View Full Version : New turners challenge. Tyler and Frank this is for you

Don Baer
07-18-2006, 1:47 AM
OK now that the Abyse has taken it's lathest victims. I am challenging Tyler and Frank to a Bonker challenge. Ken's first piece was a bonker then I think that both Frank and Tyler should each make there first turning a Bonker. So come on, show us what you got lets see your bonkers. (Tyler no thonged bonkers, keep it PG) The turners who participated in the bombing )both actual and simulated will be the judges...:D

Ken Fitzgerald
07-18-2006, 1:51 AM
Okay you two............this is it! One on One......Man to Man......The pressure's on!

Don Baer
07-18-2006, 2:01 AM
I think in order for this challenge to be official we should set a date. My Birthday is comming up so lets make the date for entries to be in, my birthday.. Oh it's August 12th so that gives em almost a month. Post your entries on this thread...:D

Barry Stratton
07-18-2006, 3:41 AM
Anyone giving odds? I've got 10 on Tyler.........after all, a bonker is just a big pen!!!

Don Baer
07-19-2006, 12:17 AM
So Frank, Tyler are ya up to the challenge.

Cecil Arnold
07-19-2006, 11:14 AM
Don, they may be too busy playing with their new lathes to check in at the creek.

Frank Fusco
07-19-2006, 11:24 AM
Frank? Me, Frank?
I have osage orange and could make a bonker that would bonk other bonkers back to sawdust.

Tyler Howell
07-19-2006, 12:40 PM
I'll take that challenge but I'll have to beg for a later start date.

This time of year is just swamped at work. Construction season.
Headed to 5 Barns on Thu.
New house hunt.
Old house remuttling.
2 week vacation in Desolation Sound BC. next month.Being Abysserated could not have come at a worse time.
I fear these fine treasures may not see day light till after the first snow fall.:( .

Be patient with me:o .


Dave Richards
07-19-2006, 12:52 PM
Tyler, that lathe is small enough you could take it on board while you're sailing. :D that is what you'll be doing in Desolation Sound, right?

Frank Chaffee
07-19-2006, 12:55 PM
I have been in such a lather of late I even my head is spinning. This is a very busy time for me right now and I am also preparing for a two week trip to AZ where gf lives (Catalina). Her son is getting married in Sedona, then will be visiting friends and family here and there as well as working on the growing honey-do list.

I feel that Tyler and I have a special kinship within the community of Abysserees that others may not understand or appreciate.

Your suggestion that we each turn bonkers is a timely idea… oh, right, we have already turned bonkers, how could I forget.

Perhaps, armed with our bonkers we could bonk some sense into one another when we detect the other is turning bonkers.

Hmmm, many possibilities here, will bonk on this.


Don Baer
07-19-2006, 12:59 PM
I'm sure Bill has a spare lathe where you could turn your bonker so theres no excuse. Frank, since you comming to AZ anyway. My lathe is set up and I have all of the materials and tools you'll need to turn your bonker, that is if you don't mind the 115 degree heat..:D

Frank Fusco
07-19-2006, 1:07 PM
I'm sure Bill has a spare lathe where you could turn your bonker so theres no excuse. Frank, since you comming to AZ anyway. My lathe is set up and I have all of the materials and tools you'll need to turn your bonker, that is if you don't mind the 115 degree heat..:D

I'm going to Arizona? :eek: ;)
No matter, even if I'm not who I think I am :confused: , my bonker is already 75% finished. Haven't made shavings in several days with other things taking my time, went right at it.

Lee DeRaud
07-19-2006, 2:06 PM
...oh wait, that job's already taken...

Frank Chaffee
07-19-2006, 5:22 PM
To be Frank, or to be franked? That is the question.

Ah, Daniel Webster ain’t got nothin’ on me now that I have been Abysserated!

Get a load of my new historical perspective.

Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned
Nor hell a fury like a Franker Abysserated –Wm. Frankspeare

Power tends to void; absolute power voids absolutely. Great turners are almost always bad men. –Lord Frankton

Abysserate me down, Scotty. - Frank T. Kirk

Damn it Jim! I’m a doctor not a turner... –Leonard McFrank

Just the facts Ms. Jet, did that man have turning relations with you? –Joe Frankday

Elementary, my dear Travis. –Surefrank Holmes

I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and curlies. –Winfrank Chaffell

Turning is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the void of an avoiding world and the abysmal soul of soleless people. It is the Moxie of the people. –Karl Franx

Friends, Romans, Turners, Lend me your bonkers. –Julius Augustus (I am a first decan Leo, but please don’t send me anything else for my birthday. Thanks!)

Lead on McHoyt. –annon.

Double dog dared and double crossed too, my lathe is spinning out of hand and my vessel’s over boiling too. –Troubled Bubble McFrank (Beth’s brother).

Me Frank, you Jane. –Frankzan

You turned it for her, you can turn it for me. …If she can stand to be latherized I can! Turn it! –Humfrank (don’t) Bogart…

I am not a turner. –Richard Franxon

Spare the skew, spoil the bowl. –Bible, King Frank Version

I woke up this mornin’ and I got myself a lathe... –Jim Morrison, with whom I briefly hung out backstage. Noughta lotta difference between his music and that of the Abyss, wouldn’t you agree?

Et tu, John Miliunas?
Frank Chaffee,
The Wholly Abysserated One

Frank Fusco
07-19-2006, 6:13 PM
Dear Frank, after reading previous, methinks you need to be put out. Not as in outdoors, out as in unconscious. ;) I'm Frankly freaked. :eek: That's frankin' frightful.
Oh, well, it's 103 outside, better in shop. Made shavings and bonker. Made from Frank's own osage orange. a little over 14" long.

Frank Chaffee
07-19-2006, 7:09 PM
Frankly Frank Fusco,
I’m freaked from fviewing your frightful fbonker!!!

“Is there any way outta here?”


Andy Hoyt
07-19-2006, 7:12 PM
Oh my gawd! What have we gone and done?

We've created Frankenfrank's Monster

Ken Fitzgerald
07-19-2006, 7:13 PM

Hey Andy......did you notice?......Frank Chaffee is so excited about being Abysserated..............he's stuttering on his keyboard!:D

Frank Chaffee
07-19-2006, 8:45 PM
Fe fi fo fum.
fI fsmell fthe fblood fof fa fvanquished fturners fthumb!

fYum, fYum fYum!


Henry C. Gernhardt, III
07-20-2006, 3:11 AM
Juft remember, Frank, one muft:

Fhed a tear,
For fad eyed Fal,
Remember in your handf you hold fomebody'f...


Frank Chaffee
07-20-2006, 4:46 PM
Juft remember, Frank, one muft:

Fhed a tear,
For fad eyed Fal,
Remember in your handf you hold fomebody'f...

Thank you Henry,
For understanding the frailty of the human heart.

I have released many tears in gratitude to those who have nourished me with the spirit of the Creek.


Vaughn McMillan
07-20-2006, 8:29 PM
OK Tyler and Frank, we all understand you're both busy, and we empathise. Still, I have a few questions:

Was Washington too busy to cross the Delaware?
Was Ben Franklin too busy to go kite-flying in the rain?
Was Abe Lincoln too busy to attend the theatre? (OK, maybe not a good analogy)
Was Michelangelo too busy to paint the ceiling?
Was Al Gore too busy to invent the Internet?

I'm thinkin' no. 'Nuf said, :D

- Vaughn

Andy Hoyt
07-20-2006, 8:35 PM
Hey Vaughn!

Didn't Al invent "both internets"?

Lee DeRaud
07-20-2006, 8:42 PM
OK Tyler and Frank, we all understand you're both busy, and we empathise. Still, I have a few questions:

Was Washington too busy to cross the Delaware?
Was Ben Franklin too busy to go kite-flying in the rain?
Was Abe Lincoln too busy to attend the theatre? (OK, maybe not a good analogy)
Was Michelangelo too busy to paint the ceiling?
Was Al Gore too busy to invent the Internet?

