View Full Version : Who Sells Machined Decorative Carvings??

Norman Hitt
06-30-2006, 4:47 AM
I need to find a supplier for decorative machined carvings, and I used to see ads for all types of carvings but can't find one now that I need it. My friend's LOHL wants me to glue on a wood carving of something like Dolphins Jumping, or some other fish scene in the center of the top rail on the faceframe of the aquarium stand and I guess I don't know what to call these ornaments, because I have come up empty on a Google search.:confused::o I know that I used to get catalogues that had a lot of Decorative Carvings or Mouldings, some of wood, and some from plastic or plaster of paris, but I can't find anything like that in anything that I have now.:( We did find locally the two curved limbs/leaves (or whatever you call them), to go on either side of the center decoration, but even Hobby Lobby and ALL the Big Boxes bins were bare.

Please...... HELP!!!!!!!:eek: If you have ANY ideas of where to find something like this, "please speak up", because I want to FINISH this thing. (Too many changes already, and the longer it sits here, I'm sure there will be more changes to make).:rolleyes::D Tomorrow I'll fit the back and temporarily install it, install the magnetic catches and the UHMW "Slider Feet", and it could go to their Grandpa's so he can put the finish on it, that is, IF I HAD THE CARVINGS glued on it.

On another thought, has anyone glued this type of thing on AFTER the finish was put on, and if so what did you glue them on with?


Per Swenson
06-30-2006, 5:54 AM
Morning Norm,

Look here first, http://www.tapeease.com/hand_carved_Capitals.htm

You will find that they are reasonably priced.

Then, remember google is your freind, try carved onlays.


tod evans
06-30-2006, 7:02 AM
raymond enkeboll has some of the nicest i`ve seen..02 tod


glenn bradley
06-30-2006, 9:03 AM
Glueing to the finish is generally not recommended. I don't know about dolphins but here's a start:



Overall search:


Good luck and be quick; someone will want a hand crank or a CD player installed in it if you don't finish soon! LOL!

Frank Fusco
06-30-2006, 9:21 AM
I will have my Terrco duplicator set up in a couple months. If you still need them, write me.

Mike Alagna
06-30-2006, 9:28 AM
Here are a few different suppliers that I have used that carry carvings, turnings, and other type items like this. Enkabol, Osbourne Wood Products, Outwater Products, Adams Wood Products, Vandykes Hardware. I would try Outwater first, they have a lot of carvings and appliques in wood and other materials like resin and plaster.

Carl Eyman
06-30-2006, 10:12 AM
Constantine, www.constantines.com. I don't know how good their on line catalog is, but I have their paper catalog and they seem to have quite a bit of stuff.

Norman Hitt
06-30-2006, 5:29 PM
I just kept drawing a blank,:o because I was searching for moldings, and just could NOT remember "Applique's" and I didn't even Think of Wood Carvings.:rolleyes:

I'm sure glad this project isn't a "for pay" project or my rate / hr would be so low I could apply for welfare.:D

I really appreciate the links and references, and have been looking at all of them, and only found one "Labled Dolphins", but it is way too large and "UGLY", (who ever saw a Dolphin with SCALES on it and Puffed up Lips),:eek: so I may have to convince "HER" to use some other design on the project. One thing I have discovered is that Most of the Center Piece designs are too tall to fit a project like this, OR too short to look right, but there are a FEW that might work IF she will agree. She wanted ME to Carve her one, so I asked her if she knew what a Dolphin LOOKED LIKE, and she said "Of Course", why? I said, "Then You Certainly Don't Want Me To Carve You One if you know what they look like"..:D

Thanks again, your help is greately appreciated.

Vaughn McMillan
06-30-2006, 5:36 PM
Norman, you might try checking with some of the CarveWright and/or Shopbot folks in the Laser and CNC forum here. I would think they could do something along the lines of what you're looking for.

- Vaughn

Don Baer
06-30-2006, 5:41 PM
I really appreciate the links and references, and have been looking at all of them, and only found one "Labled Dolphins", but it is way too large and "UGLY", (who ever saw a Dolphin with SCALES on it and Puffed up Lips),:eek: so I may have to convince "HER" to use some other design on the project.

Actually Dophines are fish and do have scales. What you are looking for is a porpose and it is a mammel..:D

Dolphin=good to eat

Porpose = not goos to eat

Chris Cordina
06-30-2006, 7:11 PM
The Atlantic bottlenose dolphins are small cetaceans that have a long, beaklike snout, a falcate (sickle-shaped) dorsal fin, and sharp teeth. They are Odontoceti (toothed whales) and have one blowhole. These dolphins live in small groups called pods.

The bottlenose dolphin grows to be at most 12 feet (3.7 m) long, sometimes weighing more than 1,400 pounds (635 kg).

Chris Cordina
06-30-2006, 8:13 PM
<CENTER> </CENTER><CENTER><TR><TD width="100" valign="center">http://www.ocean.udel.edu/mas/seafood/tempimages/mahi.gif
<TR><TD>Coryphaena hippurus</TR>

</CENTER><!----------------------- Body Text----------------><CENTER><TABLE><TBODY><TR><TD width=585>Mahi-mahi is a Hawaiian word that means "strong-strong" for dolphin fish. This species is found in tropical and subtropical waters throughout the world. Generally, smaller dolphin fish range from 2-5 pounds, while 40-50 pound fish are not uncommon. Dolphin fish have a short life span of three or four years.

Dolphin fish are not to be confused with porpoises, which at times are also called dolphin.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER>

Per Swenson
06-30-2006, 8:47 PM
And we got yer mammal dolphins right here.

I know cause a freind of my best freinds cousin is a ichthyologist.
