished breakfast and vacuumed the house while waiting for my parents to visit! :D
Actually, I got a head start in the shop last night and assembled the stand I've been working on for my RAS to mount on. Need 4 bolts to secure it. Took lots of pictures and was going to start a thread about it last night...no pictures on the card:confused: :confused: :confused: Don't know what happened, but I'm not taking it back apart just to show pictures of it going together!! I'll try again later today, or tomorrow, to get some pictures that will show what I've done. Jim.

Karl Laustrup
08-05-2006, 11:05 AM
10 AM here and just got home from a round of golf.

Going to go get hamburgers and take one to my mom at the re-hab center and have lunch with her. Then ???????


Nathan Camp
08-05-2006, 11:06 AM
I've cut up and moved the 400 lb tree top that fell on my truck last night during a storm. And glued the base to the carcass of my Brazilian Cherry Mantel Clock.

Glued the clock first. Gotta have your priorities straight!

The tree top actually landed beside the truck and only a few small limbs were on top of it. No damage as far as I can see.


Maurice Metzger
08-05-2006, 11:17 AM
Jeff, funny you should ask that on the one Saturday morning in my life when I actually have done something before 10AM...

I'm setting up a mini shop for my nephew in my sister's garage. I drilled some 3/4" dog holes in a 2x4/plywood workbench. This actually took some time as the plywood top is backed by a layer of 2x4s.

Drilled some holes to fasten together some shooting board components.

I also marked some cuts for a pocket hole table we're making, I'll cut those with a hand saw later. Also I'm going to fasten together a rolling cart of the same 2x4/plywood construction as the workbench.

Pretty fun actually. But it hasn't heated up yet.


Corey Hallagan
08-05-2006, 11:19 AM
10:15 and I have had my coffee and ready to head to the shop. Not going to do much but do some cleaning and rearranging today.


Tyler Howell
08-05-2006, 11:24 AM
Pulled 6 runs, 300 ft of 10 awg wire through conduit bought some paint talked to the kid out east and made a creeker visit.;)

Dennis Peacock
08-05-2006, 11:28 AM
Drank 3 large cups of coffee, ate pancakes and sausage, read 3,386,485 posts on SMC, answered 3 phone calls, and dreading how hot it's going to be today. :rolleyes:

Steve Clardy
08-05-2006, 11:36 AM
Finished one pot of coffee, working on the second pot of coffee.
Read a bazillion posts

Andy Hoyt
08-05-2006, 11:42 AM
Been strategerizing all morning about what I want to do today.

With luck, this will continue until 5 or 6 PM and by then it will be too late to get it done.

I suggest that you do not try this at home.

I am a professional slackard.

Tim Morton
08-05-2006, 11:44 AM
cleared an area in the back yard and am laying out the position of a shed that i am building...I'm figuring to have in done by winter:D

Cecil Arnold
08-05-2006, 11:55 AM
I'm with Andy.

Bob Noles
08-05-2006, 11:57 AM
By 9 am I finished my pot of coffee and breakfast bisket then got the wife off to her daughter's baby shower for the day.

Ah.... a nice uninterupted day in the shop with AC and radio running full blast :)

Came in for a bite of lunch and check the forum to see what everyone else was up to.

Joe Blankshain
08-05-2006, 12:01 PM
It is noon here in South Carolina and I have been busy in the shop. Wife told me to get out of the house and do something constructive. So I punched a hole through the back of the shop (cinder block) and put an auto-closing vent so that I could install the new portable AC unit and vent the HOT air out. Getting the last of the organizational items done (about time) so that I can post some pictures of the new shop (old fire station on the "retired" Navy base). Will take said pictures this week and post asap.

Lee DeRaud
08-05-2006, 12:02 PM
Almost nothing.

Of course it's only 8:59 (real time, not SMC time). :cool:

Mike Cutler
08-05-2006, 12:48 PM
I was supposed to move a couple of beehives at oh dark thirty this morning, but the bees were still on the fronts cooling off the hive from last nite. Hopefully tommorrow I can get them to their new home.

Picked out some stain glass windows for my next couple of projects. Sorted through some cocobola I picked up, and hopefully will get some lacewood later today. Too hot to work in the shop, so I'll just spend some $$$ instead.

Picked up the Tage Frid 3 book hardbound set last nite, and was looking through it this morning. Nice books.

Dick Bringhurst
08-05-2006, 12:54 PM
Wow -- You guys are energetic. I got breakfast, fertilized the front lawn, re-sawed some mahogany (still have to do the maple) and decided to check SMC. 'Sposed to get to a whopin 89 today,but figure I can handle it. Dick B.

Bryan Somers
08-05-2006, 1:03 PM
Just reading this made me tired. I filled in for our forman on days this past week while he spent the week suffering down at Myrtle Beach:rolleyes: , so it was a high stress week at work. Now its back to running 2nd shift and its my weekend to work. I guess I'm a glutton for punishment.

Mike Hill
08-05-2006, 1:13 PM
I got up, read the paper, showered and went to the grocery with LOML. She likes that! I don't know why. Returned home, mowed the grass, weed whipped and edged. Finished a Jig for cutting slots in boxes for a key to hold the miter joint together. Finally I am procrastinating about what to do with the top of my out feed table. Will work in the shop most of the afternoon (over 100 degrees by 2 or 3 p.m.), then Church this evening and a dinner afterward for new members.

glenn bradley
08-05-2006, 2:33 PM
Did the joinery work on a drawer for a wall mounted jewelry cabinet that's in the works. Oh yeah, and I turned on the sprinklers for awhile.