I'm thinkin' no. 'Nuf said, :D

- VaughnYeah, but at some point in the process, I suspect all of them stopped and thought,
"I'm beginning to wonder if this is really that great an idea after all." :eek:

Frank Chaffee
07-21-2006, 12:20 AM
Darn Lee,
Do you really have to give me pause to double cross triple second guess myself?

Inexorably Yours,
Frank (Goin’ down down down, Goin’ down down…)

Dale Thompson
07-23-2006, 8:46 PM
Frank (Goin’ down down down, Goin’ down down…)

Hey Arena,
I'm here for you - AGAIN!! :) I'll try to help but just remember that I finished 158th in a field of 46 the last time REAL bonkers were on the line. :( Even "Ice Cream Al" beat me out by a gallon and a half. ;)

Whatever, lets think about cigarette "bonkers". :cool: I'm trying to quit and have reduced my consumption from about 50/day to about 10/day. :) Anything that we can do to "Bonk" those last ten would be GREAT!! :eek: :)

By the way, you should quit also. :( You are WAAAY too smart to mess yourself up the way that I have!! :) :)

Dale T.

Frank Chaffee
07-24-2006, 9:28 PM
Could this be love?

I had thought I would wait for Tyler to have turning time too before I put the metal to the woodle so we could both initiate our Jet Minis at the same time. However, as I leave for two weeks in AZ tomorrow am I could not resist picking up a tool that looked like it would do the job of turning a square post into a round one and firing up the lathe.

Normally, and especially when I have no Boss exhorting me towards insane deadlines, my MO is to study a subject or process to death before getting my hands dirty. Well in truth I tried to do just that, but the Robert Sorby CD locked up my virile computer and I do not have a DVD player to view the Bill Grumbine dvd.

So what to do?

I dove, admittedly into the shallows of the Abyss, and have been rewarded with the sounds of tic tic tic and tock tock tock, as my blank gave up its shoulders to my gouge!!!

But then, the whispered whirr that emitted from this walnut blank as it became round under my gouge was so seductive it brought tears to my eyes.
Thank you all, and Tyler, I expect that your first time, at Five Barns, was as good as mine here.


PS: I see that when I return from AZ in two weeks I will spend a lot of time turning!

Ken Fitzgerald
07-24-2006, 9:40 PM
Ah Frank! You have the good beginnings of a nice bonker!

Keith Burns
07-24-2006, 9:59 PM
Frank, you are off to a great start, well you are off to a start, which is more than I can say about Tyler. :D Why did you stop, there's still daylight left. Can't wat to see it complete:) :)

Don Baer
07-24-2006, 10:30 PM
Great start Frank. Tyler he has clearly alid down the gauntlet. Whers your offering to the turning gods..

Andy Hoyt
07-24-2006, 10:40 PM
..... PS: I see that when I return from AZ in two weeks I will spend a lot of time turning! Psssst - Hey buddy! It's portable.

Frank Chaffee
07-24-2006, 11:49 PM
Frank wins the race by a half bonker
Before we jump to conclusions Andy let us recall the story of the Hare and the Tortoise…

…And is half a bonker offered better than none?

Tyler my friend, together we agreed to deceive one another, and together we must venture into the unknown depths of the Abyss.

Catch up with you later…I gotta take a nap.


John Miliunas
07-25-2006, 9:15 PM
OK, so at least, you made some chips and can now start to understand a bit more about this maddening sickness we call "turning"!!! :D Keep at it bud! Soon as you get back from AZ, I expect to see a completed bonker!!! :) :cool:

Tyler Howell
07-29-2006, 11:36 AM
OK I'm in!
Let's get started.

Frank Fusco
08-11-2006, 2:21 PM
Where are the rest of the bonkers? I made one and I'm not even the right Frank. :p