View Full Version : Oak Burl Completed

Christopher K. Hartley
07-08-2006, 2:35 PM
Well with everyones help, a bunch of CA and a lot of patience I think we may have completed this one. It received your attention earlier in this post: http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=38962 It is 6" Tall 6 1/2" at the opening and 2 1/2" at the base. Finished with 3 coats of Deft. I know it needs a lot of help and I'm open to comments, but it was the toughest bowl I have done to date.:o I just couldn't get it completely smooth. Thanks to everyone who helped.:)

Ken Fitzgerald
07-08-2006, 2:40 PM
Christopher..........That is one gnarly beauty! Great job on a beautiful difficult piece of wood!

John Miliunas
07-08-2006, 2:58 PM
Chris, you're rapidly becoming the "King of Oak"!!! :) That's wonderful and worth the efforts you went throug to save it! Oak is tough but, I can't hardly imagine working through all that burl on top of it all! :eek: Great job! :) :cool:

Bernie Weishapl
07-08-2006, 3:04 PM
Chris ya did good. I like it. Lots of work for such a rewarding piece. You should be proud. Nice work.

Corey Hallagan
07-08-2006, 3:07 PM
Looks good Chris! You pulled it off!


Henry C. Gernhardt, III
07-08-2006, 3:57 PM
Very nice, Chris. Another great job with some challenging wood!

Ernie Nyvall
07-08-2006, 4:57 PM
I just couldn't get it completely smooth.

Chris, I don't know what you mean by that unless it is all the little natural indents and inclusions, and in that case it's worth more.:D I am proud to know you with that kind of sanding job you do on OAK BURL.

I've been to a few craft fairs since I've had my lathe and seen a lot of bowls. Some of the people have had some of the nicest forms and beautiful wood, but you could see the sanding scratches in their pieces. That is just not acceptable to me, especially for a pro.

Anyway, your attention to that detail... on OAK BURL... is making you a fine turner. Oh, I like this form too. Very nice job.


Cecil Arnold
07-08-2006, 7:05 PM
Chris, you really beat that piece of Oak into something nice. Well done.

Glenn Hodges
07-08-2006, 10:00 PM
Mr. Chris when you display this one you had better post a guard with a shotgun.

Christopher K. Hartley
07-09-2006, 11:25 AM
Thanks everyone for the support and kind words. I wouldn't be able to do any of this without the help and support here in the Creek. You Folks are great.:)

Tom Sherman
07-09-2006, 2:04 PM
Chris I think that Oak finally got the message that resistance is futile. Good save and excellent work.