Vaughn McMillan
08-05-2006, 2:36 PM
Well, I rolled out of bed about 15 minutes ago (11:15 local time), so I've done nothing but kiss the wife good morning and make myself some iced tea.
On the other hand, I sent my last e-mail to the office last night at about 2:30 AM, then still did additional work stuff until about 3:30, showered, and was in bed by about 4:30.

I seldom do mornings. :cool:

- Vaughn

Al Navas
08-05-2006, 2:39 PM
LOML and I mowed 4-1/2 acres, cleaned some brush, ate lunch and came to check in on the forums (fora???).

In the middle of mowing LOML had an OLD strap wrap itself around the middle blade in the mowing deck, and spent an hour cutting it off! Some of it had wrapped itself deep in the blade holder / mandrel. We have been cleaning an area that was ignored for years by the previous owners - belt was a leftover, I am sure...

This afternoon I an headed for the shop, to start spraying the latest project: A small dovetailed chest for LOML. I have already applied the shellac, but now must spray on some dye, then shellac again to seal in the dye, then some waterborne lacquer.

I wish everyone a GREAT afternoon!


Alan DuBoff
08-05-2006, 3:27 PM
I woke up! Of course it's not morning anymore, but I think it still counts!:rolleyes:

Getting ready to kick the door open on the shop and make some sawdust to make some small speaker shelves to hold a set of Bose speakers in the family room.

Harold Beck
08-05-2006, 3:47 PM
Got up around 8. Took a shower, woke up my sone wand we went out for our regular Saturday breakfast. LOML got to drink the coffee and read the paper in peace at home.

It was tax free holiday here in TX, took sone to get new school sneakers. Came home, attacked the water softener drain that was leaking under the sink in the laundry room.

Now that is is 95+ I can head out to the shop to sand on the headboard that I am prepping for finish. Had my priorities this morning but patience wins out. I get to the shop anyway!


Corvin Alstot
08-05-2006, 4:40 PM
Finished 18 holes - 10 over par, ouch.
Now off to the office, for a little work.
Then a 5 mile run tonight, - only 24 more weeks till the marathon.

Per Swenson
08-05-2006, 4:50 PM
By 9?,

Well lets see on Thursday I got my final roughin inspections ( 'lectrical,

framing, plumbing, and insulation). Finished the rock by 1pm today.

Went home and took a nap. Tape and shmutzh sunday morning.

One coat , its only firecode. Then we begin a actual bar installation.

Update to follow in its own thread. Oh did I mention I did this all by myself?


John Lucas
08-05-2006, 5:20 PM
Geez Per,
Is productivity down because of the hot speel we have been having. Dont you use 4 x 12 sheets. The new 20's make things really purr. Have you been using the new Festool Banjo - does both edges at once. Get with Bob M. HE must have a loaner.

Jason Roehl
08-05-2006, 5:30 PM
By 9? I think I might have been done with my coffee and was thinking of leaving for work. We're in the "Apartment Rush" right now, though, which I dragged the wife into this year, so I'm now drinking beer after we painted a 4BR apartment and a 3BR townhouse today. Just a light day. :rolleyes: Next week we'll be doing about double that most days. Yes, 12-16 hour days of intense painting are ahead. Hard on the body, but good on the checking account.


Jeff Horton
08-05-2006, 5:30 PM
Got to admit that most times I don't hit the shop till about nine. I was impressed with myself this morning and just bragging a little. Most of you guys sound like me most of the time. Cept for the coffee, to hot to drink it right now.

Its now 4:30 here and 98 degrees. I am still tired from that sweat I worked up this morning. I still haven't stacked all that wood yet, but I did get some work done on the planner. Will post photos in a few minutes. Will probably do a bit more work in the shop tonight, just to hot it's hard to do anything.

Andy Hoyt
08-05-2006, 5:35 PM
Don't rush me.

I'm still strategerizing.

Gary Keedwell
08-05-2006, 8:37 PM
Drove 150 miles with LOML and arrived at Mt. Sunapee NH. at 10:30 to browse at the League of N.H. Craftsmen Fair. I have never seen so many talented people in one place before. There was wood turning demos and all kinds of displays of furniture, boxes etc,. We walked around for over 5 hours. Second time there~gets better every time. Got home around 7 and plan on watching a movie and relaxing tonite.

Gary K.

Ben Grunow
08-05-2006, 9:02 PM
Went to dump to unload drywall scraps, lumber yard to pick up 15 sheets 1/2" underlayment and 10 sheets of 1/2" permabase and 2 50# bags of thinset, diner to get pancakes for fam, home to eat and carry items from lumber yard up to 2nd floor. Now to install.

Hey Gary- next time be sure to hit Peter Lugars for dinner (on main road (rte 11?) up near I 89). Great food and atmosphere. I have spent a lot of time in Sunapee. Good skiing too.

Doug Jones
08-05-2006, 9:19 PM
Did 30 miles on the bicycle.

Al Willits
08-05-2006, 9:35 PM
In the garage by 7:00, built a rack to store some clamps on and had a nice chat with Tyler who stopped by to see my disaster of a shop.

Disasembled a couple of pallets I picked up at work, like new and pretty thick wood for pallets, run the wood though the jointer and now have a bit more wood for the stockpile, considering the labor, I may just buy the wood next time.. :)

Then continued on with my quest to clean the garage and make a woodshop out of it..


Jeff Horton
08-05-2006, 9:46 PM
Did 30 miles on the bicycle.

Gave up bicycling (not by choice) almost 3 years ago now to build a house. Just didn't have time to do any. Ready to get back to at it.

John Michaels
08-06-2006, 2:27 AM
I didn't get out of bed till 9:30 A.M.