View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's"

Karl Laustrup
08-04-2006, 11:36 AM
Firday August 4th, 2006

MY OH MY, where is the time going. Less than a month and it'll be Labor Day. Kids will be heading back to school and we'll all be prepping for winter.

I'm planning on some golf for the weekend and then some time in the shop. Watch some golf on the tube and the Brickyard 400 Sunday. Not sure what I'm going to do otherwise, but with the weather cooling down to the low to mid 80's it's time to get something done. Still no rain, so a lot of time will be spent watering the sod I put down several weeks ago.

What's on your agenda this weekend. Fun, games, work, shop time, spin time??? Let's hear all the details, but as always make it a safe one.


Marlow Wilson
08-04-2006, 11:40 AM
I'm one week into a month long bar reno. The weekend plans include a contrete countertop and framing a curved wall for the DJ booth, as well and fishing some PITA wires. Wow, better get back out there working.



Bob Childress
08-04-2006, 11:44 AM
Well, back on the kitchen remodel this weekend. The sink and faucet arrived yesterday and the new appliances (D/W, cooktop, range hood) are due tomorrow. I hope to build the new countertops out in the shop this weekend (double thickness 3/4 ply, glued and screwed together) prior to tearing out the old ones, so we won't be without kitchen services more than a week or so. :rolleyes:

I am patiently waiting for Murphy to make his appearance to screw up all this careful planning.:eek:

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
08-04-2006, 11:53 AM
Still recovering from my LASIKs (20/10 both eyes, I can SEE!!) and we have the local summer town festival, it is HOT here, SUNNY and HUMID and we are selling beer in the park all weekend, hope to sell a ton :D

I do not expect to get down to the Dungeon until at least Monday night, maybe even Tuesday night, I have my last post op LASIK check up on Monday, if I pass that one, I'm good for the Dungeon, and I can have a beer or two as well!

Take it easy out there in the heat fellas!!


Joe Marotta
08-04-2006, 12:17 PM
My wife has convinced me that we need to go down to visit my parents in Williamsburg. Even though she gets along with them just fine, I have a feeling that she has something else in mind...

You see, this weekend is a Sales Tax holiday here in VA. As a result, all school supplies and clothing is exempt from sales tax. Something makes me think that it is not so much the in-laws she is looking to visit, but rather the outlet malls, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, all this means that time in the shop just ain't gonna happen. I think I might take my eldest son to the Borg tomorrow morning (there is one near my parents), they are having a kids workshop, and I could get my sawdust fix vicariously through him!

here's hoping the credit card bill isn't too ugly after the weekend. I tried explaining that any savings we might get off the sales tax exemption would be spent on gas, but it didn't help...:rolleyes:

Ron Blaise
08-04-2006, 12:44 PM
Sanding some more on my two book cases. At least that's what I plan to do, but I have to turn on my shop air conditioner tonight so it will be comfortable in there tomorrow. Man it's hot everywhere!

David Wilson
08-04-2006, 12:54 PM
Heading out to the lakes this afternoon. First stop in Battle Lake at my
X-BIL's blacksmith shop to get roof racks made for the PU truck so I can hall the kayak on top. Then to Otter Tail Lake to the cabin for a couple days. Hope to get in some kayak time as I slipped a disc 2 days after the initial launch and havn't paddled since. The kayak has had plenty of use by LOML and the SIL who was visiting from WI.

Al Willits
08-04-2006, 1:00 PM
Gonna be a laid back weekend here, mid 80's so we'll probably get some golf in, Sat morm Tyler is gonna stop by and visit, maybe take a picture or two and maybe even help me decide on a layout for the shop/garage.

Finish planing the basswood I got, and start making cabinets for the shop.

Figure I'd use the basswood for framing and some B/C plywood from menards.


Jim O'Dell
08-04-2006, 2:51 PM
Well, I hope to finish my RAS cabinet remodel. Sears metal lower cabinet that I've butchered :D , painted and added a Ridgid Herc-U-Lift to. Also dropped the RAS portion into the cabinet about 3 inches so that the cutting surface will be the same as my TS and future, mult-iuse long wall cabinet. I'm painted and ready to start reinstalling everything.
My parents are coming down Sat. am to bring me my Dad's old welding table. Hopefully it is mobile enough, and low enough, to make it work double as an outfeed table for the TS. It will be their first trip to see us in about a year and a half. Dad hasn't seen what I've done on the shop remodel. Hope to get some good ideas from him!
I bought 2 pieces of PVC to keep working on my cyclone ducting. Still need a few fittings, and some flex to get both the BS and the TS hooked up.
I need to start working on upgrading the LOML's computer. Won't get all of this done this weekend, but hopefully I'll get some of it finished, and other parts at least started. Have a good one! Jim

Vaughn McMillan
08-04-2006, 3:46 PM
I'll be working on more Viking re-enactment stuff for my BIL (almost done with the mortising on the bed). Also hoping the new Bosch jigsaw I ordered shows up today, since I have some horse and dragon head shapes to cut out for him, and I don't want to use my nasty old B&D jigsaw. I'll also be working on a bandsaw sled/outfeed table for cutting small logs.

- Vaughn

Jim Becker
08-04-2006, 4:02 PM
Lawn mowing, some more landscaping, hanging a cabinet in the bathroom, hanging these "net" things over the girls' beds, etc. I don't know if I'll get in the shop or not as I have to prioritize due to a lot of business travel happening right now. (Like my "day trip" to Atlanta yesterday...)

