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View Full Version : Crash pics (updated 8/12)

Robert Mickley
07-19-2006, 2:21 PM
One of my nephews snaped these the other day after they recovered Wades truck. I'm waiting on the ones frome the crash scene.

Troope rtold wades boss that he has never seen anyone make it out of a wreck this bad.

As for Wade himself, they are slowly decreasing the meds in preperation to waking him up. His temp keeps ranging from 98 to 100 degrees but his heart rate is down to 120 from 170. Other than that we are still waiting.

W Craig Wilson
07-19-2006, 9:00 PM
Our prayers are with you and Wade

Don Baer
07-19-2006, 10:08 PM
Thanks for the update. Still praying for his full recovery.

Vaughn McMillan
07-19-2006, 10:26 PM
Wow. Just wow. I echo the comments above. All the best wishes and thoughts to Wade and the rest of the family.

- Vaughn

Robert Mickley
07-19-2006, 11:00 PM
Thanks guys, right now prayers is all we have. I figure after this he has to make it, The good Lord has to have plans for him yet.

Ken Fitzgerald
07-19-2006, 11:27 PM
Robert..........Wade and family are in our thoughts and prayers!

Terry Hatfield
07-19-2006, 11:34 PM

Our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.


Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
07-20-2006, 1:01 AM
Quite the wreak! :eek:

I will say that there is not much too those rigs once you get past the frame, I used to build them for White WesternStar out of Kelowna BC, the fire would have eaten up a lot of the cab.

I guess he was awake enough to get out, and that sure was a good thing. Burns are bad news, but we have come a long way in treating them, and in repairing the damage from them even compared to 10 years ago. I know things must look fairly grim right now Robert, but you have a whole lot of people pulling for him and your family right here, and I think your faith is well placed. Slow but steady is the way to go for sure.


Robert Mickley
07-22-2006, 9:35 PM
I will say that there is not much too those rigs once you get past the frame, I used to build them for White WesternStar out of Kelowna BC, the fire would have eaten up a lot of the cab.

yeah considering they don't do crash testing on them, they are built with one thing in mind, light weight!!

I talked to My brother this morning. They where going to take him down and scrape him :o They told him it would take 4 to 6 hours. 2 hours later they where done 8) It wasn't as bad as they where expecting. They managed to get his eyes opened up yesterday and both eyes are responding to light correctly 8). They are continuing to drop the meds and they hope to have him awake in the next couple or three days.

Of course not all is good, one of my nieces got with Wades mother and they worked with everyone to get a schedule going so there wasn't a huge parade of people in and out. Tuesday was supposed to be The wife and I in the early part of the day and his middle brother and his wife that evening. His mom took some paperwork down to billing when we left and when she came back one of his nephews was there with 3 of his friends, and then his oldest brother shows up with his wife and their baby.

From what my brother tells me Wades Mom ran them all off and has his vivitors restricted to just a handfull of people.
OS well some folks just don't get it I guess

Thanks guys

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
07-23-2006, 1:41 AM
Thanks for the progress report, and Robert, don't be hard on the people that drop by, they feel helpless, and want to DO something, and the only thing they can figure out to DO is to come by.

Is there a lawn to mow, garbage to take out, renovations to his house that will need doing for when he gets out of the hospital, like will he need a different bed, toilet etc?

If you have lots of willing helping hands, they just need some direction, and you can help them by giving them something to do.

Just a thought.

Take care.

Robert Mickley
07-23-2006, 8:01 AM
OH NO,, I don't suggest anything Stu. I'm the black sheep, the outcast. Fortunetaly I do get along well with Wades girlfriend Crissy. She lives in VA Beach, currently the poor girl is working mon thru thur and up here fri sat and sun. She is looking for a place up here to rent. I've all ready told her that when she is ready I will go to the beach, load her stuff and move her.

When Wade gets out he needs to be staying with her, she is a trauma nurse and darn good at what she does. She isn't afraid to question anything.

The problem is we have a couple who think they can do what they want when they want.

Al Willits
07-23-2006, 9:58 AM
Keeping the visitors numbers down may not be as bad a thing as you thing, when I was in the hospital with an brain abscess, I was one sick puppy and having to deal with well meaning friends and relatives was very hard on me.
I was emotionally distraught enough that dealing with visitors for more than a few minutes was almost more than I could handle.

Also answering the question "how ya doin'" time after time got to be a bit much, especially when I didn't know myself.

IMHO, I'd think for now, short visits for most visitors would be preferred, and the people he gets his support from should be as long as he wants/needs.

Just a thought....

Also I think a positive attitude is one of the most important things he can have now, I was told at the end of my stay that I had less than a 2% chance of making it and the paralysis in my left side could take years to overcome.
I walked out of the hospital after 6 months, dragging my cane behind me....Milacles do happen, ya just gotta believe.

