View Full Version : Done with turning!!!

John Miliunas
07-04-2006, 5:55 PM
Well folks, I've given it a LOT of thought, talked to the LOML about it and finally decided to throw in the towel. Yeah, you heard that right. :( Sheeesh...After seeing all the wonderful stuff you guys produce on such a regular basis, it's just getting too tough for me too look at, knowing dern good 'n well that I can't even hold a candle to most of the "newbies" out here, much less the veterans! :( A "first" NE bowl or a "first" HF or all those fantastic boxes, orts and plates and platters out there. More often than not, I chuck something up on the old spinny thing and it ends up coming off the lathe in a gazillion pieces. Oh, and let's not forget the last small plate I tried; Moma wanted it nice and thin. Yeah, "thin" but, not "see through", as in blowing right through the side of it! :mad: I could go on and on but, what's the point? :o

So, with a heavy heart, I'm now laying down my turning tools, unplugging both lathes and leaving the Spinny World to the folks who actually know what they're doing!!! :) Besides, I'm scheduled for hand surgery tomorrow morning and, between the surgical wrap and two casts, I won't even be able to hold a tool for about 5 or 6 weeks!!! :mad: Oh, I never did say I was done with turning forever, now did I????? :p Not sure how good my typing skills will be for a while, either and, needless to say, it's my right hand and yes, I'm right-handed! :eek:

In the meantime, this is John, in Wisconsin, just waiting to see who'll be abysserated next! :cool:

Philip Duffy
07-04-2006, 6:04 PM
Ok, John, so we will see you in September, just like the song. Phil

Bruce Shiverdecker
07-04-2006, 6:23 PM
Keep the faith! We'll be listening for the sound of "Spinning" in September.


Christopher K. Hartley
07-04-2006, 6:30 PM
John you've been a real encouragement to me personally and I would guess to many others as well. Here's to you getting past this thing, getting better and coming back to show everyone that one good spin deserves another. I'm remembering you in my prayers. Thanks for all you do!:)

Raymond Overman
07-04-2006, 6:31 PM

I've heard this line of thought before. There is no support group or half-way house for turners that I know of so you'll be back in no time. Just remember, re-hab is for quitters.

Good luck with the surgery. I hope everything turns out well.

Ken Fitzgerald
07-04-2006, 7:05 PM
John.........As one of the original planners for the "bombing" run on me.....you won't get one iota of sympathy! You are one of those who SHOVED me into the vortex. My wallet and credit card gets little rest these days. My wife is complaining about being a "turning widow" and you come here looking for sympathy?.......HA! Ha!.........There is NO rehab for the turning addiction.......Just a RETURN to the addiction!.........Take care my friend! You'll be in my thoughts and prayers!....And you'll RETURN to turning!

John Miliunas
07-04-2006, 7:12 PM
John.........As one of the original planners for the "bombing" run on me.....

"bombing run"???? What bombing run??? :confused: Me??? Planner???? You must have me mistaken for someone who doesn't have to think of when to take my next breathe!!! :rolleyes: Nope. I'm pleading the 5th, 6th, 7th and whatever Amendments there are pertaining to this despicable accusation!!! :D :cool:

Cecil Arnold
07-04-2006, 7:12 PM
John, good luck on the surgery. If tod evans can do it with one finger you surely can do it with a good hand, and I really know what you mean about the other turners around here.

Ron Jones near Indy
07-04-2006, 7:39 PM
Good luck with your surgery. May your recovery period be short and painless. As for this turning thing, I'm afraid it's sometimes addictive. If you can go for the recovery time and then another 6 weeks without touching a lathe, you are well on the road to recovery. I don't think you will make it.;)

Don Baer
07-04-2006, 7:43 PM
Once a turner, always a turner. to parphrase the Gov. of Kali-foria. "you'll e baack".
Heck I'm having withdrawls since my spinney thing is in California and I'm in AZ..:(

laurie sullivan
07-04-2006, 8:08 PM
good luck john, hope the surgery and recovery goes well.

as for everyone else, to keep his addiction alive and to make sure the vortex is still open. we all should send him a little something turned each month. :D


Travis Stinson
07-04-2006, 8:10 PM
Good luck with the surgery John. Hurry back into the saddle!

Andy Hoyt
07-04-2006, 8:27 PM
Don't kid yourself there, buddy boy. Your typing skills were never any good to begin with. Put that Chevyvegathingamabob up on blocks and heal quick!

In the meantime, I nominate Professor Pipe to assume your moderating duties while you're out by the pool sippin' margaritas - I mean recovering.