David Duke
08-04-2006, 4:06 PM
Probably work at the "real" job for a little while in the morning, after that I need to chase some material down for my next project. Tomorrow night will be my 30th high school reunion, get to check and see if everyone got as fat and gray as I have!!

Don Baer
08-04-2006, 4:14 PM
Cleaning and reorganising my sons garage. We made the move from California to Arizona on Wed. so now I'm no longer in LALA land..:D My sons garage is going to serve as my temp Shop until the new house gets built. It's going to be about 6 months then I'll have a real shop to set up.

Mark Ebert
08-04-2006, 5:16 PM
I'm doing something crazy this weekend, but not woodworking related. I'm going on a 2-day bicycle ride across part of Illinois. As crazy as that sounds, I was originally signed up to do a 7-day ride to the NW corner of Illinois (Galena) and back, but I've been having neck problems and have to cut it short due to the pain I have been experiencing until I can get to the doctor.

I have next week off for vacation, so at least by cutting this ride short I will finally be able to get in to the shop and actually get something done (I hope...). I have a bookcase headboard that needs to be completed, then I have to build a shaker style hall table for my daughter, then two jewelry boxes then a bookcase for my son then...


Tyler Howell
08-04-2006, 6:38 PM
Going on vacation Mid Week next.
Whole punch list before I head out of town.
A little creeker visit tomorrow. Family get together on Sat.
A date with an old GF on Sunday.:D
Have fun Play safe.

Thomas Prondzinski
08-04-2006, 7:14 PM
Heading west for Sturgis,Saturday be gone most of the week


Fred Voorhees
08-04-2006, 7:35 PM
Heading to Cape May Saturday morning for an overnight at my Brother Marks house. I have had these cafe doors sitting in my shop for a couple of weeks waiting to be brought down to my Moms to be mounted between two rooms in her home. I will take pics and include them later in the weekend or in the weekend round up deal on Monday.

Beginning to make plans for my time off while I heal from the carpal tunnel surgery that will be done this coming Wednesday. Have already been talking to a buddy about giving him a hand in searching for a used camper for our annual (October)upcoming trip to Syracuse,NY. He also stated that he would like to get to a few different race tracks while I'm off. Shoot, now I'm thinking about heading up to the Syracuse area to take in a Friday and Saturday night track that we absolutely love and only get to go to while on the Syracuse (October)trip. We have always wanted to get up to those tracks for a regular weekly show sometime during the summer and this might be our chance. Let's see, as for other stuff to do while I'm off - haircut, oil change in truck, buy some new knives for work, small project for the son for his wedding, etc.

Matt Meiser
08-04-2006, 8:12 PM
Lawn mowing, playing on the new Mule (due to be delivered literally any minute :-) ) and some work related woodworking. We are getting a new IT/Controls lab and I'm resurfacing a laminate work surface in there and doing some plywood panels to mount equipment to. We're using oak and making them look nice for when customer's visit. I have to get the panels cut to rough size and spray a few coats of WB poly, then we'll cut them to exact size "in the field" using my EZ Guide.

Joe Blankshain
08-04-2006, 8:28 PM
Took today off to do the "honey do's" around the house and get the outside work done. Took the LOML out to dinner tonight and she informed me theat "I need to do some serious shop time as I have been busy with work and got all the chores done today". What a great woman!!!!
Hope I get my allowance soon as I feel some new tools may be in order so as to balance the universe.

Brad Schmid
08-05-2006, 12:05 AM
LOML and kids are going to some kind of "Wiggles" show, whatever that is... So, I'm gonna get out the chainsaws and cut some wood in the morning, then when it gets hot, I'm going to jump on the Harley and take a nice long ride:D Too hot here in my un-airconditioned shop in August to do much woodworking:(

Ken Fitzgerald
08-05-2006, 1:30 AM
Well..........I've got 3 projects in the air right now......a wedding gift.......a baby rattle and a pepper grinder.........all turning .........Turn, turn, turn.....:D

Ned Bulken
08-05-2006, 9:41 AM
breaking in my new toyls, knocking off a few things from the honeydo list, and cooking out tonight.

Dennis Peacock
08-05-2006, 2:12 PM
Howdy Karl,

Just trying to keep "cool" down around these parts. It's been so hot here that I've had to wait until late at night to get in the shop AFTER both A/C units in the shop have been running for a few hours so the temp in the shop would be tolerable.

This weekend will be fixing 3 lights in my shop and finishing up a filter scrub box for my neighbor. I've been trying to get that done for about 2 months now. Sheesh!!!! My day job gets in the way of many of my hours. I sure hope to have that done and out of my shop by Sunday night.

Have a great weekend everyone.!!!

W Craig Wilson
08-05-2006, 9:29 PM
Don't forget the eye protection; you might need something different now that your specs are gone. Don't want to throw away that high tech surgery.

glenn bradley
08-05-2006, 9:32 PM
After a couple of painful experiences I have struck a deal with the LOML. I drop her off to shop. I go to my shop. She calls when she's almost done. I go get her and we grab a bite to eat while she tells me about all the cool stuff she got. ;-)

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
08-06-2006, 10:14 AM
Don't forget the eye protection; you might need something different now that your specs are gone. Don't want to throw away that high tech surgery.

Craig, thank you very much for the concern, I have really good safety glasses that are the second thing to go on in my shop, after the light, and before the apron and radio :D

Yes, I once hit myself in the eye with the strap on my apron when I was putting it on :o.....

I've been wearing soft contacts for the last five years or so, as I ride/rode motorcycles, and glasses don't give you the good vision over your shoulder, and they fog up etc.

I'm a big time safety glasses guy, and that will continue for sure, all the same, thanks for the reality check for sure!
