View Full Version : Sanding after applying BLO???

Keith Benningfield
07-22-2006, 10:46 AM
I'm working on a walnut table and before I applied BLO I sanded it down using 320 grit paper. Now that the BLO has dried I'm planning on applying an oil-based polyurethane. Can I apply the polyurethane without having to sand again or do I apply the poly as it is and just sand between coats?



Jerry Olexa
07-22-2006, 11:06 AM
IMHO, No you don't need to sand the BLO coat. Oil sinks into the wood and does not form a protective surface (one of its few weaknesses). Be sure to let it thoroughly dry though as much as a week. Others will know better but that is my 2 cents...

Keith Benningfield
07-22-2006, 11:52 AM
Thanks Jerry,

The BLO was applied last weekend, and it been sitting in the garage here in Houston, TX. With the heat we've had it should be dry.

Tony Falotico
07-22-2006, 12:08 PM
I would look at it closely and then run my hand across the finish. If I felt any roughness at all (That is, not smooth as a baby's butt) I would sand with 320 or higher or use steel wool. Sanding would be a couple quick very light passes, don't over do it, just enough to get the little bumpies out (sorry about the highly technical terminology here :D ).

Steve Schoene
07-22-2006, 4:20 PM
Sanding with 320 can't hurt. Polyurethane varnish has more problems adhering to other materials than traditional resin varnishes, so being certain of a mechanical "tooth" surface isn't a bad idea. It's probably not needed unless you have several coats of BLO that might have left a thin film on the surface, or you didn't wipe off the excess BLO while it was still fluid.

Jim Becker
07-22-2006, 11:02 PM
'Just don't sand through the "layer" of oil-impregnated wood...DAMHIKT! ;) LIGHT sanding with 320 is just fine as Steve said...