View Full Version : This is waiting for me........

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
07-31-2006, 12:45 PM
Just got my peepers zapped by lasers, so I got to stay out of the dust in the Dungeon for a while, :( but I laid up this stuff for when I can go back down there.....

Yep, one more of the large (for me) spalted Blue Keyaki!!

A couple of smaller ones there, including a nice Mesquite from Tom Jones that just arrived!

Yep that is it, in the box!

And this batch out of the DNA bath.....

Hope my eyes heal fast! :D

Bernie Weishapl
07-31-2006, 1:26 PM
Looks pretty good Stu. Yep stay out of the dust and sunlight. It will play havic with your eyes. Turn when the doctor says turn.

Tom Sherman
07-31-2006, 3:08 PM
Hard to focus on any thing else when you know what is waiting for you isn't it Stu? But you have to take care of the ones (eyes) you have there hard to find replacements for. I'ld be interested in knowing how the lasix works for you, my youngest son is considering it, his eyes are terrible the last doctor he saw for glasses told him that without his glasses he is borderlline fo being legally blind.

Bruce Shiverdecker
07-31-2006, 8:51 PM
Take care of those PEEPERS, Stu. I got Lazered a year ago (Lasik). Now I can see forever, but need cheaters for up close. Got magnified Safety glasses.


Ernie Nyvall
07-31-2006, 9:37 PM
Just got my peepers zapped by lasers...

Jeepers creepers.

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
07-31-2006, 10:54 PM
Hard to focus on any thing else when you know what is waiting for you isn't it Stu? But you have to take care of the ones (eyes) you have there hard to find replacements for. I'd be interested in knowing how the lasik works for you, my youngest son is considering it, his eyes are terrible the last doctor he saw for glasses told him that without his glasses he is borderline for being legally blind.
Tom get him checked out, go online and do a search in your area, you have to get a fair number of after-checks, like 24 hours, one week, one month, six months, and one year, so if the place is far away it is a pain.

Find the place that does the absolute MOST procedures, this is one time where quantity is what you want, the more they do the better their system, the sooner the get the bugs worked out and the less likely the odds you will have any trouble.

I had some trouble with my right eye, there was a build up of gunk between the flap and the area that was zapped at the 24 hour check. They had to re-open the flap (not fun) and then flush/scrape (yes, I said scrape) away the gunk, close the flap, 5 minutes of hell......wait 20 minutes, get checked again......still some crap, do it all over again, this time more like 10 minutes (seemed like a good hour!!) and then check again, they said it looked good, but to help out, the popped a soft contact in.

I went again today, and they checked me out, "A-OK" :D

I now have a 2.0 vision in both eyes, 1.0 is what we call 20/20, so he said I now have 20/40, or is it 40/20, anyways, I can read at 40' what most can read at 20'. I can read the bottom line on the eye chart.

I had some fun with the gal in the eye testing section, she said "Read the bottom line" I said "Printed in China!"

She said "What.............?!!" and went to look..... I told her I was just joking ;) but I got her to laugh :)

I guess most here do not have that kind of a sense of humor!

Well worth it, in fact, I'm going to start a savings account for both of my daughters, so when they hit 20 they can have it done if the docs say OK, it is so nice to not have to screw with glasses or contacts, as I've been doing since I was 12, so that is 30 years!!

I know I'll have to get them reading glasses, no biggie, both of my parents had to, but not until their later 50's, so I hope I'm the same.


Mark Rios
08-01-2006, 12:06 AM
Congrats Stu. And my sincere best to your "insightful" recovery.

:D :D :D

Julio Navarro
08-01-2006, 9:55 AM
Good luck Stu.

Tom Sherman
08-01-2006, 8:34 PM
Thanks for the info Stu, I'll get him started on it. Glad to hear everything is going well for you.

Jim Becker
08-01-2006, 10:16 PM
Very kewel...projects waiting for you!

And I got "lasered" back in January 2003. Best decision I ever made about my eyes, even though I have always had a dry-eye situation and it continues post surgery. It was quite an adjustment, however, going from very near sighted to just the opposite after so many years!! But now I only use glasses for reading and that mostly because of my age.

Sounds like you got slightly over corrected, too....I'm 20/15 R and 20/20 L.

Tom, Stu is right...look for experience, not hype. Don't choose the doctor/facility based on price. The good news is that they can correct many folks today that they wouldn't even consider only a few years ago. They are also working to "crack" the difficulties presented by more-than-mild astigmatism and hopefully, that will open LASIK up for many, many more folks...including Dr. SWMBO.

Corey Hallagan
08-03-2006, 9:29 PM
Good luck Stu on the peepers and looks like some great wood. Looking forward to seeing what you do with it!


Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
08-04-2006, 5:13 AM
...........And I got "lasered" back in January 2003. Best decision I ever made about my eyes, even though I have always had a dry-eye situation and it continues post surgery.

Hey Jim, I heard from a guy that had the dry eye BAD, and he said that his doctor put him on Flax-seed Oil pills (Omega 3) and the dry eye is now not a problem, in fact he says if he runs out for a few days, he can feel the difference, might be something you want to look into...?

Well I ended up having to get scraped three freaking days in a row :eek: :( :eek: :( :eek: :(...... but today, I got an "All Clear" from the doc. I noticed this morning that I could see a lot clearer. They upped the meds by about 400% for a couple of days (I understand they are some kind of steroids, so I guess that puts me out of the Olympics again...) so between the scrapings and the drugs, the problem has.......................wait for it................cleared up!! ;) :D

Man can I see, and it is only supposed to get better with some more time!

