View Full Version : just got back

Scott Thornton
07-09-2006, 8:30 PM
Was out of town this weekend and spent a few hours in Rockler and Woodcraft...ouch!!! That hurt the pocket book.

I did refrain from buying a Leigh D4 jig, both stores talked me out of it, since I really only do drawers. So I'm still in the market for a dovetail jig.

I also almost bought a Festool 1400 router and vac combo. I just didn't think that would go over with my wife very well, as she had to drive around the towns with the kids while I shopped. If anyone is in the market and hasn't seen one in person, I was extremely impressed with the circular saw/guide rail system, that is very slick. The Festool 3HP router is very big, seemed a lot bigger than my M12V.

I also got a few Sorby chisels, those things out of the box (or plastic) are alsmost sharp enough to shave with.

Anyway, had a good time, bought lots of stuff. Hopefully I won't get my fingers stuck together with the 2P10!

Allen Bookout
07-09-2006, 9:31 PM

I am just curious. What dovetail jig did they recommend for doing just drawers? Are the drawers for cabinets or for furniture or both?

Not trying to start a dovetai jig war.


John Timberlake
07-09-2006, 9:50 PM
I use the Leigh on drawers sometime. Sometime I do them by hand. I don't like the way the fixed distance dovetail jigs look.

Scott Thornton
07-09-2006, 11:18 PM
Both stores recommended the Porter Cable actually for those not needing the larger style dovetail jigs. Rockler "mentioned" their brand, but both stores recommended the Porter Cable. They said it is very easy to use and is very repeatable, obviously, since the teeth don't move.

Allen Bookout
07-09-2006, 11:38 PM
Thanks Scott,

The guys that have the PC jig seem to have good things to say about it.

I have the Akeda and really like it but is a lot of extra bucks if you do not need variable spaceing.


Jim Becker
07-10-2006, 9:47 AM
'Nothing like a nice shopping trip to the local woodworker's candy store!!

Most of the dovetails I cut with my D4 are for drawers...where I also prefer variable spacing/size. But if that's not on your place, the PC is a fine choice for half-blind work. Good product.