View Full Version : A nursery full of furniture built by mom and dad

Tim Solley
07-24-2006, 4:48 PM
Okay, so almost everything was built by me and my wife. I built the bookcase, the dresser, and the ottoman/blanket chest that I managed to cut off in the photo on the bottom. My wife scroll sawed the big letters from 1/2" MDF and sanded them. I painted them. My wife painted five paintings to go on the walls, two you can see above the crib. The other three are on the walls you can't see. I didn't build the crib because I knew I wouldn't have time, and I didn't.

My son is due this week, and we just finished putting his room together this weekend.

This picture is kind of cool because it's a panoramic shot made of ten photos digitally "stitched" together to make one really big photo. I put the camera on a tripod in one corner of the room, and took pictures in three rows, each photo overlapping. Then on the computer, I used a software package to blend it all together into one master photo. I resized it and cropped out the edges. The original pano photo that came out of the software is 80 megabytes :eek:!

Just thought you might be intested. Thanks for looking!


Steve Roxberg
07-24-2006, 5:00 PM
Very cool photo and a beautiful room.

So have you decided what his name will be yet? :D

Andy Fox
07-24-2006, 5:08 PM
Nice work, and nice room!

Chuck Trisdale
07-24-2006, 6:29 PM
Tim - That is awesome. Only complaint is the T E X A S I see on top of the one piece ;).

Quintin will surely cherish these pieces through the years. They look awesome. Looks you and the wife did some good "nesting"

Frank Howell
07-24-2006, 6:46 PM
Beautiful work Tim. I really love the Tiger Maple drawer faces on the dresser. How about some detial shots?

What Stitching software did you use? I like Panaview, but always open to other options.

Ho yeah, congratulations, hope all goes well with the birth. My very best to you and your's.

Frank Chaffee
07-24-2006, 7:29 PM
Gosh Tim,
That dresser is to be born for!!!


Corey Hallagan
07-24-2006, 7:39 PM
First congratulations on the coming new addition and good luck to you and your wife. Second, awesome job you both have done on that room!!


Dick Strauss
07-24-2006, 7:57 PM
Your baby furniture looks really nice. Is the dresser made from curly maple/cherry? I've been considering the same combo for a few pieces. How was the curly maple to plane/sand? I've already run into some planing issues.

Nice job on the pano-photo! I've done a few myself. By the way, have you noticed my email address...?

Nice job and good luck with little Quintin!

Matt Meiser
07-24-2006, 8:02 PM
Very cool room.

But what if Quintin suprises you and is a girl. Are there letters in reserve? :eek: :D

Carl Eyman
07-24-2006, 8:30 PM
Smart Kid. Knows his name before he's born. Very cool room. Can't help but feel welcome when all that effor went into his "homecoming".

Dan Oliphant
07-24-2006, 9:12 PM
Mom and Dad you done good.

Jim Becker
07-24-2006, 9:33 PM
That looks great, Tim! You both did a super job...as you'll soon find out... ;)

Alan Tolchinsky
07-24-2006, 9:37 PM
Tim, Thanks for the great feeling you gave me with that story and picture. The best to you and the new family to be. Alan in Md.

Tim Solley
07-24-2006, 10:05 PM
Thanks for all the kind words everyone.

Frank, I'm working on getting some detail shots, as you're about the 100th person to ask for details! It seems everyone is taken by that dresser when they see a picture of the room. I knew I'd like the outcome, but I didn't realize it would be such a hit. I used PTAssembler to make the pano shot.

Dick, the dresser is hard maple and curly maple drawer faces. Same goes for the bookcase, the shelf fronts are small pieces of curly maple. The curly maple was tough to plane. I put new knives on my planer for this job. I was originally going to raise the drawer fronts on the router table, but the tear-out was horrid, so I ended up forming the profile by hand using a belt sander and orbital sander. Oh, and your email address? I didn't see one anywhere on your profile. Care to PM me?

Matt, if it's a girl...well...then she'll be quite deformed. I mean seriously deformed :eek:. Therapy.


Gail O'Rourke
07-25-2006, 7:58 AM
What a lovely room. You should be proud of your accomplishment....

Recently someone asked me "what is the easiest thing that you made that came out really great "....my reply was "my kids!"

Best of luck, wishing your wife a speedy delivery.

Jack Damian
07-25-2006, 8:24 AM
That room is lovely.

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
07-25-2006, 9:38 AM
Gosh Tim,
That dresser is to be born for!!!


Hey Frank, I just noticed since you got a lathe you got funny! :D :D