For the reading, I can read the smallest text in their testing book thing, with ease, not even squinting, and like I said, I have 20/10 or whatever they call it. All I know is that I can see way.... Way.....WAY......WAY.......WAY.......... over there.... :D

I'm amazed, I can see the lightning rods on tops of buildings that are not close at all!! I know I'll need reading glasses at some point, but both of my parents did not need them until they were nearly 60, so at 42, I've most likely got 15+ years without them, and who knows, by then, maybe they will be able to correct that too...? :)

I hope I can get some turning in this weekend, but we have the local town summer festival here this weekend, we sell beer in the park on Saturday and Sunday, at least it is hot, so we should sell a lot!

LASIK is not for everyone, but for the lucky who it is for, boy is it great!


Barry Stratton
08-04-2006, 10:45 PM
Great news on the eyeballs, Stu!!! I'm thinking of having that done myself.....before retirement while I still have vision insurance......

Hey, did that box of pen blanks show up yet???? Yours arrived a few weeks ago THANKS!

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
08-04-2006, 11:28 PM
Great news on the eyeballs, Stu!!! I'm thinking of having that done myself.....before retirement while I still have vision insurance......

Hey, did that box of pen blanks show up yet???? Yours arrived a few weeks ago THANKS!

Yeah if I could get the LASIK done for free... :eek:

Yeah, it arrived, I sent you a PM, a few weeks ago........ you did not answer..... :rolleyes:


Jim Becker
08-05-2006, 10:03 AM
Yea, Stu...colors are brighter, too, once you're eyes are corrected. I'm glad your close vision is working well for you. Due to my age (49), I still need reading glasses, especially when the light level gets lower. You'll see some "halo" at night around lights for awhile, but that disapates over a reasonable period of time.

I do the Omega 3 stuff normally and also use Restasis drops from time to time to battle the dry eye problem. The "return" ducts are plugged to keep moisture on the eye, rather than let it drain into the sinus. I don't really have a problem with it anymore outside of at the end of a long day and in some customers' office environments for some reason. Switching to digital LCD displays on the computers was a big help, too. CRT's seem to make my eyes tired and reduce the moisture production further.

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
08-05-2006, 10:45 AM
OK, good to hear you know about the Omega 3 thing, and it has worked out for you.

I've been told and told by so many people (most of them who DO NOT where glasses) that I wasted my money, as I'll just end up having to use readers at some point, I don't get it, if I stuck with glasses, I'd end up using readers, or bifocals anyways....?

What is their point?

If you look at a good pair of glasses, here in Japan I'd be doing well to get a pair for $250, so I paid about $1500 for the LASIK, which is about 6 pairs of glasses. I'm tough on glasses, I get new ones every year or so, so in ten years, I'm ahead on the money part, I'm surely ahead on the PITA PART, and I can see WAY better than with contacts or glasses....?

Both of my parents went to having to where readers or Bifocals at about 60 years of age, so I'm 42, thus I most likely have 15+ years of no glasses at all ahead of me, and I save money............so.........am I nuts?

I can see clearly now....... :rolleyes: :D

Henry C. Gernhardt, III
08-06-2006, 1:08 PM
Stu, I'm glad the LASIK surgery is working well for you. I've been wearing vision correction since the age of five (about twenty-eight years now), and can fully understand the sense of "Wow!" that well-corrected sight can give. I remember when I moved from glasses to contact lenses at the age of 25. All of a sudden I had this peripheral vision thing going on. The objects around me were more well-defined. My eyes didn't seem to suffer from as much strain as usual. Since my first contacts were rigid gas permeable, I did get some significant halo at night, but I rapidly adapted to that. I have since moved to soft toric lenses, however even with that, my ocular degredation has been severely diminished since getting contacts.

Although I had at one time considered LASIK, the fact that it actually makes an incision in the cornea is something that has scared me away from it. For many, it is a viable option, however for myself, the only time I will allow that kind of surgery, or any type of corneal incision, is if it's a choice between that and going blind (cataract, lens replacement, etc).

Congratulations on your new vision, and I hope it lasts you for many, many years!

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
08-06-2006, 1:30 PM
A lot of us with not bad sight take it for granted. I went to school with a guy, heck of a nice kid, who had glasses like the bottoms of milk bottles :eek: A real Mr. Magoo.

When he was in our senior year at school, he got contacts, the difference it made in his like was astonishing.

The LASIK I had done, yes an incision is made on top of the eye, but it is not done by touching the eye with any kind of blade, but with a laser.

This place as of July 31st, they have done 50,020 surgeries, and they have not had one permanent problem.

I wonder if more people have eye trouble due to the use of contacts...?


Mark Rios
08-09-2006, 11:54 PM
So Stu, my Japanese, Canadian, inventing, liquor store managing, motrocycle riding, wood stacking, wood turning, dungeon working ol' buddy, ol' pal.....................:D :D :D

How's the eyes?

Last we heard they were giving you a little trouble. It's been awhile since the last post in this thread and you haven't said anything but I just wanted to check up.

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
08-10-2006, 12:06 AM
So Stu, my Japanese, Canadian, inventing, liquor store managing, motrocycle riding, wood stacking, wood turning, dungeon working ol' buddy, ol' pal.....................:D :D :D

How's the eyes?

Last we heard they were giving you a little trouble. It's been awhile since the last post in this thread and you haven't said anything but I just wanted to check up.

Geez, I've been called a lot of things in my time, but not all at the same time :D

The eyes are great, they gave me a clean bill of health, I can see way over there, and I only have a bit of the dry eye, mainly when I wake up in the moring.

The halo effect at night is getting better too.

All in all, some of the best money I've spent.