Be wishes to Wade and hopping for a speedy recovery with great results.

Al who does believe in miracles, but sometimes ya gotta work for them..

Robert Mickley
07-23-2006, 11:50 PM
I agree with everything you said, Thats why I'm just biding my time. Right now he isn't even awake, oh though I'm in the camp that he is aware that there are people around.

Wade and I have always been pretty much on the same page so to speak and when he wakes up and I'm not there he will understand.

Robert Mickley
07-31-2006, 10:30 PM
I just got off the the phone with my brother. Wade is awake but still pretty groggy but his eyes are open and he knows who is there. Ventilater is out along with all the other tubes they had down his throat and he is sitting up.

The had him down a took some of the dead skin off today and layered him with pigskin to promote the healing and the DR's say he is responding well.

Anupdate on the crash, The lady who called it in called the state police today and told them just prior to the crash two cars where headed north bound side by sidein what appeard to her to be a race. At the time she didn't think it was important :rolleyes: Where Wade ran off the road he had just crested a hill. Up until now we had figured he either fell asleep or blacked out. Now theres the possibility that he was trying to avoid a head on.

What triggered this? apparentlyu she was out in her front yard yesterday and the same tow cars went by side by side agian. She did get one of the license numbers. So we will see what happens

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
07-31-2006, 11:22 PM
I just got off the the phone with my brother. Wade is awake but still pretty groggy but his eyes are open and he knows who is there. Ventilater is out along with all the other tubes they had down his throat and he is sitting up.

The had him down a took some of the dead skin off today and layered him with pigskin to promote the healing and the DR's say he is responding well.

Anupdate on the crash, The lady who called it in called the state police today and told them just prior to the crash two cars where headed north bound side by sidein what appeard to her to be a race. At the time she didn't think it was important :rolleyes: Where Wade ran off the road he had just crested a hill. Up until now we had figured he either fell asleep or blacked out. Now theres the possibility that he was trying to avoid a head on.

What triggered this? apparentlyu she was out in her front yard yesterday and the same tow cars went by side by side agian. She did get one of the license numbers. So we will see what happens

Boy that sheds a different light on the crash!

Well, if you get the chance, tell Wade that we are all pulling for him!


Robert Mickley
07-31-2006, 11:30 PM
Thanks Stu, I'm going down Sat. Will definatly let him know that theres a lot of folks pulling for him!!

Robert Mickley
08-05-2006, 10:22 PM
Just got in from the hospital,all I can say is WOW. I can't believe the differance all ready
They have all of the tubes out of his throat, he's alert, when he is awake and talking, good enough to complain about the food :D
The swelling is way down and he is starting to look like himself again. His voice is off but after weeks of having things stuffed down his throat that is to be expected.

The DR's are very pleased with his progress so far.

I would like to thank each and every one of you for your prayers and well wishes.

Don Baer
08-05-2006, 10:24 PM
I am so glad he is progressing and will continue to keep him in my prayers.

Vaughn McMillan
08-06-2006, 4:33 AM
Thanks for the update Robert, and glad to hear the progress has been good. We'll keep pulling for him. Keep us posted.

- Vaughn

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
08-06-2006, 9:05 AM
Hey Robert, got your PM, thanks!

Great news about his progress!


Dennis Peacock
08-06-2006, 2:34 PM
Thanks for the update Robert. I'll keep on remebering him in prayer, but am also very thankful for the great progress made so far.

Robert Mickley
08-12-2006, 6:34 PM
had my saturday visit today, and once again I'm amazed at the progress this kid is making. They had him out of bed while I was there and he made a trip down the hall and back. :D while it was a long slow trip it was still a trip. After wards they had him sitting in a chair.:D

He is still pretty alert. but drifts off to sleep on you every once in a while but give the level of his pain meds thats to be expected. That also messes with his attention span a bit.

His face and hands look a whole lot better. They have one hand completly unwrapped now and only the palm of his other one covered.

All in all things are looking good.
I've said it before and I'll say it again and again
Thanks for all the prayers guys

Don Baer
08-12-2006, 9:11 PM
Were still pulling for him, prayer of thanksgiving for his progress and more prayers for his continued healing.

Mark Rios
08-12-2006, 10:08 PM
Robert, I just read through this thread and I have to echo Stu's words, "WOW"!!!

That is great news about his recovery. Burn injuries can take a lot out of people but he's pretty young yet at 35 and should recover okay, barring any infections that are a very bad thing for burn victims.

Best wishes to you and yours. Take care.

Vaughn McMillan
08-13-2006, 4:29 AM
Thanks for passing on the good news, Robert. Glad to see things are continuing to improve.

- Vaughn