John Miliunas
07-04-2006, 8:34 PM
Thanks for all the well wishes, folks! You're all most kind! :) I had the same surgery on my left hand a little over a year ago so, I already know what I'm in for. Let's just say it's not real pleasant. :o OTOH (pun intended :D), a year after the surgery and there's little or no pain in that hand! This is a good thing and I'm hopeful it will turn out as well for this one. I actually made the decision and appointment for this about a month ago. Needless to say, my "honey-do" list grew exponentially as soon as I told the wife about it. And I quote: "Well, you're gonna' be pretty useless for a few months after the surgery so, this is stuff I need done before that!" Sheeesh....Such compassion! :eek: She's right, though and I've been busy with said assignments right up until this afternoon. :rolleyes: I will, however, have the time now to sit in front of the tube in the shop and go through a bunch of my instructional DVD's, not the least of which is, Bill Grumbine's latest one, which I just received yesterday!! (Yippppeeeee!) Thanks again!:) :cool:

Steve Ash
07-04-2006, 8:49 PM
John, you know I hope all goes well for you as I am sure it will. I'd tell you what is in store for you since Judy had the same thing done earlier...but you were the one who coached us through what was going to happen which was much appreciated, so I am not able to offer any insight since you know full well what is involved.

That being said....use your other hand and call when you feel like babbling :D

Best of luck from the both of us!

Steve and Judy

Vaughn McMillan
07-04-2006, 9:02 PM
What a quitter! Gonna let a few newbies scare you off, then use some Nancy-boy lame "my hand hurts" excuse? A real turner would ignore the pain, and get a chisel handle grip molded into the cast. And like it. :p

Seriously John, here's hoping for a speedy and pain-free (as possible) recovery. I know you already have an idea what to expect, but hopefully this repair will go even better than the last one. All the best wishes to you.

- Vaughn

Tom Hamilton
07-04-2006, 9:11 PM
Hey John, surgery is no fun...even minor surgery like you are having...isn't minor surgery any surgery than someone else is having? ;)

Here's prayers for you surgical team, your sweet wife and family and your persistence and patience during recovery.

All the best and back to the shop soon, Tom in Houston, glad he is not facing your tomorrow.

Jim Becker
07-04-2006, 10:23 PM
Once assimilated...always assimilated, even if one is distracted from time to time. (Don't I know...) Best wishes on the hand surgery. If my right continues to hurt like it is "as we speak", I may follow you down that road someday...

Bernie Weishapl
07-04-2006, 10:33 PM
John best wishes on your hand surgery. My prayers are with ya buddy. I hope it turns out that you have no pain and can get back in the saddle soon. Keep us informed John. Will be thinking about ya.

Barry Stratton
07-04-2006, 10:54 PM
Best wishes for a speedy recovery John. And we need you back, who else will keep Frank and Dale in check?????????

Ernie Nyvall
07-04-2006, 11:20 PM
Come on now John. I once broke three legs and four arms and I still stood at the lathe, on broken glass bare footed. Although seventeen of my teeth were crushed I still had some left to hold the tools. Be a man.:D

Seriously, get yourself well. I pray for you a speedy recovery.


Tony Falotico
07-04-2006, 11:24 PM
John, best wishes on the surgery. I'll be keeping you in my prayers for a successful surgery and speedy recovery.


John Miliunas
07-04-2006, 11:46 PM
Thanks again, folks! You're THE BEST!!!! :D This is probably my last post here until sometime after the surgery. If it goes as well as last time, I'll still be able to type, albeit using my left thumb for the space bar.:rolleyes: Fear not...I'll be out here attempting to keep Frank, Dale and the rest of you characters "in check"! :D Catch ya-all later.... :) :cool:

Curt Fuller
07-04-2006, 11:47 PM
Good luck with the surgery and I hope you heal quickly. In the mean time keep the wit and wisdom flowing, even if it's single handed.

Roy Wall
07-04-2006, 11:51 PM
Hey John!!

SOme serious prayers from the KC area are heading your way!! You'll be good to go soon........

You are a great help ( especially to me) to all of us on SMC!!

We are with you friend!!!

(should have a thread by the weekend for you to look at...:cool: )

Dennis Peacock
07-04-2006, 11:53 PM
Best of luck with the surgery John. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers for a quick, full, and super speedy recovery.

Corey Hallagan
07-05-2006, 12:04 AM
John, good luck on the surgery. I hope you find time to check out the forums at least. You will probably be back in the saddle soon and feel a whole lot different about it, if not, well there is lots of other stuff to do in your shop I am sure :) Take care John!


David Wilson
07-05-2006, 8:42 AM
John ; Best of luck on your surgery It won't be long and you will be right back in the spin of things.

Jeff Myers
07-05-2006, 8:44 AM
Take the handle off a 1/2" fingernail ground gouge and take the gouge
to surgery with you and see if they'll wrap it in the casting!!:D

Seriously, I'm sure all will go fine and you'll be back in the chips in no time. Learn to type "lefty" and keep us posted.

