View Full Version : Want to get humble ??

Jim King
07-17-2006, 4:24 PM
This morning I had a surprise visit from a turner/woodworker from Australia. Take a look at this web site :


His work just looks at first as some more turnings like we all do until you take a closer look and note that some are about 4 foot in dia. and 5 foot tall.

To put a twist on the story he was in Guyana and Suriname last week the same days I was and he was looking for a snake wood tree to get a photograph of one in the jungle. We did not meet there but we did talk to some of the same people. He didnīt find one but arrived here last night unknowing that tomorrow we are going to the jungle to verify a report of snake wood growing here. By tomorrow night we should know if it is true or not and maybe his dream of photographing a snake wood tree will come true in a place neither he nor I thought possible just a few days ago.

It is a small world and if our adventure turns out to be true tomorrow there will be a bunch of happy people.

Mark Singer
07-17-2006, 4:37 PM
Do you live in Iquitos? ...That is in the jungle in Peru....I was in Machupichu...Cusco...CajaMarca... and the Sacred Valley...What is it like in Iquitos?...I may go again in the fall

Jim King
07-17-2006, 5:11 PM
Mark: We for sure live in Iquitos. You would enjoy a trip here if you are returning to Peru. We will fill you up with all the wood you want to pay excess bagage on. Here is the local newspaper made for tourists-dont beleive it all. http://iquitostimes.com/ . To get here you have to come from Lima as that is the only way. Direct 1 hour 20 min. flights leave Lima about 5 in the morning and after 5 in the evening. Reason being there are too many birds in the daylight hours so the planes have to arrive here and leave here when the birds are sleeping. No joke.

Everyone enjoys a visit here.

Corey Hallagan
07-17-2006, 7:43 PM
Awesome Jim. Thanks for posting.


Vaughn McMillan
07-18-2006, 7:31 AM
That's amazing stuff, Jim. What in the world kind of lathe does it take to do those? And do you suppose he unplugged it before doing this? :eek: :p


Mark, if you haven't already, you should read Jim King's Turner Interview and check out his website. He lives a charmed life in a woodworker's dream candy store.

- Vaughn

Mark Cothren
07-18-2006, 8:24 AM
Man, that is some kind of impressive! Thanks for sharing, Jim!

Keep us posted on the snakewood tree. I'd love to see a picture of it, myself.

Wally Lloyd
07-18-2006, 4:44 PM
This lathe is a pattern makers lathe, only a few were ever made. Vince found this one in the U.K. some years ago.Then he had it shipped to Australia.

Vaughn McMillan
07-18-2006, 5:25 PM
Thanks for the additional info, Wally.

I meant to welcome you to the Creek last time I saw a post from you. We don't see a lot of folks from Iquitos. I'm guessing you've met Jim? :p :D

- Vaughn

Wally Lloyd
07-18-2006, 7:36 PM
I actually work for Jim, if you can call it work!!! I still find peices of wood that I carry to the office to show Jim!!
Right now I'm with Vince, drinking Rum and Coke, but I'm still working!! Right!!!!