View Full Version : Mushrooms from the lathe

Noah Alkinburgh
09-24-2003, 8:15 AM
Well, just so you all know that I am using my mini occasionally I thought I would post a pic of a quick project I did. I got quite amused by these from some pics on the WC turning board while the creek was down and had to try it.

I am still working on shape and tool controll but these are great to practice with and even if they look crummy my kids love to play with them. Best of all you can just chuck up anything between centers centered on the pith and have at it.

The two larger ones are from a maple branch I scavanged and the small one is cedar from a post in my yard. The cedar was actually from another project I was working on that I goobered and was goin to dispose of the wood. I thought hmmm I bet I could make a wee baby shroom from that :D

Lots of fun and I know that these are not great but I thought I would share. Since I know they are bad, feel free to provide real honest constructive criticism on them. I have narrow shoulders but they hold a lot :)


John Preston
09-24-2003, 8:33 AM
Judging from the Emerson quote anyway.

I think I'm going to have to try some shrooms now too.

Jim Becker
09-24-2003, 8:44 AM
Very nice, Noah.

One fellow I've seen do these at a demonstration liked to use pieces of Rhododendron for 'shrooms--I don't recall the reason, but there was one! Really!! :rolleyes: One of these days I'll have to try turning a fungus and see if I can do this as well as you.

Tom Sweeney
09-24-2003, 12:29 PM
Sorry I couldn't resist.
They look great Noah - I actually like the cedar one better for some reason, even though the others look cool with the bark on them.

Now I know what I can do with the piece of pear wood that broke in half the other night.

BTW - Thanks Jim -I might finally have a way to get LOML to be more interested in my turning. We have a huge Rhododendrun(?) in the front of our house that she has been begging me to cut down for years. I kind of like it but it really is too big for where it's at.

Jim Becker
09-24-2003, 1:02 PM
BTW - Thanks Jim -I might finally have a way to get LOML to be more interested in my turning. We have a huge Rhododendrun(?) in the front of our house that she has been begging me to cut down for years. I kind of like it but it really is too big for where it's at.

Prune it hard and move it. The off-cuts can be used for your turning and you retail what is probably an old and honorable plant.

Tom Sweeney
09-24-2003, 1:19 PM
I like your idea Jim - is there a good chance that a big old Rhodo will survive a move like that? I had heard you can bury the green branches under ground & new roots will grow - & then you replant those. I'll try that first so If the move doesn't work the plant will live on in the new offshoots.


Prune it hard and move it. The off-cuts can be used for your turning and you retail what is probably an old and honorable plant.

Dan Mackley
09-24-2003, 3:08 PM
Prune it hard and move it. The off-cuts can be used for your turning and you retail what is probably an old and honorable plant.

You can indeed move a mature rhody. Just grab a big enough root ball and water the heck out of it when transplanted, and it'll do fine.

We had ours moved when we did our remodel last year. (At this point, I should probably note that I did _not_ do this by hand... we had a backhoe.)

Good luck!