Jeff Sudmeier
07-05-2006, 11:02 AM
Well folks, I've given it a LOT of thought, talked to the LOML about it and finally decided to throw in the towel. Yeah, you heard that right. :( Sheeesh...After seeing all the wonderful stuff you guys produce on such a regular basis, it's just getting too tough for me too look at, knowing dern good 'n well that I can't even hold a candle to most of the "newbies" out here, much less the veterans! :( A "first" NE bowl or a "first" HF or all those fantastic boxes, orts and plates and platters out there. More often than not, I chuck something up on the old spinny thing and it ends up coming off the lathe in a gazillion pieces. Oh, and let's not forget the last small plate I tried; Moma wanted it nice and thin. Yeah, "thin" but, not "see through", as in blowing right through the side of it! :mad: I could go on and on but, what's the point? :o

So, with a heavy heart, I'm now laying down my turning tools, unplugging both lathes and leaving the Spinny World to the folks who actually know what they're doing!!! :) Besides, I'm scheduled for hand surgery tomorrow morning and, between the surgical wrap and two casts, I won't even be able to hold a tool for about 5 or 6 weeks!!! :mad: Oh, I never did say I was done with turning forever, now did I????? :p Not sure how good my typing skills will be for a while, either and, needless to say, it's my right hand and yes, I'm right-handed! :eek:

In the meantime, this is John, in Wisconsin, just waiting to see who'll be abysserated next! :cool:

Well John, good thing you didn't tell me that when I was there a couple days ago!! I may have just had to figure out how to load that vega into the trunk of my car!!! :)

Good luck with the surgery (Today)!!!

Ed Breen
07-05-2006, 11:03 AM
Good fortune with your surgery! If prayers from an old reprobate will help count on mine! Know what you mean about the beautiful work on display. I'll never get that good, but the curls coming off the wood are intoxicating and I can't stop.

Tom Sherman
07-05-2006, 11:42 AM
John prayers coming your way from Virginia as well. Whil I managed to dodge the surgery bullet, the doc wants me to be off from work for another 4 weeks but he did say that I could resume my efforts in the shop. Got that word on Monday now that the holiday is behind us I plan to follow his advise.

A speedy recovery and RETURN to the spinny thing.

George Conklin
07-05-2006, 12:03 PM
Hi John.

Are there any rules about turning with your feet?:p ;)

Get well soon and type left handed:D .

Mark Pruitt
07-05-2006, 1:25 PM
John, Best wishes for a speedy recovery! Most of all, BE PATIENT with your recovery and don't do things the doc says not to do. I'll be having hand surgery later this year and I'm already dreading it, but it's one of those things that have to be done.
Best to you,

Michael Stafford
07-05-2006, 1:49 PM
I wish you Godspeed and a full recovery. I know it must be frustrating to have limited mobility and a lot of pain....I wish you the best and know that we are all thinking of you....

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
07-05-2006, 3:31 PM
Good luck John, any kind of surgery is not a great thing, but it sounds like the pain now will make for an improvement later.

....oh, and this one time, no pics please ;) :D

Frank Chaffee
07-05-2006, 4:44 PM
Been thinking of you all day.

I look forward to the day your right hand is as improved from surgery as your left. Then I won’t need to be so careful when I high five your canoe paddle sized paws.

PM sent w/ cell #... call me anytime you need a hand, or two.


Lee DeRaud
07-05-2006, 4:52 PM
Can't you inconsiderate people take this poor man at his word? If he says he's done with turning, then so be it, he's done with turning. And he certainly doesn't need a a whole mob of people second-guessing his decision.

What we ought to be figuring out is...who gets his lathe? :D :cool: :D :cool: :D :cool:

Frank Chaffee
07-05-2006, 5:03 PM
…What we ought to be figuring out is...who gets his lathe? :D :cool: :D :cool: :D :cool:
That was my first thot as well Lee when I read this thread, but then John had to go and qualify with

Oh, I never did say I was done with turning forever, now did I????? :p In the meantime, this is John, in Wisconsin, just waiting to see who'll be abysserated next! :cool:
Darn, I helped him move that Vega in there, and I’m sure I could have gotten it out too, given half a chance.


Lee DeRaud
07-05-2006, 5:13 PM
Darn, I helped him move that Vega in there, and I’m sure I could have gotten it out too, given half a chance.Smart thing would be to wait until his hand heals, so he can help you load it up. :p

Keith Burns
07-05-2006, 5:13 PM
John, better late than never. I hope all went well today and hope you have a speedy recovery. Once healed you will have no more excuses:D

Frank Chaffee
07-05-2006, 5:32 PM
Smart thing would be to wait until his hand heals, so he can help you load it up. :p
Well Lee,
I’ve seen John steam full speed ahead whether fate or karma appear to be furthering his goals or reigning them in, so if he is determined to turn it would take much more than the temporary loss of a hand's use to stop him.


Glenn Hodges
07-05-2006, 5:52 PM
It must be worth what you are going to indure. Sorry you must do it, but good luck.

Jerry Olexa
07-05-2006, 7:49 PM
John: I wish you well. I hope this surgery will do as well as the first...Take care...Our prayers are with you. Take it easy.. Time heals all wounds. You'll be back in action soon:)

Henry C. Gernhardt, III
07-06-2006, 2:57 AM
John, I hope the surgery goes well, and may you have a speedy and healthful recovery. My prayers and thoughts go with you.