View Full Version : PC spray gun accessories

Gary Hoemann
06-28-2006, 8:51 AM
Now that I've gotten a great deal on the PSH1 gun, what else do I need to get started. I assume an air line filter--anything else? Any recommendations?Thanks!

Allen Bookout
06-28-2006, 9:50 AM
It has been reported that the little strainer that comes with the gun that goes in the cup is useless and I can see why. So, you need to ditch that one and get some strainers from a paint store or a good hardware store and strain the paint as it is transfered from container into the gun.

Also you need to either or buy or make a gun holder to hold the gun when you need to sit it down or when you need to fill it. Does not need to be fancy. Just something that works.

Matt Meiser
06-28-2006, 11:21 AM
I'll second the gun holder. Harbor Freight sells one very cheap--cheap enough that its probably not worth the time to make one from what I remember. It also holds the filter over the cup for straining paint.

Steve Clardy
06-28-2006, 11:46 AM
Need a water seperator on the compressor, and need a filter at the gun inlet. Available at places where they sell auto paint and gun supplies.
I made a couple of gun holders, will get some pics up today.

Steve Clardy
06-28-2006, 12:37 PM
One on the end of bench for filling gun.
One on the wall to hang the guns out of the way.
Notice the plastic water filters on the end of the guns

Allen Bookout
06-28-2006, 1:08 PM

I like your wall rack. That is what I need to do.