View Full Version : gel poly

Ted Okolichany
08-04-2006, 8:25 PM
I bought a can of gel poly from Packard. I wanted to try something different for a finish on my turnings. When I opened the can, there was a very heavy, thick layer of finish material. I probed under that, and I noiticed some liquid material. All of the material was dark brown.

Is this normal? Or, do I have a can to send back for an exchange?



Andy Hoyt
08-04-2006, 10:17 PM
Ted - I got the same stuff from Packard a week or two back. Haven't opened the second can yet; but the first was a chore just getting the lid off. I didn't have much choice (since I had pieces that couldn't wait), so I chopped a hole through a 1/4" of solidified crud and found usable material underneath which was not in liquid form. It was more of a very loose paste wax consistency. I found no expiration date or code on the can, but my guess is that it's been around a while.

Goes on rather thick and you really have to "work it" to get it spread around. And it absolutely will have to be buffed. I've had good success with it thus far, but the process is hampered by its condition - and perhaps the current weather. Do one piece at a time - the stuff dries fast and you'll need to watch for smudges and lumps. I'll be posting a walnut bowl shortly that was subjected to this stuff and you'll be able to see for yourself.

However, in an offline discussion with a few creekers I learned that the Rockler brand of gel poly is actually more viscous - meaning it spreads easier; and it also buffs up better and cures harder. They could state this since they'd used both brands previously.

I'd actually wanted to order the Rockler brand but they were out of stock until - hmmmm - about now I think.

Good luck.

And yes - Next order will be the Rockler stuff.

Bernie Weishapl
08-04-2006, 11:27 PM
Ted had the same thing happen with Gel Poly from Packard. Ordered some from Rocklers and it was fresh. Went on like a dream.

Dave Wimmer
08-05-2006, 7:25 AM
It is probably very old. I use Bartley's Gel finish and it never is like that when you open the can, but will get that way if you just put the lid on and set it up. I put piece of wax paper the size of the lid down on the finish in the can to keep the air from contacting it. That prevents the "skin" from forming.

Ted Okolichany
08-05-2006, 12:26 PM
Thanks for all of your inputs on the poly gel. I thought it was old sdtuff and not worth the effort to use it or pay the postage to return it.

I will continue to use my finishes that have worked in the past. Instead of the gel poly, I used Waterlox to finsh this NFIP HF. Just a little too humid to spray any lacquer.
