View Full Version : Triton router owners

Ken Miller
07-26-2006, 11:45 AM
I am interested in this router for solely table use. How do you like the router in genereal? Does it seem like a reliable, well built machine? Besides from the general qualities, my main concern is bit height adjustment. Actually, the only reason why I am looking at it at all is for bit height adjustment. I wanted to get some kind of a router raiser for my PC 7529 but the choices for that model are limited and the prices are very high. So I am looking at the triton. Can you raise the bit while it's table mounted by simply turning the handle? If so, does it work well, allowing for fine adjustments? I don't mind having to reach under the table to make height adjustments if I only have to turn something. What I don't want is to have to remove the router in order to raise the bit like I'm doing now. Thanks for any input.

Tony Ward
07-28-2006, 6:15 PM

This is the address for the Australian Triton owners Forum which may have the advice you are seeking?

