View Full Version : My year in turning - pens

Wayne Bitting
07-04-2006, 8:54 PM
The pens are satin comfort pens from PSI. Based on advise from the sales man I skipped out on the comfort grip on the pens. I think they distract too much from the wood, but my wife wanted them on her set, but agrees that she would like it better if it didn’t have the grippers. All pens sanded to 400 grit, steel wool with the finest grade (0000?) then EEE ultrashine and HUT perfect pen polish brown and white. I’m hoping the next batch I will start working on learning a CA finish method.

From top to bottom: yellowheart, purpleheart, tamboti, kiaat, and the bottom two are leopard wood. All of these I did last week. Feel free to make any good/bad comments – I’m here to learn!!!

Vaughn McMillan
07-04-2006, 9:13 PM
Welcome to the Creek, Wayne. Wow, looks like you've had a busy year so far. Good job on the bowls, bottle stoppers, and pens. I really like the satin pen kits...I need to try a few of them myself.

- Vaughn

Bernie Weishapl
07-04-2006, 10:48 PM
Beautiful job on the pens Wayne. Those are some good looking pens. I prefer satin myself.

Corey Hallagan
07-05-2006, 12:09 AM
Very nice there Wayne. I love that kit myself. They look great!! Wayne, give the Enduro a try. It is applied much in the way that CA is however, doesn't have the learning curve. You will need some Micro Mesh as well. Makes a nice finish. No smell either as it is a water base poly product. Again, some beautiful pens. That Purple heart and the burl below it are really good looking pens!
