View Full Version : Could fabric dyes be used on wood?

nic obie
07-22-2006, 2:13 PM
Currently I use Jeff Jewits Transtint dyes and really like them.

However as I'm thrifty (cheap:D), I was wondering if fabric dyes would work. I've never heard of this done, but I'm sure it's been tried.

Steve Schoene
07-22-2006, 4:16 PM
You may get them to color the wood, but it is likely that they will be considerably more light fugative than dyes for furniture. It's just not worth the risk to save $4 on a project on which you have worked many hours.

nic obie
07-23-2006, 4:54 PM

I agree with you about not taking a chance for $4 savings, and also wonder about fading. I was just curious if anybody has tried them on wood. They come in just about every color and I think some even come in liquid form. The biggest (and probably only) plus is you can buy them most anywhere, even Wal-Mart stocks them.

I would think that somebody has had to have tried them out, or knows what their made of.

Jim Becker
07-23-2006, 10:09 PM
I believe I've seen some turners use them for effect...

Rob Bourgeois
07-24-2006, 1:25 AM
Look at scroll saw segmented work. Rit Dye is used quite a bit. They actually advertise in a scrollsaw magazine. Try finding a scroll specific forum. I bet you will find the info you need.

dan dawes
07-26-2006, 5:31 AM
i've had some success with indian inks...these come in a range of colours and do not fade as much as some other dye's.

to apply i soak a cloth (or preferred applicant) in white spirit, ring out then apply ink as you would a stain or dye - you can get some interesting effects.

all the best


Loren Hedahl
08-05-2006, 9:08 PM
It's probably the same stuff. After all, it has to survive the clothes washer and that is with no clear coat, and the sun with no UV inhibitors sprayed on.

Don Baer
08-05-2006, 10:34 PM
Heck I am sure they would work you could even use food coloring but unless the color wasn't avaible in wood dies I "woodn't" try it.