View Full Version : Haven't lost my Green Thumb Yet....

Dennis Peacock
07-21-2006, 8:37 PM
Guess what happens when you water and fertilize a DeWalt 12" CMS for 14 years and it finally decides to grow up into something?

You go in the shop and find one of these Babies!!!!!

Oh Yea Baby!!!!!! She's got a new home in my shop. :cool: :cool: :D

Needless to say....I'm not in the least bit excited. :rolleyes: :p :D

Ron Jones near Indy
07-21-2006, 8:46 PM
Suggest you use Round Up to control the growth and spread of green in your shop. Too much green can be hazardous to your bank account.:mad: Nice gloat Dennis! I'm waiting on a review!:cool:

Bob Noles
07-21-2006, 8:51 PM

Now you know good and well that we are all going to be green with envy :D


John Miliunas
07-21-2006, 8:58 PM
Hey Dennis, is that the one which needs so little clearance behind it and still be a slider??? If so, yeah, I'm real, real green with envy!!!:o Congrats, either way and be sure to post one of your world-famous reviews on that bad boy!!! :) :cool:

Joe Mioux
07-21-2006, 9:42 PM
What kind of Manure are you feeding your tools, Dennis?



Dennis Peacock
07-21-2006, 11:55 PM
Hey Dennis, is that the one which needs so little clearance behind it and still be a slider??? If so, yeah, I'm real, real green with envy!!!:o Congrats, either way and be sure to post one of your world-famous reviews on that bad boy!!! :) :cool:

John it is the one that is a slider that has minimum rear clearance. Total distance from the wall to the front of the bench for proper mounting is 26". The other model with is also a slider requires a good bit more "bench area" to allow for the sliding rails out the back. These sliding rails lock and the saw slides full distance. So far? It cuts dead on right out of the box. :D

Oh yea, a review will be coming soon. ;)

Corey Hallagan
07-22-2006, 12:10 AM
Congrats Dennis. I recently read a thread elsewhere on mitersaws and the consensus was the Hitatchi is one of the best miter saws made. Enjoy!

Jerry Olexa
07-22-2006, 12:16 AM
Congrats Dennis...That green bad boy looks great...Enjoy it!!

Ken Fitzgerald
07-22-2006, 1:09 AM
Yup!.........I'd trade my Delta for it but I couldn't take advantage of a friend! Nice saw Dennis! Use it in good health!

Dennis Peacock
07-22-2006, 1:34 AM
Thanks everyone. My old DeWalt saw cut good for me for just over 14 years. It all of a sudden started cutting "off" and making the cut board "off" by measurements up to 1/32". Miter cuts put together would reflect a large gap at various points of the cut and no matter how much tweaking I did, it would still cut "funny". I spent 3 hours trying to get everything set to where it would cut straight and smooth. No such luck. The LOML decided that since I'm making stuff for other folks now from time to time as well as the coming projects for our home, that it was time for a new saw that cuts good with expected results. So far, I've been extremely happy with how this saw cuts. The digital display is great and the laser, once finely adjusted, is a very welcomed addition to my shop. At least now, I don't have to sneak up on my line any more, thus, saving me time and wasted material.

Brad Kimbrell
07-22-2006, 2:01 AM
Hey Dennis,

Everyone needs one of those Fire Breathin' Dragons! :D :D :D

I've been eyeing one of those bad boys myself, but the Makita LS1011 is still cuttin' straight....Maybe a lick here and there with some of those 2x14's I've been cuttin' will knock her outta whack..:p

I got my Makita as payment in advance for doing a crown molding job for my ex-boss. Nice trade for both of us.

Let us know if she really breathes $650 worth of fire....I think she might!

Good luck and stay safe.

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
07-22-2006, 2:42 AM
What size is that one?

Here in Japan they have one like that, but only a 7 1/4" unit, they want over $700 street price for it, closer to $1000 MSRP.

I'd LOVE one just for the "to the wall" clearance issue, but not in the works for now...

I really like my old Hitachi CF8B or whatever it is, dead straight cuts, and it is a USED and ABUSED unit, got it real cheap.

Good stuff, can't wait to see some "REAL" pics of YOUR saw in the shop!


Bob Childress
07-22-2006, 8:03 AM
Great gloat Dennis! Hitachi's reputation keeps getting better and better. I have their C10FL contractor saw and it has performed far better than I ever expected. I think you hit the jackpot.:D

Dennis Peacock
07-22-2006, 10:42 AM
Stu, This one is the 12" sliding compound miter saw. It will tilt in BOTH directions instead of a single direction like my old DeWalt. I put the DeWalt next to this saw and it looked like a Cessna 172 sitting beside a Boeing 747!!:eek: :rolleyes:

What size is that one?

Here in Japan they have one like that, but only a 7 1/4" unit, they want over $700 street price for it, closer to $1000 MSRP.

I'd LOVE one just for the "to the wall" clearance issue, but not in the works for now...

I really like my old Hitachi CF8B or whatever it is, dead straight cuts, and it is a USED and ABUSED unit, got it real cheap.

Good stuff, can't wait to see some "REAL" pics of YOUR saw in the shop!


Terry Hatfield
07-24-2006, 11:28 AM
Nice!!!!!!!!! I'll have to give that a try when I'm down that way!!!


Jim Becker
07-24-2006, 9:42 PM
Yum. I recently saw a mini review of the same in Fine Homebuilding and have been drooling ever since...


glenn bradley
07-25-2006, 12:40 AM
Nice gloat Dennis. I too have been eyeing one of those but everytime I reach for my wallet I get a cramp somewhere between the mortgage and the car payment, Ha! With the reviews I've read I predict much happiness for your mitering requirements.

Also, nearly 14 years out of a tool is pretty reasonable. I can almost talk myself into anything by taking the cost and dividing it over the number of days I'll be using whatever it is that I'm trying to rationalize my way into ;-).

Mark Cothren
08-11-2006, 8:09 AM
I got to use this saw for several cuts at Dennis' shop last night... smoooooooth as butter on a hot roll...

It's nice to know who makes all the money off up in here....;)

Terry Hatfield
08-11-2006, 8:16 AM

Least you could do is stopping using the saw when I'm trying to talk to Big D on the phone. :D :D :D :D

Lemme know when the wood gets there.


Mark Cothren
08-11-2006, 8:24 AM

Least you could do is stopping using the saw when I'm trying to talk to Big D on the phone. :D :D :D :D

Lemme know when the wood gets there.


:D I'm surprised you could hear it as quiet as it is... you guys talk on the phone like my granny and her sister...:rolleyes:

Thanks again for helping me out on the wood, Terry! I'll let you know as soon as it arrives.

Terry Hatfield
08-11-2006, 8:30 AM
:D you guys talk on the phone like my granny and her sister...:rolleyes:

LOL....Thats a bad mental picture. :eek:

Glad to help with the wood my brother. Anytime I can do anything to help, you let me know.
