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View Full Version : Stealth Gloat.........

Tony Falotico
09-15-2003, 8:25 PM
I'm normally just a lurker, and have never gloated before, but here goes.

When we purchased our home in Lake City, we planned on adding a free standing building dedicated to be my workshop. Well, 12 years, 3 high school diplomas (complete w/proms and all the trimmings), two college educations, innumerable cars, three weddings, and four grandchildren later............

For my Birthday today, LOML placed a down payment on my new workshop. A freestanding, 20 x 28 building, wood floors, 4 ft entry door, a 12 ft roll up door, and 9 ft ceilings. It will go approx 75 ft behind our house off to the side, nestled among sprawling oak trees.

It will go where the the fill pile is, just behind the tree to the right. It was worth the wait. Wouldn't trade the last twelve years for anything. Boy, life sure is good. BTW, the monkey on the hill is grand #2.

Ken Garlock
09-15-2003, 8:45 PM
Now after 12 years, you get to spend some money on yourself, at last :cool:

I am sure you will enjoy it. Now you have to make something nice for YLOL. It better be good :D

Congrats on the birthday and the great present....

Jim Baker
09-15-2003, 8:53 PM
Congratulations on the new shop, Tony. It looks like a wonderful opportunity for you. Enjoy it.

John Miliunas
09-15-2003, 8:56 PM
Well now, Tony, certainly seems to beat the crapola outta' getting another shirt and baseball cap for your birthday, don't it?! :D Congrats...It really sounds like you deserve it. Keep us posted and, as if you're not already having one, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :cool:

Kevin Gerstenecker
09-15-2003, 9:24 PM
Congratulations Tony, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
I love the picture too.........................little boys and a dirt pile...................Like Forrest Gump said "Goes together just like Peas and Carrots"! :D Can't wait to see the "New Digs". Sounds like it is a well deserved gift! ;)

Tony Falotico
09-15-2003, 10:15 PM
I love the picture too.........................little boys and a dirt pile...................Like Forrest Gump said "Goes together just like Peas and Carrots"!

Over the years we have spent mucho money on all sorts of high tech, educational, politically correct play items for the kids and grandkids. Had a load of dirt delivered last week and they have been on it morning till night! I told LOML that Christmas will be easy this year... just have a load of dirt delivered. If they are real good, maybe we'll get them a couple empty boxes to slide in!

Don Farr
09-16-2003, 8:23 AM
Congraulations Tony, Been there done that as they say. I'm 56 and just built mine about three years ago.
Lake City is a great little town. I know exactly where it is. Back in the 70's I lived in Gainesville and worked in High Springs. Still have folks in High Springs and Newberry.
Bet you don't have to think real hard to figure out where I worked in High Springs. Can you say "PVC pipe"?

Tony Falotico
09-16-2003, 9:38 PM
Hey Don, that's funny, it's 9:30 pm and I just got home from a public hearing in High Springs. The Town Council is trying to preserve the old time ambiance and create a Walkable / Livable community. I work for the State DOT and am charged with moving traffic through the small towns. Not exactly common goals, especially when the towns were built around the intersection of two or three major highways 75 years ago. Back then it was no problem, but today it's a different story. One day we may find the right mix ( 33% old time ambiance, 33% modern walkable/livable community and 33% ability to move traffic quickly and efficiently), but until then we butt heads. Wish there was an easy way to satisfy everyone.

Todd Burch
09-17-2003, 12:29 AM
Hey Tony - Congrats! Be sure to give the Mrs. a big hug!


Don Farr
09-17-2003, 8:12 AM
Toney check out this thread from a while back. Lots of good info.

Glenn Clabo
09-17-2003, 9:12 AM
Congrats! And don't forget to send progress pictures. Those of us who would love to have a separate shop building will love to live through the build with you.