View Full Version : Free Old Tools in Fort Myers, Florida Area

Art Davis
07-08-2006, 10:30 PM
Is there anyone here who is interested in sorting through a lot of old junk with the understanding that he or she can keep anything they are interested in?

The story is this. My father-in-law, who was a long time tool and die man for Chrysler in Detroit, retired and moved to Florida many years ago. Due to the fact that he and his wife fell into ill health some time ago, my wife and her siblings have moved them back to Michigan, where they will receive better care.

This week, my wife and one of her brothers are in Fort Myers to clean up their father's house to get it ready to dispose of. Due to their poor health, my father-in-law and mother-in-law allowed the house to become very run down. In brief, it's a disaster. However, my father-in-law was a pack rat and saved almost everything that came through his hands. As I understand things, there are a lot of old tools from the fifties and earlier---buried in a mountain of junk in the garage. It would be a shame for them to go to the public dump.

So, if anyone is interested, you are welcome to sift through it before the garbage collectors come (this coming Wednesday, I understand). I'd love to do this myself, but was unable to accompany my wife from Oregon, where we reside.

I would ask you to send me a PM, but I think that is impossible currently with the IP address problem on the Creek server. So, how about this? If you are interested, send me an e-mail any old way at adavis@email.sjsu.edu , and I will send you my wife's cell phone number and you can call her to set up a time to drop by.

Who knows, maybe there's a PM66 hiding out in the junk! Just kidding, but there certainly might be some valuable tools in the mess.



Art Davis
07-09-2006, 12:15 AM
Bump to the top.

Richard Blaine
07-09-2006, 1:14 AM
Thanks for the offer Art, but I'm a west coast boy also. Good luck to whomever takes you up on this generous offer.

Kristian Wild
07-09-2006, 9:46 AM
Wow Art, thanks for that amazingly generous offer! I unfortunately am also on the wrong side of the continent...
I'm going through the "father-in-law-in-failing-health" situation too. My thoughts are with you and your wife.
