View Full Version : I'm no longer a "lathe virgin"............PIC

Gord Graff
09-28-2003, 3:12 PM
Hi All,

I’m no longer a lathe virgin and I have mixed feelings about it. I borrowed the use of a friend’s lathe, screwed a slab of Maple to the faceplate and began to turn. The thrill of turning grabbed me and possessed my very being. That’s it I thought, I’m hooked, 30 minutes later I was pulling this 12” X 3” “bowl” off the lathe. Man, I gotta go sit down, too many thoughts and too many feelings to deal with all at once.

Thanks fellas, you guys are to blame for all of this. Not a bad looking “bowl” for a first time out eh.

All the best

Joe Tonich
09-28-2003, 4:17 PM
Hi All,

I’m no longer a lathe virgin and I have mixed feelings about it. I borrowed the use of a friend’s lathe, screwed a slab of Maple to the faceplate and began to turn. The thrill of turning grabbed me and possessed my very being. That’s it I thought, I’m hooked, 30 minutes later I was pulling this 12” X 3” “bowl” off the lathe. Man, I gotta go sit down, too many thoughts and too many feelings to deal with all at once.

Thanks fellas, you guys are to blame for all of this. Not a bad looking “bowl” for a first time out eh.

All the best


Well Done!!! Wish MY first looked so good. Looks like another convert. :p


Jim Becker
09-28-2003, 4:25 PM
To quote Tom Sweeney..."Resistance is Futile..." :D Welcome to our addiction! (Nice first turning, too!!!)

Kevin Gerstenecker
09-28-2003, 5:02 PM
Nice Bowl there Gord! Great for the first time around. It was just a matter of time my friend.............it's a conspiracy............they got ME, and now WE got you! :D Big Fun, ain't it? ;)

John Miliunas
09-28-2003, 7:12 PM
Ah yes, Gord, you too will be assimilated! There are cryptic messages placed in each and every turning thread and, sooner or later, that spinny thing is gonna' getchya'! REAL nice first effort, too! :cool:

Bill MacLachlan
09-28-2003, 8:00 PM
Welcome to the turning bug. I wish my first looked that good.

Tom Sweeney
09-28-2003, 8:08 PM
I told you you'd like it :D

Sounds like you're hooked. Do yourself a favor - if you can afford it buy a good lathe - a few good turning tools, a nice chuck & especially a good sharpening system DAMHIKT

Great job on the bowl - definately off to a good start!

Scott Greaves
09-28-2003, 10:40 PM
Oh, I like it! Very nice bowl! As many other have said - I wish my first had looked that good!

Way to go!


Keith Outten
09-28-2003, 11:25 PM

You have the bug big time and it looks like this one will be fatal. The picture below says it all :)

Dominic Greco
09-29-2003, 7:50 AM
yeah, yeah! It's all fun and games when you first start. That first bowl comes off the lathe, and you get an instant high. But it's never enough. You NEED to turn another. Then another. Soon you're up to 5 bowls a week. Then you need new gouges, and a slow speed grinder,....and a scroll chuck. And lets not even mention the sanding and finishing supplies! You turn around one day and notice the layers of dust on your other tools. The tablesaw has become just a tool holder for your lathe.

Then you make that ONE big mistake and visit another turner who has a bigger, badder lathe. Then you go home to your lathe and look at it the same way you looked at your old two wheel Schwinn after riding your buddy's 10 speed. Now you NEED a big lathe. The thought consumes you. You spend hours pouring over Craft Supplies USA's catalog drooling over the Stubbies and Oneways. You haunt the aisles of Woodcraft like the "Phantom of the Opera" so that you touch the beds of the new Jet 2HP JWL-1642s.

Other than that,.....it a great hobby. Have fun! :D

Ken Salisbury
09-29-2003, 8:07 AM
Then you make that ONE big mistake and visit another turner who has a bigger, badder lathe. Then you go home to your lathe and look at it the same way you looked at your old two wheel Schwinn after riding your buddy's 10 speed. Now you NEED a big lathe. -- so you touch the beds of the new Jet 2HP JWL-1642s. :D
Been there - done that !! - Or: you read a tool review written by a obsessed turner (name withheld to protect the offender -- -- you know who you are!) :D and are hooked into the NEED for a big lathe.

Glenn Hodges
09-29-2003, 12:58 PM
What a bowl, and you did it in only 30 minutes. Congratulations, my first
bowl took me at least a half a day, you must be a natural for turning
bowls. I can't wait to see what you will be making in the future.

mike malone
09-30-2003, 12:10 AM
[QUOTE=Gord Graff]Hi All,

I’m no longer a lathe virgin and I have mixed feelings about it. I borrowed the use of a friend’s lathe, screwed a slab of Maple to the ...

Nice one Gord! Unbelieveable for a first timer...
Now you have a place to hold some of the snow that'll soon be coming, eh? BTW how're my Habs doing? regards, Mike (ex-Montrealer)

Keith Harper
10-01-2003, 4:17 PM
Hi All,

I’m no longer a lathe virgin and I have mixed feelings about it. I borrowed the use of a friend’s lathe, screwed a slab of Maple to the faceplate and began to turn. The thrill of turning grabbed me and possessed my very being. That’s it I thought, I’m hooked, 30 minutes later I was pulling this 12” X 3” “bowl” off the lathe. Man, I gotta go sit down, too many thoughts and too many feelings to deal with all at once.

Thanks fellas, you guys are to blame for all of this. Not a bad looking “bowl” for a first time out eh.

All the best

Wish my first had looked as great. I created a lot of firewood during numerous tries. Word of caution. From the looks of the pic you don't need any more tools. So save your money for wood and not tools until you really need them.