View Full Version : A catch, A Box, and A IFO

Scott Donley
07-22-2006, 5:22 PM
A small box, 4 1/2 X 4 , of dunno wood. This was my first really good catch as shown by the pic of the tenon for the top. The chuck held ! Not ready to push my luck I used the small cheapie HF parting tool to part it off while I was ahead. About 1/2 inch in the wood grabbed the tool, shot the blade out of the handle, to the wall, and back to my chest.. Took a beer break and finished the next day. Man this turning thing is REALLY fun :D

Ken Fitzgerald
07-22-2006, 6:15 PM
Scott........1st.....Nice box! I like the finish and the form ...simple....I like it!

2nd..........I don't know how old you are but.........I know for a fact since I've started turning my reflexes have improved! You just have to have a bad catch or a bowl explode or have a tenon break off.....and you get to test your reflexes! At least I can jump faster and higher than I did early in January!:D

Seriously, be careful! I don't have to tell you those catches can be dangerous. Think about what caused the catch and try to prevent it on the next one! Have fun but be careful!

Dick Parr
07-22-2006, 6:42 PM
Scott I'll Ditto what Ken said.

I had the same thing happen with a small Skew but it' didn't pull out, it broke off. Scarred the bahjebbers out of me:eek: That is one less skew I have to worry about using and I am not going to replace it.;)

Great looking box and I am glad you didn't get hurt bad.

Be safe and have fun turning...:D

Christopher K. Hartley
07-22-2006, 7:37 PM
Sure glad you are ok. I know what it feels like to have an HF parting tool go flying. Mine snapped in much the same way yours came loose. By the way, nice little box there!:)

Corey Hallagan
07-22-2006, 8:14 PM
The box looks great Scott! Wow, glad you were not hurt! Nice job.


Tom Sherman
07-22-2006, 9:10 PM
Scott that is a fine looking box especially for dunno wood. To bad about the parting tool, glad you're ok, myself don't think a beer break would have cut it might have had to reach for the Turkey.

Bernie Weishapl
07-22-2006, 10:35 PM
That a fine looking bowl Scott. Yep them catches call for a beer break and fresh shorts. :p :D