View Full Version : New Rikon Lathe ?

Don Baer
07-06-2006, 12:27 PM
After visiting a fellow creeker yesterday (more on this later) I stopped in at the local (Chandler AZ) woodcraft for a visit. While talking to the manager of the store we were discussing among other things Lathes. I bought my Rikon from him and he was asking my I liked it. I told him that I thought that for the money it was a great machine and would do me fine until I was ready to step up to a bigger machine. I also told him that un til I get into the new house LOML would kill me if I bought any more woodworking equiptment. He mentioned that in the not to distant future that Rikon was going to come up with a new, bigger lathe. I asked him the size and he said from what he new if would be a 2042 machine. Has anyone else heard about this?

Andy Hoyt
07-06-2006, 1:09 PM
Don - I've seen it!

And so did the rest of the guys visiting Dick Parr weekend before last. There was one in the Knoxville WC in their class room. 2042 is about right. It looked reasonably sturdy. Sorry, no specs or pics. Upon querying the staff we were only able to learn that it will hit the market "later this year".

My hunch? I'll betcha a jar of jellybeans that it was designed to compete against the PM 2035 in the features and price categories. Of course those two mean that quality will likely be sacrificed. Hope not. Time will tell.

Jerry Vander Till
07-06-2006, 9:39 PM
I really like my Rikon Mini so if it's true, I'll definitely give it serious consideration when I upgrade.

Note I said "when I upgrade". I already see the writing on the wall:eek:

Mike Vickery
07-07-2006, 12:26 PM
Not sure if you were planning to or not but check out the az woodturners association. I just joined a couple months ago and they have some members that do fantastic work including a couple pro turners.
Glad to have naother turner near by.

Don Baer
07-07-2006, 8:39 PM
Not sure if you were planning to or not but check out the az woodturners association. I just joined a couple months ago and they have some members that do fantastic work including a couple pro turners.
Glad to have naother turner near by.

I'll have to check them out. Since were going to me neighbors maybe I can attend a meeting as your guest. I'll be over full time in August and the house won't be done for several months :( so I'll have some spare time on weekends to get to know the club. Thanks for the info. Looking at there web site it looks like they can be an amasing resource.