View Full Version : Dallas BBQ

Steve Jenkins
09-24-2003, 7:59 AM
Don't want to be a pest but things dissappear so quickly that I feel a need to post a reminder every now and then.
We are having a BBQ get-to-gether here in Dallas on the weekend of Oct. 24,25,26. Friday and Sunday are for getting acquainted and general bs-ing. Sat. at about 2pm we will be having dinner. Stephen Stokes has offered to bbq a pig and Jim Rahbe is bringing soft drinks. Any side dishes you might want to bring will be welcomed.
We will have a few lathes set up for people to try and some give-aways (not the lathes). If anyone wants to demo anything by all means bring it. If you need any supplies let me know and I'll try to get whatever you need for your demo.
We will be at my shop. Hopefully I can get it straightened out enough so there will be room to move around :>)
Dave Smith and his wife are coming from WA. and Sophie and his wife are also planning to come as far as I know.
Drop me an email if you haven't already done so if you plan to come so I can get some idea of how many will be here. Of course even if you don't email me you can still show up.